View Full Version : Idjet Alert...lol

Jun 14, 2013, 1:21 AM
Well, seems our resident Troll is back since school is out for the summer, and doing a lamed assed attempt at put downs. I personally think he/she/it oughta go back to school and learn some manners and class..(Class, get it? Snicker) Miss Belle, dont pay no mind to mental pygmies, Hon. We Know we are smoking hot ladies with taste and class of our own! :D

Dear Cherokee_Mountaincat,

You have received a new private message at Bisexual.com from Vaqueros, entitled "hi".

To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:

This is the message that was sent:
Congratulations Cherokee all 3 of you have herpes, the gift that keeps on giving! Cherokee Mountaincat and onewhocares are in reality obese, fugly losers who are nothing like the fake personae they portray online and on this site. Quote Originally Posted by Cherokee_Mountaincat View Post 1. To find the right man for me. One who will share my love, lust, and lifestyle. "Hunt" with me, share lover's and friends together. Go to lifestyle events, enjoy other's together and separately. No jealousies, no animosities, just love and companionship. I know its a tall order, but he's out there somewhere. 2. To go on a Swinger's Cruise to somewhere like the Caribean, Jamaica, the Bahamas. Swim in crystal waters, lounge on hot sandy beaches. Scope out cute cabana Boy's and Girls. Enjoy a nice little orgy, or experience a wonderful Lucky Peirre' with a handsome stranger on said cruise. Maybe make hot passionate quiet lust somewhere in the dark on the ship where there's every real possibility of being silently seen. 3. Use my huge strapon dong on a lady who has never been with a woman before in her life. Pleasure her to no end and show her what FF lusting is all about. Thats all I can think of at the moment, but once the fog clears out of my head, I may be able to come up with something better..lol Cat

1. Your first goal is NEVER going to happen. You're damaged goods, fugly, obese, not that kind or nice of a person, and men do not want a whore like you. Plus who would actually want you?

2.You're welcome to do that but again who would actually want you? You probably have STDs or are HIV+ from all the people who you have been with.

3.What woman in her right mind especially a first timer would let you fuck her with a large dildo or want your nasty arm up her cunt? You're a walking Petri dish! This is not merely my opinion but it's the verifiable truth about you.

Jun 14, 2013, 7:15 AM
It is simple enough to cast aspersions, simpler still to refute them
by asking for the proof. Your attacker seems to have stated they have
verification of what they state regarding you, have them put up or
shut up. No doubt exists that you may await the proof/s for a long

Jun 14, 2013, 10:22 AM
It's hard to believe that a subscriber to a site that celebrates diversity can be so hateful!

Jun 14, 2013, 10:27 AM
We have had our share of nut jobs come here for a number of years now----this one seems particularly juvenile and ignorant.

Jun 14, 2013, 10:59 AM
I too received a repulsive letter from " Vaqueros " who used the most negative language to insult my honest comments about how I lost my virginity and the like. He and those with such an attitude ruin the honest open discussion that takes place on this site. The latter is why I love it here. I deleted his slam and refuse to open any other mail from him. I suggest we all do the same.

David in Florida

Jun 14, 2013, 11:36 AM
He and those with such an attitude ruin the honest open discussion that takes place on this site. The latter is why I love it here. I deleted his slam and refuse to open any other mail from him. I suggest we all do the same.
David in Florida

I haven't received any mail from him but noticed the trollish tone of his posts right away. Keep in mind there's supposed to be a way to set your preferences to ignore certain members. I thought it was right clicking on their user id, but I'm not sure. Never used it.

Ok. Just found it. You click on their name, go to their profile. There's a link on the upper left of the profile page that says "Add to ignore list".

Jun 14, 2013, 3:05 PM
I don't have any personal trolls, so thanks for the share.

Jun 14, 2013, 5:06 PM
Its ok Joe-Honey. You aint missin nuthin' lol
Silly Cat

Jun 14, 2013, 9:22 PM
I don't have any personal trolls, so thanks for the share.

*trolls Joe* "You outrageously rough and ruggedly beast of a man you. If not for being so prudish I'd suggest you being pimped off on, well, me."

"Love you long time, Joe." :wiggle2::grouphug::coolblue:

Apologies, could not resist in the spirit of good fun. Think everyone needs to laugh a bit, everything considered.

Jun 14, 2013, 10:13 PM
Some people just don't understand how life works I guess. Life is hard, and what you THOUGHT you knew, can change in a half of a second. I thank God for every friend I have. The fact that we do NOT all look the same, act the same and talk the same is a blessing. I am proud to call you my friend, you are loving and wise DESPITE all of the things you have gone through in your life..only some of which I know.

The connections we forge are amazing..


To strike out the way they do, this person is obviously hurt on some deep level Cat, I hope they find healing soon.

I do not claim to know how much time I have on this Earth, one day I will be gone, and I hope that if you remember nothing else, you will remember that you are always loved...all of us are...we are a lot less isolated than we think.

Jun 15, 2013, 12:18 AM
Thank you E-Honey. I know the reason Bullys' do as they do. They hurt on some different plain than most know, and they feel that by re-directing this pain on others, that it takes it away from them..or gives them an ounce of power. Some of us have been hurt so deeply that nothing Can hurt us anymore, but we can still feel sorry for someone who shows that kind of pain.
Either that, or they're just more ignorant than a box of rocks..lol No biggie.
Big warm snuggley hugs to you, tho..:}
Pecks yer cute lil cheek..:}

Jun 22, 2013, 11:49 PM
It's Baaaaacccckkk. We have a new head to the Hydra. Ladies and Gents, and its new handle is Bi Damon. He's already contacted me twice today being a childish dolt...as normal. You'll see. He's already flamed several threads today. *Shaking head*

Jun 23, 2013, 12:32 AM
He has sent me some nice messages too.

Jun 23, 2013, 12:33 AM
Today I had a teenager or someone with a teens mind come down on me like this. His Name is Bi Damion. Drew needs to look at these people. Of course his/ it's profile says nothing about them. Maybe it is time for Drew to make it a must to post something about yourself and post some kind of pic. Verify in someway. I do not come here to be abused by some dick head without the balls to show himself. Hitting ignore is not enough for this kind of slug. I was taught to ignore stupid and intolerance. This it should be very happy that I do not run into him in person. If he had the misfortune to came face to face with me he would find out what a Marine DI, though an older one, will bring down on a fool.

Jun 23, 2013, 12:38 AM
he pm'd me but basically just what he posted in a thread. Really, I wish people would leave me out of their personal attacks on others. I am only responsible for what I say not what others interpret it.

Jun 23, 2013, 2:20 AM
Yeah, he's just pretty much what I expected--your basic juvenile troll. He tried to flame me a little while ago, too, which makes me feel I'm in good company. Thanks, cat, for the tip on "add to iggy list." One click and he's gone forever. Not worth wasting any time on.

Long Duck Dong
Jun 23, 2013, 4:56 AM
our much beloved drew has dealt with the troll..... time for healing group hugs lol.....

Jun 23, 2013, 12:12 PM
No doubt he'll be back again before long, under some new moniker. But his anger and immaturity will give him away again, with the same ultimate result. (Thank you, Drew.) My hat is off to Cat, for having the compassion to at least "still feel sorry for someone who shows that kind of pain." It is worrisome to think about what brutal treatment has lead him to that dark place, or how his hurt and anger will manifest itself down the road when more and more rejection of his vitriol isolates him even further. Let's hope he never gets hold of an assault weapon, or we'll be seeing him in the headlines. As for me, I'm an old man, and no longer have the patience to put up with that kind of hateful dysfunction. That's what the "ignore list" was invented for.

Jun 23, 2013, 4:37 PM
I'm sorry Darlings that we all have been subjected to said troll/Idjet. We all know he/she is the same one over and over again despite his/her efforts to disguise/his name and location. There's nothing Drew can do against this, all he can do is let a person join up, then ban the hell out of the person when they start this bullshit. You can Tell its the same person because he never changes his style of writing, and his belittlements are the same boring tirade over and over again. *yawns*
Look at it like this, Loves...its a simple case of cowardess, and mind over matter. Dont pay it no mind, for cowards dont matter.
Warm snuggly hugs to all of you..:}
Your Cat

Jun 23, 2013, 4:50 PM
You say the word, Cat, and I'll be ready for the troll with the cactus and lube :)

Jun 23, 2013, 8:41 PM
Anytime you like, Darlin. He's allll yours to Cacti as your wish...LOL
Muahs, Sweetie.
Laughing Cat

Jun 24, 2013, 10:00 PM
There's nothing Drew can do against this, all he can do is let a person join up, then ban the hell out of the person when they start this bullshit.
Your Cat

He could feasibly check out this article (http://readwrite.com/2013/06/20/just-how-closely-can-the-nsa-really-watch-you#awesm=~o9JDM67drwAYha) and benefit from
several of the resources listed in it. This would allow him
to possibly create a Lisp based ip-chain firewall solution,
which could effectively block ip numbers profiled to cater
to this individual. It would be active and aggressive once
established. The effectiveness would increase exponentially
if such firewall were of Cerberus variety. I am quite sure he
can find a geek willing to aid in further server configuration
for the cost of cigarettes, maybe a six pack of beer or
beverage of choice.

*ducks head back down, makes funky hackety hack noises*

*reaches over, bumps the music deamon and trips on "Play that Funky Music White Boy"*

Jun 25, 2013, 11:31 PM
lol I think you may be on to something there, Darlin. I think perhaps you should contact Drew and bring this up to him.
Kisses yer fuzzy cheek..:}

Jun 26, 2013, 12:52 AM
Pepperjack came out of obscurity, backstage, the wings, to address this issue; it's venomous, abusive, fueled by the anonimity of the web & thus cowardly! C'mon girl, you're hardened....U know the territory by now!;)

Jun 26, 2013, 7:04 AM
Well--guess I was wrong about us being pretty well free of "trolls"---on the group that I started---I got some comments from a person called BiDamon--of course he attacked me for some stuff I posted---much along the lines of things that I have seen before and one thing telling---he called me by my name in one post--so it is either a person that I talk to and think they are OK---or its someone who has been around a long time----the thing with BiDamon--its on old pattern---a new identity recently created and the only posts up to the time that Drew put that profile in "Cooling Off" status---were those he put up in response to several things I had posted.

I really think it might be that one person from ages back----there is much similarity in the things he says-----one of them being---that if you are not somehow a perfect human specimen---then you do not deserve neither love and surely not any sex!!!

Oh well---I guess it was nice while this person was gone--looks like we will have a few months of this stuff from this person.

Jun 26, 2013, 1:27 PM
Yep. Its the same one from a long time ago. Same speech pattern, (More like prattle), same wording, same mindless gob. And yes, this person claims to know several of us by name, and sometimes slips up and Calls us by name. But its ok. Summer doesnt last forever. You'd just think that they had grown up by now...
So do the "Click" and that particular troll will go Bye-Bye for a while. Am hoping that a good IT person will offer to help Drew find their ISP and put an end to their stupidity for good..:}

Jun 26, 2013, 6:30 PM
lol I think you may be on to something there, Darlin. I think perhaps you should contact Drew and bring this up to him.
Kisses yer fuzzy cheek..:}

*shrugs, points to forum* He reads. :)

Jun 26, 2013, 6:34 PM
Pepperjack came out of obscurity, backstage, the wings, to address this issue; it's venomous, abusive, fueled by the anonimity of the web & thus cowardly! C'mon girl, you're hardened....U know the territory by now!;)

*looks backstage suspiciously* Cowardly, huh? What you doing "back" stage, there? *goes back scribbling aimlessly, grins because he's just poking fun.*

I know you were not doing anything suspicious. Even if you were, I'm not saying you were. I mean this in pure good humor. I acknowledge we've not always seen eye to eye. People can disagree yet still speak to one another.

Jun 28, 2013, 10:54 AM
Unfortunately cat we had our run in with him as well....easier to ignore such stupidity. Apparently he is bored playing with himself so he needs to find childish amusement elsewhere.

Jun 28, 2013, 2:29 PM
He picks on everybody that he thinks he Can, Cpl. Its ok. He'll get bored eventually, and wander off.
Kisses to both of you..:}

Jul 7, 2013, 3:04 PM
It's called " detached awareness " Void; You do it also...I know you can relate; no offense taken;:) I used to work ' backstage ' w/roadies setting up rock concerts, hence my analogy & perspective. Often, one can see the complete picture from that vantage point.;)

Jul 7, 2013, 11:28 PM
It's called " detached awareness " Void; You do it also...I know you can relate; no offense taken;:) I used to work ' backstage ' w/roadies setting up rock concerts, hence my analogy & perspective. Often, one can see the complete picture from that vantage point.;)

"Detached awareness, he says, I do it too, he says." *chuckles*

Oh come on now, that would mean I actually think and have an intellect, to use
such means as to gain a bit of objectivity. *grin* Nah, not me, no way. *LOL*

Yes, I do in fact do it. The rationale for using it is to aid in something called
mindfulness. This further is a technique used in stress & anxiety management.

As a result, I am gradually working to locating a bit of peace. May surprise you
to know, I watched a video of a sermon by two Fathers. They made a point
regarding Christians needing to go through tribualation before the Christ returns.

Some of their dissertation elucidated how human beings have misrepresented the
actual word of God. I had some awareness of this before, yet their sermon give
pause and thought on broader levels. An impasse still exists for me. I did call
on an old "Friend" though to possibly come to a better understanding.

Not saying I am given to conversion, yet. Am saying, I am willing to consider a lot.
Yes I even use detached awareness when meeting Captians. Like to know where
the boat is going. :) Some of the crew seem really foggy on it.

Good see you still kicking. *hug* Run it slow.

Jul 8, 2013, 12:21 AM
Wait wait wait. HOW did this get turned into a topic of religion(s) ?

Jul 8, 2013, 10:21 AM
Wait wait wait. HOW did this get turned into a topic of religion(s) ?

Sorry, did not mean to derail. Had considered that at times idiots seem intolerant of all subjects.
That in mind, I did a little cross talking to a friend. I ought to have taken that private instead of
in thread. Was not intending a derail.

Jul 8, 2013, 10:46 AM
We norcal folks had a troll some years ago who actually wrecked our "homegrown" site. The site was newfriends.net and attracted a variety of preferences from an area that included most of northern California. Same tactics: he would be rude, crude, then go after individual members, probably after lurking in the sidelines and seeing who was talking to whom in the chatroom. Finally (and that's why I'm concerned about Drew and this site), he managed to invade our web host's master account and screw with it because he got access somehow to everyone's ip addresses. I'm hopeful that the Internet is more sophisticated now, and that our most recent antagonist isn't as evil or savvy.

Jul 8, 2013, 3:14 PM
Thanks MM. I'm sure Drew has this under paw..:} And...peck to Void's furry cheek. Its alright Sweetie. Everybody Boo-Boo's now and then..:}