View Full Version : What My Mom Said To Me Today

Jul 14, 2006, 12:28 AM
If anyone doesnt know I am a bisexual and well my parents are ANTIGAY. I saw 4 flags in my apartment building today. Italiian,canadian,Usa,and the gay rainbow one. I knew exactly what the rainbow flag repreented. So this is what I said.

Me-Oooh I want that rainbow flag!
*my mom looks up*
Mom-You do know what that flag represents right?
Me-Of course,I want it. Its Preeety!
Mom-Well you must be gay if you want that!
Me-Dont start an arguement with me!
*I walked off and I went into a mood*
Mom-Why cant you talk to me properlly?
Me-I have no clue *goes into mood*

Now there may be people on here that may agree with me that I have every right not to talk to my mom after she made that comment and there may be people who think it was childish and foolish,your opinions and comments are welcomed.

Jul 14, 2006, 7:14 AM
There might have been better ways of dealing with it. After all, you started the conversation by mentioning the flag. You know your mom is anti-gay, so being grumpy that she makes a vaguely anti-gay comment when you suddenly bring up the topic is kind of childish, yes. Sorry. :)

Jul 14, 2006, 2:19 PM
Im going to have to agree with canuckotter.... sorry :-(
If I know someone that doesn't like something and I do, I never bring it up cause I KNOW they'll make a negative comment over it. So you should have known that would be your moms response when you mentioned the flag.
I can understand being excited and saying it without thinking and I think rainbows are pretty too :-)

But sometimes we have to be careful when we see something we like and the person we're with clearly doesn't like it, if you have to mention it and get a response you don't like, STOP THERE... just change the subject to something else don't get grumpy cause you did start it.

Next time you see a pretty rainbow flag, just think to yourself "oooh i gotta get it someday" rather than outloud :-)


Jul 14, 2006, 2:41 PM
Well personally I am annoyed that the gay movement has hijacked the rainbow and made it into a "gay" symbol....if anything the rainbow should represent ALL of us....straight, gay, bisexual, black, white, male, female... the entire spectrum of humanity, not something so devisive as your post shows so clearly.

Jul 14, 2006, 4:35 PM
I never thought my mom would make a response to it,I thought she would brush it off and whatever but obviously she didnt. Thank you for your responses tho.

Jul 14, 2006, 5:08 PM
You're young. You're testing your limits and boundaries. Childishness is often in the eye of the beholder, and either way, you're more than entitled. I lean towards cutting ya some slack here.

Jul 14, 2006, 6:27 PM
Sorry hun, if you were out to your mother and she said those things I would be more inclined to agree with your feeling she was being difficult with you. But since you know how anti-gay your parents are and have told us of other occassions with them, you should not have brought it up, just in the chance that she might go off on you. In some ways she may be saying these things to you because she believes you are and is testing your reactons to what she has to say about it.

Jul 14, 2006, 7:00 PM
Here comes the :soapbox:. For all of you older people and parents: I mean no disrepect to my parents or to you at all.

I love my parents, even through their shortcomings. I just wish they would look over the fence sometimes. But my parents are the typical zealot Christians. They're not so much anti-gay as they are anti-people who aren't like them. They're the more politically correct nazis. They say they don't mind gay people as long as they keep their business to themselves. But I grew up hearing defamartory remarks all the time. They say they don't mind African-Americans, but I'm still trying to undo all the racism bred into me. They say they "understand" the impoverished, yet God forbid I get six months of social services when I moved out of their house.

I'm seen as childish by my extended family because I 'start arguments' with my parents (and my grandmother who is the exact same). They've known I like girls since they caught me looking at my dad's collection, shall we say, of scantily-clad ladies when I was 13. It was written off as a phase and it was never brought up again. But I never fail to bring up my gay friends and the "poor" people I help at work.

I understand your plight completely. It's a way to exist in their world because they will never acknowledge you for who you are. They refused to see you as anything but what they want to see.

My husband and I make twice the average of what our peers are making. We're raising our 4-year-old as an itelligent and respectful human being. We don't do drugs, we don't drink often at all. We have paid for three cars and don't have a payment on any of them. We save more money than we spend. And we live in an above-average neighborhood. But my parents only acknowledge the things I have done or my habits that they see as "trashy" such as piercings and tattoos. Being childish and saying things like x_Love_me_4_me_x did are my way of making them realize that I don't need their approval.

You have my support and understanding x_Love_me_4_me_x :banghead:

Off my :soapbox:

I think I've given you all more than 2 cents...
:2cents: :2cents: :2cents: :2cents: :2cents:

Jul 14, 2006, 7:19 PM
Here comes the :soapbox:. For all of you older people and parents: I mean no disrepect to my parents or to you at all.

I love my parents, even through their shortcomings. I just wish they would look over the fence sometimes. But my parents are the typical zealot Christians. They're not so much anti-gay as they are anti-people who aren't like them. They're the more politically correct nazis. They say they don't mind gay people as long as they keep their business to themselves. But I grew up hearing defamartory remarks all the time. They say they don't mind African-Americans, but I'm still trying to undo all the racism bred into me. They say they "understand" the impoverished, yet God forbid I get six months of social services when I moved out of their house.

I'm seen as childish by my extended family because I 'start arguments' with my parents (and my grandmother who is the exact same). They've known I like girls since they caught me looking at my dad's collection, shall we say, of scantily-clad ladies when I was 13. It was written off as a phase and it was never brought up again. But I never fail to bring up my gay friends and the "poor" people I help at work.

I understand your plight completely. It's a way to exist in their world because they will never acknowledge you for who you are. They refused to see you as anything but what they want to see.

My husband and I make twice the average of what our peers are making. We're raising our 4-year-old as an itelligent and respectful human being. We don't do drugs, we don't drink often at all. We have paid for three cars and don't have a payment on any of them. We save more money than we spend. And we live in an above-average neighborhood. But my parents only acknowledge the things I have done or my habits that they see as "trashy" such as piercings and tattoos. Being childish and saying things like x_Love_me_4_me_x did are my way of making them realize that I don't need their approval.

You have my support and understanding x_Love_me_4_me_x :banghead:

Off my :soapbox:

I think I've given you all more than 2 cents...
:2cents: :2cents: :2cents: :2cents: :2cents:
I think that is great Wildangel and I understand where you're comming from because I had the same negative upbringing behind the oh so liberal and caring facade. I applaud you for your choice not to let their influence rule the person that you are. The one difference between you and Love me for me is that you are married and are separate from your parents and you have every right to do and say as you please. If they give you grief for it, it's their loss for pushing you away. She on the other hand is not out to her family and lives under their roof and rules. Her parents still risk losing her once she is on her own but, and this is my own opinion, you can say and do what you please when you are living independantly, but if you expect someone to support you after your 18, you either try to be civil and respectful or you move out and live your life the way you want and tell them they either like it or lump it. Your parents are always going to be your parents. You could be 100 and they'll try to ground you. You're their baby till the day they die. Some parents think their children are property and treat them as such also so either way you choose to live with it or find a way out. I still see both parents and child pushing each others buttons in this situation though. Sorry. :2cents: :2cents:

Jul 14, 2006, 8:50 PM
I think that is great Wildangel and I understand where you're comming from because I had the same negative upbringing behind the oh so liberal and caring facade. I applaud you for your choice not to let their influence rule the person that you are. The one difference between you and Love me for me is that you are married and are separate from your parents and you have every right to do and say as you please. If they give you grief for it, it's their loss for pushing you away. She on the other hand is not out to her family and lives under their roof and rules. Her parents still risk losing her once she is on her own but, and this is my own opinion, you can say and do what you please when you are living independantly, but if you expect someone to support you after your 18, you either try to be civil and respectful or you move out and live your life the way you want and tell them they either like it or lump it. Your parents are always going to be your parents. You could be 100 and they'll try to ground you. You're their baby till the day they die. Some parents think their children are property and treat them as such also so either way you choose to live with it or find a way out. I still see both parents and child pushing each others buttons in this situation though. Sorry. :2cents: :2cents:

While I know how hard it is to do that, I understand your reasoning. There could have been another soapbox, but alas, how long my life story is at 21...

Jul 14, 2006, 8:59 PM
You know, when my family and friends looks at rainbows, we never see it as a gay symbol.... just as something pretty.
I think its really stupid that anti-gays assume you have to be gay to like rainbows.... and purple!!!
Kids learn colors from rainbow type patterns don't they? Rainbow things will always be around whenever anti gays like it or not. :-)

I LOVE rainbows in the sky after a rainfall... its so pretty and I reminds me of Judy Garland's song "Over the Rainbow" Wizard of Oz, a movie Ive seen tooo many times hehe


Jul 15, 2006, 1:35 PM
and I reminds me of Judy Garland's song "Over the Rainbow" Wizard of Oz, a movie Ive seen tooo many times hehe


Yet more stereotyping, Liza Minelli is the goddess of homosexuality to many thus making Judy Garland the mother of a goddess and throwing "Over the Rainbow" into gay territory once again. Couldn't help myself, sorry.

But I completely agree with you. I don't look at a rainbow flag and think 'wow, they must be gay'. And I don't think anyone else should. Whenever I overhear someone mention something to that extreme, I can't help but remind them that the rainbow was here before gay people and will be here after them. :cool:

Jul 16, 2006, 6:36 PM
I look at that flag as the same way as you do...I dont think in my head "wow they must be gay if they have that flag" I see it as someting completely different. In agreement with what someone said on this topic that my mom might be saying such things because she has a feeling that i might be gay and wants to see my reaction,I have thought about this too and she can think that all she wants but i have learned from my friends that i wont let it get to me or break me...if it gets serious i will say something and you will deffo see a topic by me again on here.

Thank you for all your comments and support<3