View Full Version : gay themed country song... amazing and so worth watching

Long Duck Dong
Jul 9, 2013, 10:12 PM

when I read the article I was a bit unsure cos of all the hype about broke back mountain and the way that the movie was not the way that it was presented...... but me being me, I watched the vid..... and the moment it finished, I started sharing with people...

its a story in a song that many people may be able to relate to.... the desire, the interest, the hope and in a way, the disappointment,.... but the way that its portrayed is something I have seen in the stories of many gay and bi guys.... the singer steve grand, is gay but the song is not, its a song that can so real for any of us.......

may people enjoy it as much as I have... and please share it with other sites, friends and groups as I would like to see more of steve and his songs even if they are mainstream songs..... cos he is one dammed good singer

Jul 9, 2013, 10:55 PM
Wow! Just watched it Long Duck Dong. Powerful to say the least. Very nicely done, and something I have never seen before in a video. Not to mention the music is fantastic. Really hope Steve can make it in the mainstream.

Jul 10, 2013, 7:20 AM
I thought that the music video showed the conflict of a guy having a crush on another guy rather sincerely and well done. It shows the emotional romantic aspect of m2m attraction rather than cockcentric approach. I thought it over as to whether it was gay messaging without the concept that the singer/composer was gay. It does lean towards more gay than bisexual. It could be bisexual but most people would read it as gay motivated. That is ok as the composer is gay and not bi. If a couple of scenes were added showing the tormented guy with a woman as well that might show it as more bisexual.

Here is another music video taking the entire m2m interaction from the other side. ...more heterosexual. It is funny but shows the blurred lines when it comes to affection between men regardless of their sexuality.


Jul 10, 2013, 7:34 AM

I am loving this.. it resonates on so many levels. Too many nasty comments on the youtube but all love is beautiful and the way this was presented... everyone's been there.. loving someone when they don't love you back.

Jul 10, 2013, 1:40 PM
People are sharing the link to that video on Facebook----it seems for the most part to be getting positive responses--but of course---got some that are pretty nasty and vile with negative comments about "fags, queers" and worse----so sad that even if people don't like something--they have to respond so negatively and nasty about things.

I wish him success with this.

Thanks for posting.

Jul 11, 2013, 10:37 PM
I shared it on FB as well, it's just beautiful.

Jul 12, 2013, 7:48 AM

Jul 12, 2013, 5:38 PM
"In the article "Gay Country Singer: Gay Men Are Sad, Predatory Drunks? (http://gopride.com/Z8kk)" on the Bilerico Project, columnist Mark King wrote, "Gay men drink too much, feel sorry for themselves, and come on to straight dudes when their girlfriends aren't around: that's the message from the music video of newly-minted gay country singer Steve Grand. And gay media is too busy fawning over the young stud to notice."

King continued, "Aside from the fact that gay men are routinely beaten for the kind of actions Grand takes in his video, perhaps he might consider focusing his risk-taking on something truly perilous: the gay dating pool. You know, with actual gay men. That's a shark tank that takes real survival skills."

I had not originally thought about this angle. I can see the point but as biguys we know the physical danger that you would be putting yourself in by just lusting forward and kissing another guy. It is always wiser to talk first. Get the other guy to agree. It was foolish of this Steve Grand to put the image in this way. Is it real? I’m not sure. Based on comments that I’ve read I think that most biguys would discuss rather than get drunk and lust forward. A biguy might be more inclined to get drunk and spill the beans so to write about a crush or something.

I did think that there was an awful lot of touching between the two guys in the video. That would be another approach. This touching does happen sometimes between two close buds but probably not to the extent that is shown. It might be an individual to individual approach. I'm a bit inclined to wonder if this "straight" guy might in the end actually end up dick rubbing one day. He may not be as straight as the video implies.

Jul 12, 2013, 9:13 PM
This is an interesting music video from Matt Alber. Sort of a Mad Men feel with a twist. http://vimeo.com/5014248