View Full Version : manscaping

May 22, 2013, 10:19 PM
This is a question probably many have asked and answered, so bear with me. I've seen so many pics of guys with completely shaved pubic. How do you do it and not nick sensitive areas? What method and razor so you use. I don't want to end up a gelding

Mr. Suck
May 22, 2013, 11:16 PM
Why would you or any man actually want to completely shave his pubic region and body hair? Adult men are supposed to have body hair and pubic hair. For all of the queens that get their panties in a bunch with the false idea that body hair is "gross" or "dirty" that's not true at all.

May 23, 2013, 1:31 AM
I use a three-bladed disposable razor and sensitive skin shaving cream. I do it while taking a hot bath, when I first get in while my balls are still tight. Been doing this for years, three times a week. Never, not once, seen a drop of blood. Shave my sac, the base of my cock, and trim my pubes to around 1/4".

May 23, 2013, 6:32 AM
I use VEET for Sensitive Skin

May 23, 2013, 7:38 PM
I shave my face with a German double edge safety razor but for down below I use Gillette Trac Two razors and change to a new razor after two-three times. I've shaved for years and it has become easy and fast. Don't apply too much pressure, use soap lather in the shower, and don't keep going over a spot repeatedly until your skin gets used to things.

May 23, 2013, 9:35 PM
I like the natural

May 26, 2013, 2:51 PM
Men do it Mr Suck, because its their personal preference to be clean shaven, or neatly trimmed, and because we women Love it. Its not For everyone, but for those who do shave and manscape, we women salute you! lol. Its so much neater, and cleaner and prevents odor's in the summer months, not to mention chaf and heat rashes. And, its SO much nicer to go down on a person that doesnt look like they are hiding a Bigfoot in their drawers....
Just my humble opinion..:}

May 26, 2013, 5:01 PM
I cycle my razors for face down below so that they are not to sharp. I find the bath tub easier as lighting is better and you can relax, take your time.15946

May 27, 2013, 11:48 PM
16070I trim my pubs with a beard trimmer and use a 3-blade razor on my balls.. Key is to shower with warm water since it softens both the hair and skin so you don't nick yourself..

May 28, 2013, 4:33 AM
Totally agree! My wife and I both pay attention to the lower region. I've been shaving ever since I can remember. It just looks and feels better to me...and no one wants a mouth full of hair! LOL!!

Men do it Mr Suck, because its their personal preference to be clean shaven, or neatly trimmed, and because we women Love it. Its not For everyone, but for those who do shave and manscape, we women salute you! lol. Its so much neater, and cleaner and prevents odor's in the summer months, not to mention chaf and heat rashes. And, its SO much nicer to go down on a person that doesnt look like they are hiding a Bigfoot in their drawers....
Just my humble opinion..:}

May 28, 2013, 10:31 AM
If you maintain things every few days, it's a breeze. A fresh, sharp razor is key. Lots of lubrication (shaving cream) and/or hot water running over the surface as it's being shaved. I use a cream moisturizer after I dry off (a mild hand cream), to minimize itching. The first few times you may bleed a little from skin tags or shaving the rough area at the base of the cock, but I have from my butt hole forward including shaft and testes every few days, without issue.

May 28, 2013, 11:17 AM
It's funny you know. We're on a forum for bisexuals, and there's a great number of fingers pointed at us, such as "bisexuality is wrong" "you are just confused" "You're either gay or straight" etc etc etc. The finger pointing/discrimination/corrections is something we fight against constantly.

Then heres a topic about manscaping, and of course a few people have to come in and say how wrong it is, throwing out all the openmindness they claim they had earlier. If both parties enjoy it, and it doesn't affect you, then what's the problem? Maybe one is very interested and the other has no clue where to start?

Anyway, this topic came up on another forum lately, and was pretty damn informative.


May 28, 2013, 11:38 AM
Well that's your prerogative. I don't decline sex based on hair status though but I do prefer trimmed and smooth

May 28, 2013, 7:00 PM
I shaved my shaft and balls for a couple years, wife didn't like it. I used a disposable razor and body soap in the shower.

Dec 29, 2014, 11:53 PM
I thought I would start out the New Year with a new look. Anybody have any recommendations on where to get a Brazilian wax for men in San Jose?

Dec 30, 2014, 6:53 AM
After trying many solutions to jock itch, my dermatologist finally suggested removing the hair. Voila! Problem solved. That was over twenty years ago. Now, I just dry shave with a 4-blade razor before my shower about twice/week. It takes all of two minutes. I trim the pubes with a beard trimmer and guard every month.

Dec 30, 2014, 10:10 AM
Been shaving and waxing my body for years! Feels sexier, looks prettier, and leaves a larger canvas for my body art :) Personally, I won't suck a dick, or eat a pussy, that isn't at least very closely trimmed! Will NEVER lick hairy balls! Must be smooth for that :)

Dec 30, 2014, 11:37 AM
I shaved my balls once because my girlfriend at the time wanted me to, and while we both enjoyed it for the first few days (there really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, I suggest you try it, it's breathtaking -- bonus points if you caught the reference!) it gets really uncomfortable when the hair starts growing back.

So, now I just keep everything trimmed.

As far as partners go, women I tend to prefer either fairly to very hairy or completely shaved, not a huge fan of the landing strip or other designs like that (don't get me wrong, it is not a deal breaker by any means, just a preference). On men I definitely prefer if they are at least trimmed.

Dec 30, 2014, 12:30 PM
Adult men are supposed to have body hair and pubic hair. For all of the queens that get their panties in a bunch with the false idea that body hair is "gross" or "dirty" that's not true at all.
Supposed to? According to whom? Are they 'supposed to' simply because it grows? Do you cut your hair or have tattoos? If so, why are you altering your body?

Most women have hair on their legs, under their arms and, unfortunately for some, on their faces. Most of them probably take steps to remove or minimize it. visually. Why? Are they, according to you, NOT supposed to have body hair and pubic hair? Perhaps you could expand on your helpful comment and give us a list of things that men and women are supposed to have and not have. It would be very educational.

I agree, to an extent, that body hair isn't necessarily "gross" or "dirty". A person's overall hygiene is the most important factor in their cleanliness. I just don't care to look at body hair, period.

Removing body hair comes down to simple preference. When I was very young, I was shocked at the appearance of pubic hair. I didn't know that it was normal at the time, and I was embarrassed that maybe I was weird because it was sprouting. I accepted what was 'normal' and lived with it for 60 years before deciding it's nobody's F'ing business whether I have body hair, or not. And I don't care if anonymous, judgmental assholes on an internet forum think I'm weird because of what makes me feel sexy or attractive. I may not actually be sexy and attractive, but it makes me feel that way. And that's the best I can do.

Dec 30, 2014, 5:55 PM
There seems to be a certain amount of peer pressure on this forum to 'manscape'. Some people have the attitude that if you have body hair, you have bad personal hygiene. I trim it down there, but I never found a hairless man attractive.

Dec 30, 2014, 6:22 PM
WOW i dont see anything wrong with that..i think its pretty!!!

Jan 18, 2015, 3:42 AM
I manscape my genital area...I prefer to be neatly trimmed or totally bare...It's neat, clean, and when I get naked, it looks good. I don't think going bare all the way works for all men, especially if they're fat, hairy, and out of shape...In my opinion, It looks funny and you'll be a laughing stock.

Jan 18, 2015, 8:31 AM
I shave my genital area, and my upper chest (that is all the wife allows) I prefer shaved genitals, both men and women.

Jan 18, 2015, 8:38 AM
Why would you or any man actually want to completely shave his pubic region and body hair? Adult men are supposed to have body hair and pubic hair. For all of the queens that get their panties in a bunch with the false idea that body hair is "gross" or "dirty" that's not true at all.

hairless is sexy, case closed.
hey, if anyone here is more turned on by hairy men, fine, cool, everybody has a preference.

Jan 18, 2015, 8:42 AM
Electric clippers for the long hair and soap and blade for the rest. Maintain on a daily basis for the best results.

Jan 18, 2015, 8:45 AM
It's a really a matter of personal preference and what makes you feel sexy. Preferences also change. I used to shave and trim a little and then decided to switch to waxing the whole enchilada for a smoother and longer lasting feel. My wife also used to prefer guys with some bushy albeit neatly trimmed pubes, because she thought fully bare guys looked like little boys. Now a days she prefers the fully bare look. She finds it more pleasant while giving oral and during intercourse.

I also have to say it feels a lot more hygienic. I don't mean to gross anyone out but I'm sure you'd all agree its a lot easier to clean up after #2 when you have a hairless crack! Lol.

Jan 19, 2015, 1:56 AM
I thought we were free to excercise personal choices in this country. If you prefer hairy, that's great. I hope you find who you're looking for, and trust me, you will never have to worry about my smooth shaved parts invading your private space. I personally FEEL sexier,cleaner, and more comfortable being shaved smooth from front to back. Those that get the chance to see it personally seem to enjoy it too. I really don't find yacking like a cat on a hairball attractive in the middle of a blowjob nor do I enjoy hair acting like an SOS pad scrubbing my manhood while I'm trying to feel warm wet flesh. I am a " real man". I have hair. It's just that mine is on top of my head where it still serves it's intended use to insulate. I wear jeans, boxer briefs, an undershirt, and a shirt on top and hell if it's cold out they have these gadgets they call coats that work pretty spiffy too! I don't grunt around the fire in a damp cave hoping my "real man" hair keeps me warm.
As for others like me interested in getting silky smooth, hit Walmart and get a bottle of Shave secret shaving oil and follow directions. You will love the results!

Jan 19, 2015, 11:52 PM
I shave my whole body,legs balls belly n chest plus under arms, feels n looks sexy.

Jan 20, 2015, 3:59 PM
waxing, does the job, its simple, easy, any spa will have a person to do it for you.

Jan 20, 2015, 5:26 PM
I prefer to go natural and I prefer others that do too. Sex is always great either way but I but like something to run my fingers through while I'm down there working.

I know there's a lot that don't like the hair and its fine with me; your preference. I started posting pictures of my naturalness, which weeds out the uninterested and I've found that there's quite a few that prefer the hair too; even those that shave themselves.

I've never refused a bald part though either. As long as your clean, I don't care. They all taste the same. :)