View Full Version : Perceptions...

Jul 3, 2013, 12:32 AM

How do iconic toys and images really shape our social conscious. This doll has been remade with figures from the CDC of the size of the average American 19 yr old. A real look for a plastic woman.

What do you guys think?

Long Duck Dong
Jul 3, 2013, 1:36 AM
what do I think, I think we should all go by the majority aspect when it comes to toys......

1) obese barbie..... designed for NZ where they reckon as much as 2/3s of some cultures are obese by way of BMI....
2) beer belly / binge drinker ken... has a beer belly, $50k debt and a perm weekend hangover.....
3) solo partner barbie / ken.... barbie comes with the optional father unknown birth cert ( additional babies not included )
4) NSA ken... has lil black book, a pocketful of condoms and no interest in relationships or commitment...
5) CEO ken / barbie.... cell phone is permanently stuck to their ear, power suit and if you touch the cellphone it will say things like * outsource to asia... fire all the workers... and profit before people...
6) anorexic barbie ( discounted due to less materials to make )

seriously tho... I am having trouble recalling if I have ever heard any kid talk about how they want to grow up and look like barbie, as kids generally have more common sense than some adults when it comes to the differences between dolls and people ( looks at the adults that have had plastic surgery to become living barbies )

many of the people that I have talked with that have the * we need a realistic barbie for their children * often have no idea what games their children play with the ken and barbie dolls, and what I find interesting about creating the realistic barbie idea, is if we want reality in childrens games, then how do we create a barbie and ken for all situations..... and how would the world handle interacial barbie and ken ?

I have said it before and I will say it again, I am happy to share the world with everything but so many of those that want acceptance and tolerance, are trying to change the world to something that they can accept and will tolerate.....

Jul 3, 2013, 7:13 AM
Well said

Jul 3, 2013, 2:58 PM
*Shivers* Dolls..Ick.....

Jul 4, 2013, 7:44 AM
I have said it before and I will say it again, I am happy to share the world with everything but so many of those that want acceptance and tolerance, are trying to change the world to something that they can accept and will tolerate..... Never had a Barbie.. Kate did tho sad cow... the kids don't and never have tho.. like me they do have dollies and teddies so am not an absolute spoilsport abd neither am I contrary to popular opinion, such a feminist that I do not see that there can b some value in some traditional gender-based play........ and wen a child used to batter me bruvva and the boy next door on head wiv me sister's Sindy (and any other dolly wich came 2 hand)... both Barbie and Sindy wer born deformed... nev quite sure the skinniness and unreality of Barbie and over here Sindy hasn't had a lot do wiv girls and ther unhealthy approach to weight... get 'em young... make them suffer 2 b like Barbie or Sindy...and so we may have contribbed substantially 2 mmany of the dietary probs we have... bulimia and anorexia just examples... make them think wen they grow up they shud look like tall skinny stick....as I said I had proper dollies.. and me teddies... still have most of me dollies and teddies (ye r blessed Margarete Steiff) and every year me teddies get added 2 as they have every year since I was born...... but ne'er a Barbie or Ken or a Sindy 2 b seen...

..and talking of barb... dunno if u made lil dig at me or not.. but is a dig at peeps like me, methinks...

Many things I accept and tolerate.. dusn't mean I accept and tolerate them 2 the extent that I don't want them changed and won't try and have things changed if I can... just cos we accept and tolerate summat dusn't mean we have to let it b until end of time wen we think ther is summat better on offer... no 1 is happy to share the world with everything.. not even u.... some things we accept and tolerate and dusn't really matter to us even if we don't like them ver much... some things we accept and tolerate while they r, but try and have them changed in 1 way or t'otha or even just consigned in2 the trash.. sometimes the alternative is just simply to trash summat... u dont always need to have summat 2 replace a thing u have consigned to the midden.. some things we cannot accept and tolerate and cut up far more roughly 'bout... ur lickle dig and the inference of intolerance in others wos unnecessary cos seeking to change things dus not of itself make us generally either unaccepting or intolerant....

...wot ur lickle barbed comment dus tho, is hint at a man who is far less accepting and tolerant and happy bout things than he lets on:)... but as such, ther is nowt wrong wiv that, Duckie... not being tolerant and accepting;. cos very often, hun, we just can't afford to be;),,,, an appeal for tolerance and acceptance, or a statement of one's own, are not always signs of tolerance or acceptance in the person or persons who utter them:suave:...

Long Duck Dong
Jul 4, 2013, 8:12 AM
sorry, but I don't not accept the idea that the way barbie looks, is that much of a factor in kids self perception cos its the adults making the issue, not the kids..... if kids toys played such a part, then why are we not slimming down the dolls that IF they were size and weight proportional * would tip the scales at 430 pounds and be 5ft6 ( based on a NZ study ) cos that must be a leading factor in why children are obese...... lol the blame for fat children is not being blamed on the dolls but on fast food and fatty food and thats related to the adults and parents that have the ability to supply fast and fatty food.... but when children are too skinny and trying to diet to look like the images we show them, a doll gets the blame, not the parents that are not teaching the kids that you will never be perfect to everybody but you are some peoples perfection just the way you are......

if I think back to when I was young and the toys that were available to me, then I should have spent my life longing to be a action man toy wannabe and my sisters should have had anorexia and bulimia..... incidently, skye nearly ended up that way cos of the pressure from the modelling industry, NOT the dolls she played with.....

so my remark about people was aimed at the ones that think that we need to change barbie from something that they can not accept and tolerate, into something they can accept and tolerate as its not about what barbie looks like to the kids that is really the issue, its the fact that some adults can not handle the way barbie looks so they want it changed for them... they use the children as a excuse

Jul 4, 2013, 9:08 AM
U give my words more definition than I intended them, Duckie and are far more dismissive of the possibility than I am making an assertion...I didn't say Barbie is the cause of all the dietary probs in this world.. sed I'm not sure Barbie dusn't contrib to them... just as I am not sure boys playing wiv guns dus not contrib 2 ther more "manly" pursuits wen they r adult.. not every child's toy will have negative affects on every child which will persevere into and beyond adulthood... but some will have on some, possibly even on most.. we r influenced wen very young and wen very young many of our personality traits and faults as well as strengths are put into us through play and interaction.. nothing is certain but that does not mean we should dismiss out of hand possibilities without considering them:)...

Long Duck Dong
Jul 4, 2013, 11:41 AM
I am not being dismissive... I am relying on my own experiences as a child and the sheer number of people that have never talked about a need to grow up looking like they had barbies bum or action mans chest......but talked about how they wanted to be luke skywalker and princess leia and han solo ( late 70s was the time of star wars ) a

the existence of issues such as obesity and bulimia / anorexia are starting to hit epidemic proportions but so is the push to be fit and healthy and squeeze the body into the BMI index and to fit a size 14 arse into a size 12 jeans that are mislabeled as size 14 and trust me, I am getting pissed off at the fact that I can pick up 3 pairs of jeans that say 85 inch waist, one I will barely be able to button up, one will cut me in half if I try and the last pair need a belt to hold them up.... and that happened a couple of months ago to me, all the same size and make of jeans.

I am not denying that some children want to be a ken doll or a barbie doll but I stand by the statement that there is a lot more than just barbies stats that are going into the mix there, in the same way that I know some kids that went gun mad as adults and it was blamed on the toy guns... but there is no mention of the toy trucks that turned a budding piano prodigy into a truck driver or the fact that computers in the hands of some kids, have turned them into elite hackers......... .

if changing barbie dolls stats into more realistic stats, works, then why are there so many people that report its not the doll that * inspired * them to go bulimic / anorexic.... its the people / mags / movies that * inspired* them and its not so much the supermodels at fault either, its the persons desire to be like their * idol *... most people do not develop drug and alcohol addiction just so they can get the drug fucked look of ossy osbourne or the legacy of dying too young like bon scott ( ac/dc lead singer )

when the bratz dolls came out, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth over how children would want to wear leather and go all punk / goth looking... and that was a short lived whingefest..... the teletubbies were targeted as LGBT cos one had a purse and another was the gay colour purple and how it was encouraging the children to turn gay....... etc etc.... and to be honest, if you really want to see the effect of tv / dolls etc look at the trekkies... look at cosplay...


maybe they should have given barbie dolls....


or a counsellors phone number......

Jul 4, 2013, 7:43 PM
if changing barbie dolls stats into more realistic stats, works, then why are there so many people that report its not the doll that * inspired * them to go bulimic / anorexic.... its the people / mags / movies that * inspired* them and its not so much the supermodels at fault either, its the persons desire to be like their * idol *... most people do not develop drug and alcohol addiction just so they can get the drug fucked look of ossy osbourne or the legacy of dying too young like bon scott ( ac/dc lead singer )

I can comprehend this well. In America there was a big row over the music of Judas Priest
"causing" teenagers to commit suicide. Fortunately, a judge had common sense. It was
decided the teenagers would have killed themselves regardless of the music.

Not all external influences, influence. Sometimes, what will be, will be. Or, to borrow
from Freud, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."