View Full Version : Father's Day Porn for Dad's...lol

Jun 16, 2013, 5:51 PM
Father's Day Porn for Dad's.

Come to me slowly, effortlessly. Look down at me in Great anticipation. Remove your shirt. Give me a slowww passionate kiss, then drape yourself across my lap, fold your arms under your head and sigh in cushy comfort. Sigh and smile as I slowly sensuously begin to skritch your back for you.
I go

Alll over your back and shoulders, and neck, especially between the shoulder blades and listen to you moan gently.

Gently striping your shoulders and lower back and back again until your back looks like a race-track. Just as you are floating in a sea of euphoria, I stop. In my gentle hands I put a good lotion, and rub them together to warm it. I begin to slather it allll over your back, and hear the moans begin again in abundance. I continue on, rubbing up and down, or in circular motions gently, then firmly, until the lotion has disipated and I hear.....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

You're welcome. lol

Happy Father's Day Loves...:}

Jun 16, 2013, 6:30 PM
thank you cat sure felt gooooooooooooood

Jun 16, 2013, 11:49 PM
Very welcome Darlin. Glad you enjoyed..lol

Jun 17, 2013, 12:40 AM
Can I fly you out to Illinois and get you to do that for real!!!! ;) Sorry, it sounded to damn good to pass up without commenting!!! Thanks Cat!!! :bigrin:

Jun 17, 2013, 5:20 AM
LOL You know I would if I could Babydoll. I wouldnt let you go to sleep fer long tho..lol

Jun 17, 2013, 8:27 AM
Of course, everyday is Momma's Day, too. So let me return the loving. There's this erotic foot massage that I have been perfecting all these years. Nice warm lotion, rubbing the balls of your feet, gently tugging each toe until they crack, letting your "Ooo's"and "Ahhh's" guide me as I explore your erogenous spots. Then moving ever upward along your calves. No, I don't think you would be sleeping for long either as I watch your ample breasts rising and falling with your breaths. The temptation to wake you with a round of pleasure would be just too much to bear. Father's Day is great, but the following Mother's Night is even better!

Jun 17, 2013, 4:32 PM
*Fanning furiously* Whew! Between the three of you's, that and a cold Pepsi would kill me dead....but I'd die a Very happy old lady! lol

Jun 17, 2013, 8:29 PM
I'm not even a dad and I'm STILL all hot and bothered. as I get older I can appreciate the thought of warm massage and falling asleep in the arms of someone you care about deeply. :)

Jun 17, 2013, 11:53 PM
That Would definitely be cool, Darlin. :} I greatly enjoy having my back massaged and scratched up. (Hush Rich) There's just something about nails being drug up and down my back that clicks the on switch On...lol
But, a good skritching (Same as scratching) does wonders for the Whole body...lol