View Full Version : exodus ministry apologises

Long Duck Dong
Jun 21, 2013, 3:15 AM

I have no issues if a person reaches out and asks for help with dealing with their desires as its a personal issue that they know the truth about, in regards to themselves.... but this group, like many others, had the opinion that their way was the way that others should live by and that they had the power to change people into something else..... god grants us all freedom of choice and the right to live as we so choose.....

thank you alan chambers for being honest about your own understanding about what has happened, as it has given false hope to many people that they can somehow * pray the gay away * and change people into something that they may never be.....and for some people with the * alt * attractions, it may have given them the false hope that they can somehow be * cured * of finding a person of the same gender, attractive...... and thank you for showing that not all that glitters is gold, but that honesty is a far greater gift to the masses than a denial of the facts of reality for so many

maybe people could learn a thing or two from this, about how how we can not just * fuck the monogamy away * or * commit the polyamory away * in people because we believe that society would be a better place...... many groups have tried to change society into some utopia and as a result, many have suffered cos of their inability to live in a way that is not natural for them and their inability to live in a society that has been shaped by the desires of others ..... or simply cos they are trying to do the * right thing * and live according to others * rule books *

its a diverse world, we need to learn to share it with the rest of humanity and embrace the differences in people... maybe then, there will truly be peace, acceptance and tolerance.......

Jun 21, 2013, 8:29 AM
It is a very interesting and significant story. Some people in the end *do* let go of the propaganda and are accepting of facts and science. I congratulate these people who did exactly that, in the end.

- Drew :paw:

Jun 21, 2013, 5:54 PM

I always wonder how a person can profess to believe in an all-loving God and yet in the same breath devoutly preach the withholding of that love.


Jun 22, 2013, 7:54 AM
Not only did they apologize--they "shut their doors, turned out the lights, took down their shingle" and went out of business!!

Now--if only more of those sorts----like these Congressman that say stupid shit like "a fetus masturbates" and such will only do the same and "a woman's body has a way of shutting down on getting pregnant when she is really raped!"---the world will be MUCH BETTER OFF!!!

Jun 22, 2013, 9:29 AM
I would settle for a few congressmen coming out the closet . Sadly only a few of them have done because it would be political suicide if you were elected on a platform of "family values" .. (the family with the 2.5 kids and a dog, not the "YMCA" kind).

Jun 24, 2013, 11:03 AM
I would settle for a few congressmen coming out the closet .

I am guilty of taking joy when a closeted & bigoted congressmen gets thrown out of his closet.

Jun 24, 2013, 9:47 PM
It is a very interesting and significant story. Some people in the end *do* let go of the propaganda and are accepting of facts and science. I congratulate these people who did exactly that, in the end.

- Drew :paw:

Been quiet on this a bit. Still must ask, the end of what/who?
Please understand I'm not asking as a snide remark. Your statement
seems to infer terminative action has occurred. Who, or what is the
object of that termination? As said, not being snide. Merely desiring
clarification due to cognitive dissonance. That's mostly on my end,
reading everything and nothing into what is expressed. TIA for
any help offered.

Jun 24, 2013, 10:44 PM
The staff of exodus ministries international decided that Christian opinion is starting to change on the subject and that they should not judge /for/ God that LGBT people are not worthy of God's love. The international organization is shutting down, but local "franchises" may still continue to operate independently.


This is probably the first time that I am aware of that a conservative Christian organization has publicly apologized for advocating "gay conversion therapy" as a valid "treatment"

I have a mix of humanist, buddhist and gnostic tendencies myself - my primary focus is on trying to find common ground, celebrating diversity and recognizing the basic worth of people. Religion, if it must exist, should not be exclusive. What can I tell you, human beings seem to like the story with the tiger in it more than the one without the tiger.

We share a common humanity and in a sane world that should be enough to allow respect for others even if our beliefs differ...what could go wrong? -smiles naively-

I draw inspiration from many different sources, it probably infuriates some people but this is the sort of thing that happens when you question what you believe growing up.

Co-incidently - if anyone knows of a dinner party where I could talk to Jeri Ryan, Margaret Atwood and Jeanette Winterson all at the same time, please send me a PM..

Long Duck Dong
Jun 25, 2013, 11:17 AM
its not the first time I have heard of something like this but its the first big public admission like it that I have heard..... I am still hoping for the WBC to do the same.... not sure that I am going to see that any time soon lol

there were a number of senior church people in NZ that stood up in support of the LGBT and the rights to same sex marriage... and those people risked their chuches and congregations when they did that.... but apparently it helped some churches to question their judgement of the LGBT people.. and for that, I and many others, are thankful....