View Full Version : Squirting

Jun 7, 2013, 10:20 AM
Have any of you guys ever been with a woman that can squirt? Looks really Hot watching it on porn.

ready and easy
Jun 7, 2013, 12:29 PM
Yes it is hot. Quite an experience. I have been with 2 women who squirt. It isn't quite like the porno flicks though. When she came, her contractions were so intense that her natural juices came out in several gushes. Hot times.

Jun 7, 2013, 12:30 PM
2nd wife did on rare occasions. She was always ecstatic when it happened but never could figure out what was different when it did. 3rd wife (current) does all the time and has been very self-conscious about it. It took quite a while to convince her that I am actually quite turned on by it.

Jun 7, 2013, 1:00 PM
As I replied on this subject many years ago.
My wife (formerly girlfriend) squirts.
It is a rush.
When I can exite her to the point of doing it, I rub it all over me. Very animal behavior on my part and I am unashamed.
It does not smell or taste like her pee (I'm a scientist... I checked)
But even if it was her pee... who cares? As far as I'm concerned it is her cum.
We enjoyed.


Jun 7, 2013, 1:43 PM
ive been with 5 or 6 ladies that squirted.....first one was my last exwife.....first time it happened she was straddling my face and i was going to town on her pussy.....she came and i thought i was going to drown....learned real fast when she was going to cum to move my head one way or the other and let it run down my face....

Jun 7, 2013, 2:32 PM
A while back I was dating a woman who refused oral sex. I mean she would suck my cock but didn't want me to reciprocate.
As a very oral guy I was dumbfounded when she declined especially after we together for a while.
One night after a couple bottles of wine I asked why?
She said she enjoyed when a guy went downtown but she would get so worked up she would lose control.
When receiving oral she would be multiple orgasmic and she would "gush" as she put it.
I asked her if it happened while we were screwing ? She replied that she "only has little ones and she can control herself better.
She told me several guys were mad after she gushed and soaked them while they were giving her head.
As a result she became very self conscious and stopped letting guys give her oral. I replied let me try it once and lets see what happens, you shouldn't deny yourself pleasure because of a couple of assholes.
It took several sessions of me giving her head to get her to relax enough to have more then 1 orgasm.
But when we made the breakthrough she "gushed" a whole lot of very tasty clear fluid that didn't smell, look or taste like pee.
Once she relaxed she even began to gush when we screwed as long as she was on top.

Jun 7, 2013, 3:11 PM
My wife and I often enjoy her best friend in FMF sex and she gushes a bit after a strong orgasm. I find it very erotic...even though I often end up sleeping in the wet spot!The women in the video's appear to be urinating most of the time.

Jun 7, 2013, 3:43 PM
When my current wife and I married and before we started swinging I wanted to make her squirt. We bought one of those magic wants that supposedly hits the right spot in the vagina. Almost got it. Then we bought a DVD on the subject where it was explained and demonstrated. With some effort I was able to bring her off, flooding the lower bed and my arm. When we go that route she screams when she cums. I've brought her off as many as three times in a row. I watched a bi woman do the same to her. The last two foursomes, I brought each wife to squirt. I lap it up and swallow, dip my fingers in it and have my wife or sex partner suck my fingers.

Jun 7, 2013, 4:15 PM
Even though I have never been able to find a woman that could squirt, I can relate to you saying, even if it were pee.
My first wife, and I were having some great sex one night. She was on top of me riding my cock. She stopped and said she had to pee really bad, so I pulled out and held her down on me, and told her to let it go. It didn't take long to talk her into it because she had to go really bad. When I felt her body on me and that warm pee on my dick, going down between my legs, and around my ass. It caused me to have a very intense orgasm. Water beds were great back in the 80s. A bit kinky, but I liked it. So my search still goes on to find a Squirter.

Jun 7, 2013, 6:18 PM
No. But , I've viewed porn showing women squirting, and, must admit I would very much like to enjoy experiencing with such a woman .

Jun 8, 2013, 4:14 PM
When we first got together , my wife would stop me eating her because she was going to pee . One time I was too into it to stop and kept going until she let go . She thought I was going to be upset . She was not peeing , just squirting . After that she never asked me to stop again . As someone else said here , even if she had peed in my mouth , I wouldn't have minded . Usually by the time she would cum , I would be so aroused that I would be shooting after just a few strokes after mounting her . Of course then I would have to go back down and lick up my mess . She was leary about that the first time too but relaxed and enjoyed it after a while .

Jun 8, 2013, 6:27 PM
I was with a gal who literally squirted 2 or 3 feet, screamed like she was being murdered while coming....amazing.....

Jun 8, 2013, 6:37 PM
Yes, her name was Vel. Seen her on and off for 13 years. First time going down on her, within 30 seconds she GUSHED, and I mean GUSHED for 40-50 seconds in and uncontrollable torrent all over my face. I had no idea what happened, and she was so embarrassed. She hated when it happened and called it her curse, but I loved it. 3 or 4 diddles with my finger and she gushed as well. I loved how her whole body would go into uncontrollable spasming. When I would take her out on my Motorcycle, I would give her a tennis ball to put in her crotch as we rode. Her seat was always dripping, and she looked like she always pee'd her pants.

Jun 9, 2013, 5:29 PM
I have been with several squirters its a real turn on

Jun 10, 2013, 12:33 PM
I had ladies who came profusely--but none that actually squirted--at least that I saw--but I did have one---when we did it and she came--she often peed. She would have to run for the bathroom--she often didn't make it to the toilet--but at least she made it to the tile or vinyl flooring!!

Anyone have their ladies pee like this girl did?? She was a hot little redhead---I was 18 and she had just turned 17.

Jun 10, 2013, 1:06 PM
My wife will squirt if I fuck her in a specific way. Those orgasms are long and intense. She also squirts, well more of a constant flow, when being DPd. As soon as our lovers notice it, they disengage and get their tongue in her. Her flow is very sweet. She loves the attention it gets her. Then, there was this gal I fucked a few times awhile back. She basically just lost control of her bladder when she came and called it squirting. Since I always saw her early in the morning, I would ask her to skip breakfast and the vitamins and drink plenty of water. Then, when she cut loose, at least it was clear and tasteless.

Jun 10, 2013, 9:37 PM
I had a GF once that squirted often... beautiful, blonde, short, big breasted... damn I miss her. I used to get a face full when I went down on her, and it was so sweet.
My wife has done it on 3 occasions in our 23 years together, I LOVE it. Just wish she could relax enough to let it go more often.

Jun 13, 2013, 1:30 AM
This thread is amusing..... simply because you all make it sound like such a rare occourance...

I kinda assumed EVERY girl could do it....... lol guess I was wrong.

Jun 15, 2013, 9:25 AM
I'm sorry Ladies, I wasn't thinking about your feelings, on this topic. Feel free to join in!! Would like to hear your thoughts also!!:tongue:

Jun 15, 2013, 1:41 PM
Damn, is it hot in here?!, I think I could use my body as a tripod now..

-pant pant pant-

The thought of these ladies loving you enough to finally let go and enjoy themselves is also great.


Jun 15, 2013, 4:12 PM
I knew one woman who squirted,and that was when she was being fisted

Jun 18, 2013, 4:27 PM
I don't understand how a woman can have orgasmic eruptions, like that. As far as I've been able to ascertain, they have no ejaculatory body parts like men do. Other than lubricate when aroused, it should be impossible for them to unload volumes of fluid, as reported.

My cousin had a GF who loved to have sex when she needed to urinate.........She'd flood when she orgasmsed, but her release was certainly urine...the back seat of my car reeked of it, forever!

Jun 18, 2013, 7:02 PM
Is it urine or is it not, Realist? Can women ejaculate? Old questions and scientifically the debate goes on... I can only give a personal view that I sometimes do ejaculate and can be manipulated so to do quite differently from simple clitoral stimulation.. from much deeper inside the vagina.. what we believe to be our g-spot... usually to be found 10-15 cms inside the vagina on the front vaginal wall,, there is argument that this spot exists also.. but it seems to... I believe it to exist because the orgasm created by stimulation of that part of me is quite different from that created by stimulation of the clitoris.... and it is manipulation of that area in me which makes me squirt... not as I have sometimes seen in porn a fountain, but a definite gush... it also makes me legs decidedly wobbly as it happens and after...Kate is similar to me although doesn't seem to have the same wobbliness of leg..., but an ex lover could "squirt" what seemed gallons and often did in just such an almighty gush... and a few women claim it including friends... whether this is urine or a different ejaculatory fluid is disputed... tests have been done and it is claimed by some to be quite different to urine, and others claim it is urine,others that it is similar but not the same..... so who do we believe? As I approach orgasm through manipulation of my g-spot I do feel an overwhelming need to wee.... yet there is dispute about whether that is what is happening to me among scientists, researchers and sexologists... some say it is, some say not.. the jury is out... I know what I believe, but the arguments rage on and will for some time to come.. to which I say I don't mind.. I know what happens to me is luffly.... argue away but I don't intend to change me sex life whatever is proven one way or t'otha..

Just for info Realist hun... and there is plenty more on the net to feed a gud ole argument... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_ejaculation

Jun 18, 2013, 8:19 PM
usually to be found 10-15 cms inside the vagina on the front vaginal wall,,
I am a dimwit... this shud read 5-10 cms.. silly ole me...:eek2:

Jun 19, 2013, 4:37 AM
All I know is that I learnt this trick about 7 years ago, and early on I was with someone who was eagerly anticipating the squirting, but my brain couldn't separate the need to urinate from the need to squirt, and I couldn't relax enough to release. I visited the bathroom, and couldn't urinate, came back to bed and gushed all over the guy, who actually found it wasn't to his taste! lol. It seems to me that the more fluid that is in my system, the more I seem to squirt, but it's definitely not urine, I know what my urine looks and smells like. I suspect that fluid gets diverted from wherever it is in the body to whatever releases it, I believe that there are glands that are suspected to play a role in this. I know that during foreplay I can feel a pressure building, and the more foreplay the greater the pressure and eventual release. Unfortunately it's something I almost always do nowadays, which means that there needs to be some preparation before sex, there's something to be said for spontaneous sex with a loved one. :)

Jun 19, 2013, 2:29 PM
There is a school of thought that the g spot is most likely an integral part of the clitoris set farther back in the vagina which is why many woman can orgasm and squirt if teased... it makes sense to me in a way because the there is definitely a connection between areole and clitoris and quite is quite possible for clitoral orgasm to occur simply through nipple play alone and few women don't feel that connection during sex, whether it is nipple or clitoris which is being manipulated and we all have other erogenous zones which get us going...

...there are many nerves and parts of our bodies which as yet science does not understand, and many are to do with sex...but orgasm by nipple play alone was done to me just once 7 or 8 years ago....it seemed 2 take forever but was a luffly if in some ways an exasperating and frustrating experience 1ce I did cum.. I've tried since both with my partner and when on my own... am afraid I simply don't have the patience to wait forever and and it is just too much however luffly it is.. the hands eventually instiinctively drop to where things can be moved along a good bit more speedily... and if restrained I have been known 2 become somewhat tetchy because of that exasperation and frustration..... even being clitorally worked up to the point of climax and then moved on to nipple play doesn't work for me since the point of climax subsides, although the need doesn't disappear... it just simmers and begins what is still a ver long slow process.. and again I just don't have the patience to just wait until orgasm occurs and just have to do or have something else done to quicken things up..:eek2:

...but I'm not giving up.. I'll keep trying:impleased Who knows maybe one of these days I will hit upon the secret of repeating it much more successfully, more quickly and less exasperatingly.. because that orgasm was itself a partic luffly orgasm.. no squirt .. but squirting isn't b all and end all... even tho it is ver nice if sumwot soggy and messy...

Jun 24, 2013, 8:07 PM
Even though I have never been able to find a woman that could squirt, I can relate to you saying, even if it were pee.
My first wife, and I were having some great sex one night. She was on top of me riding my cock. She stopped and said she had to pee really bad, so I pulled out and held her down on me, and told her to let it go. It didn't take long to talk her into it because she had to go really bad. When I felt her body on me and that warm pee on my dick, going down between my legs, and around my ass. It caused me to have a very intense orgasm. Water beds were great back in the 80s. A bit kinky, but I liked it. So my search still goes on to find a Squirter.

I was 40, my girl friend was 20 and had never had an orgasm. One night after heavy petting she lay over me and I vigorously rubbed my cock against her clit. She didn't cum, instead lost her bladder control and peed all over my cock and balls. I rolled her over and licked her until she did cum. She was more shocked that I would lick her pee and embarrassed too. I said, "It didn't bother me. It came from you and I love you."