View Full Version : testing for the cheating gene.... coming soon to a store near you....

Long Duck Dong
Jul 15, 2013, 11:59 PM

I am note sure if I want to fall out of my chair laughing.... roll my eyes and say what next, testing for the picking up after yourself gene... or wonder just how close we are to the minority report where we are considered quilty for the crime of committing a crime in the future....

seriously, I am not convinced that there is a cheat gene because cheating is not like a illness or disease that you can predict, there is too much personal interaction between people and just cos a person has the * cheat gene *... it would only come into play in a relationship where consent or permission is not given and even then, it can not test for personal choices such as deciding that the desire for the partner and the interest in the relationship is stronger than the need to shag the next door neighbor......

if DD turned up with a cheat gene kit, I would laugh and say ok, lets do it.... just cos I would love to see it say something like I am very likely to be promiscious or something like that......

so what do other people think.... would you take the test and could you do it with a serious mindset or viewing it as a party trick ?

Jul 16, 2013, 9:35 AM
I don't like the idea. It takes away the choices that people have. Just because a test might show that someone has a predisposition to be an alcoholic it doesn't mean they will ever try a drop of alcohol. I believe that everyone has the choice in their lives about how they act. Not how they feel, but how they act. :2cents: