View Full Version : Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada

Polar Bear
Jun 2, 2013, 11:46 AM
Here's my take on Bisexuality...A bisexual identity speaks to the potential, not the requirement, for involvement with more than one gender/sex. This involvement may mean sexually, emotionally, in reality, or in fantasy. Monogamy and non-monogamy are relationship choices made independently of sexual identity. Some bisexuals are monogamous, some may have concurrent partners, others may relate to different genders/sexes during different times of their lives. Most bisexuals do not have to be involved with more than one person at a time in order to feel fulfilled. We see the person not the gender. I enjoy NASCAR, photography, shooting (yes, I have a concealed carry permit as well), writing, traveling, and storm chasing. I will be attending a university next fall to pursue a masters in Earth science. I am a bisexual male and proud of it.

We will see you at The Gay & Lesbian Community center of Southern Nevada this week. Our photo will be displayed as part of a showing featuring other LGBT people doing what they do best.



Join our meetup
http://www.meetup.com/Southern-Nevada-Bisexuals/ :bipride:

Polar Bear
Jun 2, 2013, 12:49 PM

Jun 2, 2013, 6:26 PM
What a great post! I hope you guys have a great meet-up and an active group.

Polar Bear
Jun 3, 2013, 10:21 AM
What a great post! I hope you guys have a great meet-up and an active group.

Thank you for your response. We hope to make this a very dynamic group.

Jun 6, 2013, 10:12 AM
I hope your social/discussion group is successful please write an update about it after the first meeting. I wanted to make a local group in my area on meetup just as a social and discussion group about bisexuality and I didn't when I found out that meetup is a pay site. Instead I will go through a local LGBT community center and if they want to they can easily make a meetup group for it. You should also see if you can post info about your group on the main page of this site or in the section about bisexuality social/discussion groups.

Polar Bear
Jun 9, 2013, 11:20 AM
I hope your social/discussion group is successful please write an update about it after the first meeting. I wanted to make a local group in my area on meetup just as a social and discussion group about bisexuality and I didn't when I found out that meetup is a pay site. Instead I will go through a local LGBT community center and if they want to they can easily make a meetup group for it. You should also see if you can post info about your group on the main page of this site or in the section about bisexuality social/discussion groups.

Our first meeting went very well. five members and two guests showed up. The conversation was very engaging and the environment was comfortable. The LGBT center offered to give us a meeting room for our next meeting. Several ideas were discussed to promote the group. We have set the next meeting for July 9th at 5 pm. This will give the members some time later in the day to attend a pool party being organized by one of our members. see us at http://www.meetup.com/Southern-Nevada-Bisexuals/ , and our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Southern-Nevada-Bisexuals/202333853249337

Jun 9, 2013, 11:38 AM
I hope that your group benefits all those who attend. If I may ask a question or two, why do you feel the need to call yourself a bisexual group when you are open to all sexualities?

This group is open to all LGBT folks, their partners and friends. Poly folks are also welcome. Here's to looking both ways before crossing."

Polar Bear
Jun 9, 2013, 12:06 PM
I hope that your group benefits all those who attend. If I may ask a question or two, why do you feel the need to call yourself a bisexual group when you are open to all sexualities?

This group is open to all LGBT folks, their partners and friends. Poly folks are also welcome. Here's to looking both ways before crossing."

We are speaking to the identity of bisexuality in an attempt to build a community within the LGBTQ. We want to put the "B" in LGBTQ. By opening the invitations to all, we are hoping to engage others to have a dialog with us. We hope these dialogs will show those who doubt our existence that we really do exist and function just like they do. We also seek to break the stereotypical views that others may have.

Polar Bear
Jun 9, 2013, 12:12 PM
16298 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Southern-Nevada-Bisexuals/202333853249337

Jun 9, 2013, 12:14 PM
The entire aspect of stereotypes for bisexuals is a hornets nest imo. Not all bisexuals live in a cross orientation relationship and are as happy doing so. Some of us really are promiscuous and proud to be so. Some of us do not agree with you that non monogamy as far as gender is a choice for some bisexuals. There is more in your OP that is pure subjectivity. Remember that please when you are educating. Other than that aspect I like your black box comment and agree.

Jun 9, 2013, 3:16 PM
Oh DC I've been on this site since 2006 and my words are not ignored by those who are truly interested in bisexual activism.
Remember DC there are more bisexuals than gays and lesbians combined and so the "real larger LBGT community" consists mostly of bisexuals who do not really identify with your organizations and attitudes. You just keep running around making your ol fashion gay activist statements bitching about how bisexuals behave and how they should adhere to your beliefs. You have stated that you are in a non monogamous same sex relationship and so you are living my premise.

btw You do not seem to be ignoring what I post at all?

Good fortune to the OP with his venture. (see hornets nest ..lol)

Jun 9, 2013, 3:35 PM
Hopefully, group discussions will discuss how bisexual activism differs from gay activism. Perhaps DC can give his opinion on how bi activism differs from gay activism? How biphobia differs from homophobia?

Jun 9, 2013, 7:54 PM
Your response is as expected and your usual troll like approach. You use words to slur without even really understanding the words and their differences. I do not really need to know GLBTQ activism as much as I need to know, support, promote and be sensitive to Bisexual Activism. To demonstrate my support of bisexual activism I offer the following for your edification.

Here is an article from February, 2013 about the lack of bisexual inclusiveness in GLBTQ organizations. I'm happy for the OP organization offerring space but I wonder how the organization would do on the survey below.

This shows the need for removing bisexuals from these groups and demanding funding for the majority in the non hetero world ..that is bisexuals.
Or as this report shows, demanding inclusiveness

“Given the overwhelming evidence in the past few years showing that bisexual persons exist in greater numbers than the combined gay male, lesbian and transgender populations (http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Gates-How-Many-People-LGBT-Apr-2011.pdf), we must ask whether some of the national queer organizations are themselves paying attention to the particular needs of bisexual folks, not merely as lip service, not just as an afterthought, but in any sort of tangible way.”

The questionnaire:

Does the organization have full-time personnel solely dedicated to the advancement of bisexual issues or advocacy for bisexual clients and/or members?
How does the organization provide services for or market to bisexual persons?
Does the organization have out bisexual persons on its board of directors, executive board or foundation board?
Are bisexuals specifically mentioned in the organization's mission statement?
Does the organization recruit bisexuals among its members?
Does the organization include bisexual persons on its staff and among its volunteers?
Does the organization educate its staff and volunteers on bisexuality and biphobia?
Does the organization's website have the word "bisexual" or "bisexuality" listed among its topics or tabs (not just including the letter "B" in the acronym)?

“According to the responses, it appears that there is nobody devoted specifically to bisexual issues or bisexual advocacy in these groups.”

“Any national LGBTQ organization that does not specifically commit itself to bisexual inclusion should know it is targeting less than half of the LGBTQ population. “- Lauren Beach, former BOP chairperson

With several of the major LGBT organizations not even taking the time to respond to this questionnaire, it's evident that the concerns of the largest segment of the LGBT population, bisexuals, are being neglected and ignored." Ellyn Ruthstrom, president of the Bisexual Resource Center of Boston (http://biresource.net/)


Polar Bear
Jun 10, 2013, 12:17 PM
Your response is as expected and your usual troll like approach. You use words to slur without even really understanding the words and their differences. I do not really need to know GLBTQ activism as much as I need to know, support, promote and be sensitive to Bisexual Activism. To demonstrate my support of bisexual activism I offer the following for your edification.

Here is an article from February, 2013 about the lack of bisexual inclusiveness in GLBTQ organizations. I'm happy for the OP organization offerring space but I wonder how the organization would do on the survey below.

This shows the need for removing bisexuals from these groups and demanding funding for the majority in the non hetero world ..that is bisexuals.
Or as this report shows, demanding inclusiveness

“Given the overwhelming evidence in the past few years showing that bisexual persons exist in greater numbers than the combined gay male, lesbian and transgender populations (http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Gates-How-Many-People-LGBT-Apr-2011.pdf), we must ask whether some of the national queer organizations are themselves paying attention to the particular needs of bisexual folks, not merely as lip service, not just as an afterthought, but in any sort of tangible way.”

The questionnaire:

Does the organization have full-time personnel solely dedicated to the advancement of bisexual issues or advocacy for bisexual clients and/or members?
How does the organization provide services for or market to bisexual persons?
Does the organization have out bisexual persons on its board of directors, executive board or foundation board?
Are bisexuals specifically mentioned in the organization's mission statement?
Does the organization recruit bisexuals among its members?
Does the organization include bisexual persons on its staff and among its volunteers?
Does the organization educate its staff and volunteers on bisexuality and biphobia?
Does the organization's website have the word "bisexual" or "bisexuality" listed among its topics or tabs (not just including the letter "B" in the acronym)?

“According to the responses, it appears that there is nobody devoted specifically to bisexual issues or bisexual advocacy in these groups.”

“Any national LGBTQ organization that does not specifically commit itself to bisexual inclusion should know it is targeting less than half of the LGBTQ population. “- Lauren Beach, former BOP chairperson

With several of the major LGBT organizations not even taking the time to respond to this questionnaire, it's evident that the concerns of the largest segment of the LGBT population, bisexuals, are being neglected and ignored." Ellyn Ruthstrom, president of the Bisexual Resource Center of Boston (http://biresource.net/)


I appreciate your well thought out responses. Some of the points you make arewell founded. I agree with several. The questionnaire you posted, whileextremely narrow in its focus, does have some merit. In my opinion a nationalLGBT organization should have all the elements of its acronym built into itsmission statement with a corresponding support structure within theorganization. Those organizations that choose to incorporate the all-encompassing“LGBT” or “LGBTQ” acronyms should indeed have the personnel on staff dedicatedto the advocacy of that group. One ofthe reasons I chose to meet at the Gay & Lesbian Center of Southern Nevadais to give the “B” in their “LGBTQ Center” a bisexual voice. As for the promiscuityfactor I say to each their own. I personally do not agree with promiscuity inany community including the bisexuals. I feel that what we write, discuss andact out under the guise of anonymity of the internet tarnishes the communitiesthat exercise this practice.

Polar Bear
Jun 10, 2013, 12:53 PM
Even those within our bisexual community doubt our true existence mainly because we are routinely dismissed as confused lesbians or closeted gays looking for a quick "no-strings-attached" sexual liaison. We are routinely dismissed as cheaters, or promiscuous individuals who are not capable of loving another individual purely on the qualities of that person regardless of their gender stereotypes. I will say that there is a portion of our community who are promiscuous, cheating no-strings-attached individuals who are quite the presence on bisexual oriented websites throughout the internet. I don't believe that these people are the heart and soul of our community. I believe that we need to peel back the seedy partitions that appear in forums and chat rooms and reveal the true identity of the bisexual community. We need to shadow our brothers and sisters in their respective communities under the "LGBTQ" banner and present ourselves as caring families, loving parents, and the good people that we truly are in spite of current perception.

Long Duck Dong
Jun 10, 2013, 8:08 PM
honestly jeb, the only thing that I can suggest is that you continue to work on the social bisexual aspect and growing the groups along those lines cos as much as you want to grow a image of the bisexual community beyond the misconception about how we act, its a up hill battle as long as we have bisexuals that use sites like this and other sites, to reinforce the idea that bisexuals can not be happy / settled with partners they love... that they need the constant ongoing hook ups in order to exist and be happy... and that affects the whole community and paints us all with the same brush and because that is the most visible aspect of bisexuality, its the aspect by which bisexuals are most judged..... be it true or not....

lol unfortunately my LGBT business group ran in to the same issues with our bar project and support for the bisexual community.... the image that the bisexual community, was unhappy about, was the very image that they were creating with their behievour as it was the more visible aspect of their behievour and the way they conducted themselves

most of the communal lgbt groups and activities were more person orientated than anything, pot luck dinners etc and that worked well as most of the people were looking beyond the hook up, so they were freer ( in a sense ) to employ a wider range of activities that could be offered.... there was pressure for a night for bisexuals to meet up and it was offered, the reaction was that they were not happy with the lacklustre response from people. no amount of explanation from various groups, would get the message across that people wanted a night out with drinks and laughter, not being hit on.....

it got frustrating, we were trying to create a place and time for the bisexual community... however their own behievour became the noose around their necks and there simply was not enuf of the * settled * bisexuals that were not looking for hook ups, to support a bisexual night..... the ironic thing is that the LGBT group and the general lgbt and allies community, are still being blamed for the bisexual night mess...... and as for the bisexuals that were looking for friends, not hookups, they are spread out over the hetero and gay / lesbian groups that are open and welcoming of bisexuals that are interested in friendship, fun and having a good time

there is a LGBT motorcycle club, artists group. book club etc that do exist with a good bisexual membership and the interesting thing is the way that most of the people use the thinking that there is pretty of time to hook up and have sex, but there needs to be time to have fun and enjoy the aspect others of who we are, outside of the sexuality....... I, myself, are part of a LGBT gamers group and we do not push for LGBT groups in gaming sites or same sex marriage etc.... we are LGBT that enjoy gaming..... and yes we still get the people that push their own LGBT agenda of more visibility and being visible in gaming sites, and they are often the first to get banned for misconduct or offensive behievour ( non sexual / disruptive behievour )

I do not believe there is any quick fix for the bisexual image, we will always be seen as promiscuous etc... until people get to know us personally, and even then, some people may refuse to accept that we can be committed, contented, settled monogamous / non monogamous / closed poly / triad etc type people as well as open minded, NSA / poly and single etc people......

Jun 10, 2013, 11:32 PM
Hi Jebenedict
Good for you to try to give the B in your organization some Bisexual visibility in this organization. They seem to be receptive to allowing you to create and sponsor your meetings. Did you find out if they ever had organized bisexual meetings before? Have you found out if they have bisexual representation on their board and how many board directors are bisexual? Do you know this organization well enough to know what their answers would be to the questions?

I think that the survey had a purpose and it was narrow by intent. The Bi Invisibility factor seems to be the heart of that survey. I think that much is to be done to improve bisexual lives and that includes increasing assistance, counselling, programming specifically for bisexuals (not just similar to gay progamming) and positive presence in the organizations by bisexuals. Again, I think that you are on the right track.

I’m a bit confused about this organization’s title. Is it the “LGBTQ Centre” or the “Gay and Lesbian Centre”?

I notice that your profile refers to being poly positive but some of your words about promiscuity seem to give me a different impression. Would not any poly situation be seen as promiscuous by some?

Polar Bear
Jun 11, 2013, 11:48 AM

Polar Bear
Jun 11, 2013, 3:33 PM
Hi Jebenedict

I’m a bit confused about this organization’s title. Is it the “LGBTQ Centre” or the “Gay and Lesbian Centre”?

I notice that your profile refers to being poly positive but some of your words about promiscuity seem to give me a different impression. Would not any poly situation be seen as promiscuous by some?

While their name is Officially the Gay and Lesbian Center of Southern Nevada, http://www.thecenterlv.com they have since shortened it to The Center. Yes we are poly friendly, in fact we lived as a triad for 5 years. A polyfidelous relationship does not promote or accept promiscuity.

Jun 11, 2013, 3:46 PM
Thanks Jeb
It is interesting that they have not felt the need to alter their legal name. It is not that expensive (I am on an artist run centre board and we recently changed our name to match our new direction/mission statement etc.) Maybe with your attempts to create this group is the beginning of change in south Nevada :)

Thanks for the name "polyfidelous". I looked it up and understand to some extent the difference from polyamory. In away, polyfidelous has some similarity to "closed loop" relationships?

Polar Bear
Jun 11, 2013, 5:39 PM
Very similar in structure and concept.

Desert Dragon
Jun 16, 2013, 2:04 PM
The answer to your question is more one of personal choice as opposed to the definition of the lifestyle. A bisexual person usually feels he or she was born bisexual. That being said, that person makes a personal and relationship decision to remain monogamous, be polyamorous, to cheat, or to not be in a committed relationship at all. Likewise, the polyamorous person makes a personal and relationship decision to keep a closed group, to allow others to float in and out of the group, or to even have a committed group to begin with.

Promiscuity is a question of definition. What defines "promiscuous"? To some, it may be having sex with more than one person. To others, it is the act of having sex with someone without first discussing it with your "primary" partner. To a monk who has taken vows of celibacy, it might be masturbating. Who knows. The point is, when using subjective words, you should define that word so everyone knows your definition as used in that context.

Hope this helps

Polar Bear
Jul 1, 2013, 10:53 AM

Polar Bear
Jul 9, 2013, 9:42 AM

Come join us today at the Center in Las Vegas.

Polar Bear
Jul 29, 2013, 11:06 AM

Silly Billy
Jul 29, 2013, 12:42 PM
I am a resident of LV and would like to go to the meetup but probably won't be able to attend due to my work scheduale. ( I won't be at work at 7 but will be ready to go to sleep to be up at 2 am ). As far as my bisexuality goes , I still don't understand it very well. I am not really attracted to men physically or emotionally , but I love M to M oral sex and would probably also enjoy anal ( one of these days.) However , I never really felt the urge to kiss a man , hold a man , cuddle , hold hands etc. My situation sucks though. I don't drive and because I needed help w/ my ( now defunkt business ) my mom moved out here to help me and now stays w/ me. So I can't really travel ( other than bus or walking ) and can't really host. It seems everyone on CL just wants an immediate hookup or a blow & go , I don't drink & don't like bars. I am hoping to find both a bi and/or bi-freindly girl friend and a bi male 'FWB'. I guess I will just have to be patient and in the meantime use my hand , dvds and imagination to satisfy my seemingly neverending cravings...( not that I would ever want these cravings to end mind you...)

Polar Bear
Aug 5, 2013, 10:20 PM
I am a resident of LV and would like to go to the meetup but probably won't be able to attend due to my work scheduale. ( I won't be at work at 7 but will be ready to go to sleep to be up at 2 am ). As far as my bisexuality goes , I still don't understand it very well. I am not really attracted to men physically or emotionally , but I love M to M oral sex and would probably also enjoy anal ( one of these days.) However , I never really felt the urge to kiss a man , hold a man , cuddle , hold hands etc. My situation sucks though. I don't drive and because I needed help w/ my ( now defunkt business ) my mom moved out here to help me and now stays w/ me. So I can't really travel ( other than bus or walking ) and can't really host. It seems everyone on CL just wants an immediate hookup or a blow & go , I don't drink & don't like bars. I am hoping to find both a bi and/or bi-freindly girl friend and a bi male 'FWB'. I guess I will just have to be patient and in the meantime use my hand , dvds and imagination to satisfy my seemingly neverending cravings...( not that I would ever want these cravings to end mind you...)

You should try to make it to one of our meetings. No judgment just like minded friendly people!

Polar Bear
Aug 12, 2013, 10:26 AM
18221Please join us tonight 7 pm at the Center in Las Vegas!