View Full Version : Urban Legend Cat..lol

May 25, 2013, 8:07 PM
Yep, that's what a guy in chat called me the other night. He says "Wow! You Do exist. I thought you were just a BiSex Urban Legend. Nice to finally talk to you" lol

Yes my Loves, I do exist. I've just been busy as hell now that things have gotten better here. Losing my Son made me have a major set back for a while there, plus fighting with the state to finally get some proper health care took up a great deal of my time. For those who have health issues, you understand. The good news is: I've finally been refered to a Surgical Gynocologist through the University of Washington, so we'll see where things go from here.
Plus, my summer events have started up, which means I'm off doing different events in our area here. I am a Military and Biker Memorabilia Vendor, and I do festivals, car shows, air shows, street fairs, ect. So as you can see, I'm a busy Kitty..I like to stay busy. ;)
I'll try to pop in more often. I promise. Cross my big, ample, busoms..lol (Shup Rich)
Hugs and kisses to those I know, naughty leers and grins to those I dont.
Your Bad Cat.:paw::paw:

May 25, 2013, 9:28 PM
Hugs my favorite pussy. Glad to hear that they are at least sending you to someone. Missed ya around here but totally understand. So just lots of hugs and continued healing energy.

May 25, 2013, 11:27 PM
Glad to hear that thinks are getting back on track. Finally good health care will come your way. Wishing you the best.

Belle in Boston

May 26, 2013, 3:14 AM
Thank you Ladies, its appreciated greatly..:}
Yer Cat

Missouri Redbeard
May 26, 2013, 10:46 AM
Good luck to you .... keep on keeping on ... :impleased

May 29, 2013, 8:33 PM
Thank you Darlings. I intend to be around more as time allows.
Yer Cat

May 29, 2013, 8:46 PM
Because Darlin, in the state of Washington, you must have first exhausted "Every means necessary" first, before they will pay for such a surgery. You have to have tried Everything first. The shots, the D&C's, the deep tissue samplings once a month, and if none of this works; Then and Only then will they consent to a hysterectomy. Doesnt make sense to me, but poor people on disability like myself, have to go with Their mandates. :rolleyes:
Did answer question? ;)

May 30, 2013, 7:53 PM
No Hon, its not. This stems from an injury mannny, manny, years ago, and a hysterectomy would cure the 24/7 unpredictable hemoraging that occures without warning. Thats why i have been fighting the state on this for so long. its interfered with my jobs, my social life, and its Really seriously messing with my Lust Life...lol