View Full Version : Diversity....It Gets Better.....thanks NASA

Jun 4, 2013, 9:29 PM
Hello All,

This video was posted on another web site. This is an interesting perspective into diversity in the workplace, in life and also, in my opinion in love. NASA took a great step forward and I applaud them. Kindly take a look.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yiCYoOjCcNw# (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yiCYoOjCcNw)!

Belle in Boston

Jun 4, 2013, 9:58 PM
Wow, Belle, thanks for posting that. Awesome.

Long Duck Dong
Jun 4, 2013, 10:10 PM
I love the video... because it was not full of sexuality.... there are light touches on the sexuality of some of the people, but they are not singling themselves out as different to the rest of the lgbt or the rest of the human race, and nor are they pushing a agenda of whom the LGBT people are supposed to live.... and its almost like sitting in a group of people that are talking about their lives and experiences and then suddenly say oh shit,l I forgot, I am gay / lesbian / trans/ bi etc.. its part of who I am, not the way I live my life.....

life gets better for so many of us, but a big part of making life better, comes from us ourselves, when we are open and honest about who we are, with the people around us, and how accepting of the people around us.....its what bisexual.com needs to return to being, just a large group of people sharing experiences and enjoying all that we have to offer to each other....

hugs belle and thanks for posting that... its truly my vision of a it gets better campaign....

Jun 4, 2013, 10:15 PM
I love the video... because it was not full of sexuality.... there are light touches on the sexuality of some of the people, but they are not singling themselves out as different to the rest of the lgbt or the rest of the human race, and nor are they pushing a agenda of whom the LGBT people are supposed to live.... and its almost like sitting in a group of people that are talking about their lives and experiences and then suddenly say oh shit,l I forgot, I am gay / lesbian / trans/ bi etc.. its part of who I am, not the way I live my life.....

life gets better for so many of us, but a big part of making life better, comes from us ourselves, when we are open and honest about who we are, with the people around us, and how accepting of the people around us.....its what bisexual.com needs to return to being, just a large group of people sharing experiences and enjoying all that we have to offer to each other....

hugs belle and thanks for posting that... its truly my vision of a it gets better campaign....


Belle in Boston

Jun 4, 2013, 11:17 PM
Thanks for posting this.

The video was well lit, good closeup shots and an attractive background that kept the viewer focused. The message was warm but it may have gone on a bit too long for me. I liked seeing the job titles for the different people for some reason. It shows success I guess. I liked the humour of the George Takea end comment!

I suspect that it is a good thing to reflect on our life's good things every once in awhile. For me, life has gotten better and not on the sexuality aspect but overall. Life is good to me presently. I have my health relatively well and am comfortably happy in most areas of my life. Last week, I even got an invite to do a video installation in a hotel next September. That is always great to get from people that you don't even know but they know your work!! I have successes and failures. I don't feel overwhelmed by my failures. I don't think that I would become too emotional over my personal history as at least one person was. That is sad that things from the past still haunt her.

I may have missed it but I got a main message that the people were gay/lesbian or transgendered. I didn't get a message from a person that I would see as bi..but then we do blend in. At least one person referred to being gay..none that I recall referred to being bisexual. Will bisexual youth relate to this? I don't know. Still for some this may be important. For others I wonder if the message is now dated and lost its impact?

Still thanks Belle. I know that you care.