View Full Version : Which celebrities or famous people do you think or know are bisexual or gay?

Mr. Suck
May 22, 2013, 1:55 PM
Which celebrities or famous people do you think are bisexual or gay? I don't mean the ones who are out but the ones who are gay or bi and who are closeted like John Travolta, Tom Cruise, and Will and Jada Smith. Also politicians count as well like how Hillary is a closeted lesbian and her husband who loves junk food and cocaine, cigars, and who likes fat stupid Jewish interns who can't even get a cum stain out of a dress is bisexual.

R. R. Wayne
May 22, 2013, 6:24 PM
This thread does nothing to improve this forum. It is offensive and out of place. There is nothing good to be gained from responding to this trash.

May 22, 2013, 6:48 PM
This thread does nothing to improve this forum. It is offensive and out of place. There is nothing good to be gained from responding to this trash.

As far as people posting actors/actress's names I would be inclined to agree with you. If these "famous" people publicly announce their sexuality, then there would be a way of "proving" the "truth". Otherwise, it is mere speculation. Mr Suck and drugstore would only "know" if they personally had sex with these people.

I think that it is a a bit unhealthy psychologically to be concerned about another person's sexuality unless you are considering a sexual relationship with that particular person.

Why does it matter to Mr Suck what sexuality that a famous person is? That is the really significant factor for this thread.

Otherwise, it seems that it is nasty gossip. :(

The old 20th century argument that by publicly showing your sexuality that it improves the status of a sexuality seems well so 20th century.

Have we not moved beyond that? In Canada, we have to some extent but there are still hostile people. If a person wants to publicly support bisexual rights good. It doesn't matter what their sexuality is as long as they wish to support bisexual rights.

I personally do not care about another person's sexuality unless we are considering having sex together... :)

I've never found such "in the closet" comments to be done out of kindness and support. There seems to be a bitterness.

This does not advance bisexual rights. Shaming and ridiculing other for their sexuality is counter productive. If it is "outing" a phobic person who is "famous" for persecuting other it doesn't matter if it is because of the sexuality, race, age, gender etc. as much as the persecuting behaviour.

I think that in a healthy world a person's sexuality would have no significance unless you are considering some form of relationship (sexual etc.). But that is just me.

Mr. Suck
May 22, 2013, 8:24 PM
As far as people posting actors/actress's names I would be inclined to agree with you. If these "famous" people publicly announce their sexuality, then there would be a way of "proving" the "truth". Otherwise, it is mere speculation. Mr Suck and drugstore would only "know" if they personally had sex with these people. The old 20th century argument that by publicly showing your sexuality that it improves the status of a sexuality seems well so 20th century. Have we not moved beyond that? In Canada, we have to some extent but there are still hostile people. If a person wants to publicly support bisexual rights good. It doesn't matter what their sexuality is as long as they wish to support bisexual rights. I personally do not care about another person's sexuality unless we are considering having sex together... :) I've never found such "in the closet" comments to be done out of kindness and support. There seems to be a bitterness. This does not advance bisexual rights. Shaming and ridiculing other for their sexuality is counter productive. If it is "outing" a phobic person who is "famous" for persecuting other it doesn't matter if it is because of the sexuality, race, age, gender etc. as much as the persecuting behaviour. I think that in a healthy world a person's sexuality would have no significance unless you are considering some form of relationship (sexual etc.). But that is just me. Gee, I guess that John Travolta and Tom Cruise really are heterosexual then! ;) If you want to live in the closet (and thereby hurt your fellow man and fellow bisexuals and LGBT people as a whole) then live a quiet and guilty life- not one in the public spotlight by being an actor or celebrity. The fact that these people have to lie to "defend" themselves, tells you all you need to know. Stay closeted all you want Tenni, you're not out about being bisexual and therefore do not publically support bisexual or LGBT rights. Meanwhile more and more LGBT people of all ages such as my husband and I and LGBT youth who don't care about being closeted like people decades ago did will be out and proud about our sexuality, and not hiding in a closet based on fear, shame, embarassment, or the idea that sexuality is "private" and the laughable excuse that closet cases have where they say, "My sexuality is nobody's buisness at all and 'coming out' is telling everyone about my personal sex life!" or the dated excuse of "I don't care about someone else's sexuality or my sexuality does not concern someone unless we're having sex together..." all while they try to be "discreet" and hook up on the down low. :rolleyes: There's nothing the least bit "offensive" about this thread Wayne, unless you're living in a closet and somehow take it all personally. You knew exactly what the thread was about so if you're not interested in it why reply to it? LGBT youth who have a lot more to risk by coming out to their parents and friends come out and the pathetic closeted celebrities who everyone knows are gay, bisexual, or lesbian stay closeted. Anderson Cooper was an example of this, it was known for decades that he was gay but he was ashamed of his sexuality and stayed closeted until he finally had the guts to come out. Elton John is another example.

Mr. Suck
May 23, 2013, 1:18 AM
It's not trash, it's the truth. These people are totally closeted and the idea that they have a "right" to "privacy" is laughable and even they are the first to admit that they will do practically anything for fame, money, and media attention. How do you think that Hollyweird and the industry work? Smoke, mirrors, sex, drugs-both legal/illegal and prescribed, the Casting couch, closet cases, being obsessed with your image that's not even the real "you", backstabbing, and being kept by a rich and powerful producer, executive, director, etc. is how it's been going on from the start. Actors/actresses and celebrities are not nice or good people even if they want to claim that they are, how do you think they got where they did? It's certainly not from talent. You can say the same thing about deeply closeted politicians like those "Straight" men Ed Koch, Jerry Brown, Larry Craig, and many others...and the game of politics in general.

May 24, 2013, 8:29 AM
What gets me is the dimwit(s) blurt out who they claim to be bisexual or gay as if those people were less than human... in a way which the worst of anti lgbt bigots would of those they think should be exterminated... funny old world 'ere on .com innit? I haven't heard any claims 'bout half the names mentioned nor do I care if they are bi, gay, str8 or peeps from the planet Kissmearse... I'm not sure whether what is being shown by the dimwits is contempt for celebrity or loathing of non str8ness.. I suspect a bit of both...

May 24, 2013, 4:10 PM
I agree with darkeyes also. There seems to be something that just doesn’t fit when people begin posting about celebrities sexual orientation.

If these two posters are so strong in their belief that celebrities should disclose their sexuality I think that these posters should be using their real name on this site. I doubt that Suck and Cowboy are their legal surnames.

Every person regardless of fame should have the right to privacy boundaries. Every person should have control over what they share publicly. Those who demand it of others but do not use their real name on this site are rather hypocritical.

Oh heck..maybe why not disclose your credit card numbers, expiratory date and the three digit code on the back of the credit card as well. ;):yikes2:

May 24, 2013, 4:27 PM
This whole thread is a collection of bizarre speculation that serves no real benefit to the people who's names are being sullied nor to those who read it. Secondly, whether any of this is true or not, what fucking difference does it make ? Are they any less talented ? Would you go or not go to a movie or watch them on TV now ? Are you maybe envious ?

Who gives a shit what these people (or any of us) do in bed behind closed doors ? As long as nobody gets hurt, they are not doing anything illegal, they are not molesting children nor having sex with small animals that we know of.

What a total waste of the internet.

Mr. Suck
May 24, 2013, 4:55 PM
blah blah I'm missing the point as usual... Actually the point of calling out these closet cases isn't because of a victim or martyr complex as you're claiming, or claiming that these people are "less than human" but these celebrities who are totally closeted and actually could change how LGBT people are seen yet they stay deeply closeted and are total hypocrites. If they are involved in Scientology they are against LGBT people and LGBT rights, and yes there are a lot of politicians in the United States and worldwide both liberal and conservative who are against LGBT rights, yet are deeply closeted LGBT people. Celebrities and famous people have no rights to privacy since they are public figures and it comes with the territory. There are a lot of naieve people here who don't know how Hollywood and the industry work and how it's been for decades or at least 100 years with keeping actors/actresses in the closet. People will claim that dirty run down Hollywood is "liberal" and "progressive" but actually it's not at all.

May 24, 2013, 6:05 PM
I keep reading this closet thing roll out of many/few cyber gobs, Suck.. I didn't mention it because I simply don't accept it as any true part of your reasoning, if reasoning it can be called. The closet thing seems to me to be a deliberate ploy to bring bi or gay people out no matter the expense to themselves and/or to discredit them as people of no worth. The persistent anti closet thing pays no heed to reality or personal circumstance nor does it pay heed to a right to privacy of individuals whatever their status... it is used as an an excuse to bash and hurt so not a very pleasant excuse either. It is anti gay.. anti bisexual...it is Suckie.. biphobic and homophobic..it is anti human....

In our lives we don't tell everyone all of our secrets, or every aspect of our lives. Much is private and we a right to privacy.. even the most wealthy celebrity has a right to some. What and with whom he or she does in the bedroom or anywhere is his or her business except possibly when that activity impinges on another relationship.. but then it is the other persons in that relationship's business.. not yours or mine and certainly not the world's. Even in a world where all sexualities are accepted and no bigotry exists, many will not say what their sexuality is.. they will not say because it is no one's business other than those they may wish to tell... just as what they actually do in the bedroom is no one's business, or how much they earn, or have in savings, where they go their holidays or where they live, children go to school or even if they have children..

So I haven't missed the point... I simply do not accept the closet thing as the point u truly wish to make. In all of ur guises, and of those few/many of like mind who have continually made that same point over the last couple of years, I do not and never have accepted it as the true purpose of the comment... and out of ur cyber gob.. and those like u who rabbit such dross in often exactly the same terms, I never shall...

May 24, 2013, 6:07 PM
"Celebrities and famous people have no rights to privacy since they are public figures and it comes with the territory."

This is an opinion and it is my opinion a very unhealthy attitude. There is no law in my country stating this above statement.

I believe that those people who believe this are wrong. Mr Suck. Please print your real name and address on this site if you believe that these actors have no right to privacy then neither should you have any privacy rights. Politician are public figures but even they have privacy rights. Movie actors are to some extent as well but not what you propose. It is a matter of where the laws draw the lines.

Mr. Suck are you Drugstore Cowboy's partner?

May 24, 2013, 6:18 PM
Jamie is the lawyer not me, but it would be interesting if one or more of the people named decided to challenge Suck and co's claims in court? People are successfully sued for libel in this country for saying far less and making far more obscure comments than the luffly Mr Suck.. we would soon find out Suck and co's ID's/ID then, tenni... and the owner of the site should consider that too, for I doubt he would be exempt from being legally screwed should any action be successful.. where would .com be then, hmmmm?

Mr. Suck
May 24, 2013, 7:32 PM
Jamie is the lawyer not me... where would .com be then, hmmmm? LMAO Jamie just pretends to be a lawyer on the internet. Secondly there's nothing libelous against the law about anything that's been posted in this thread.

May 25, 2013, 5:40 AM
LMAO Jamie just pretends to be a lawyer on the internet. Secondly there's nothing libelous against the law about anything that's been posted in this thread.
Now.. dusn't that depend whether or not every claim u and ur "chums" have made is true, or that u have enough evidence for a court of law to take your part and/or that they don't shud worst come to worst?;)

May 25, 2013, 6:16 PM
The Ontario Court of Appeal broke new ground in the area of privacy law. It made it possible for individuals to sue each other for what it called an "intrusion into seclusion," an element of what most of us would call invasion of privacy.........The Ontario ruling effectively creates a new tort — a new wrong, with specific definitions and limitations attached — to allow an individual to sue another person directly for violating his or her personal information.

Invasion of Privacy is now defined in Canada as....

"One who intentionally intrudes, physically or otherwise, upon the seclusion of another or his private affairs or concerns, is subject to liability to the other for invasion of privacy, if the invasion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person."


Mr. Suck
May 25, 2013, 9:19 PM
That's nice Tenni but none of what you are describing is going on here in this thread or the discussion contained within this thread.

Mr. Suck
May 26, 2013, 7:56 PM
Ed Koch was a gay man and a major closet queen but who doesn't know this? Karma eventually came back and bit him hard in the culo.

Mr. Suck
May 27, 2013, 6:16 AM
Levi Johnston is gay, and Todd Palin is also gay.

May 27, 2013, 7:51 AM
Prince Charles-Gay.
Out of interest, what makes you think that?:confused:

May 27, 2013, 8:23 AM
I can speak with certainty of only two celebrities, one an actor, the other a singer. And, that''s because I had have sex with both....and NO I won't give their names.

May 27, 2013, 1:42 PM
Out of interest, what makes you think that?:confused: Wots ur interest, Gear? Leg up or leg ova? :cutelaugh

May 27, 2013, 10:30 PM
Wots ur interest, Gear? Leg up or leg ova? :cutelaugh
Times are hard. Any way would do in HIS case.:rolleyes:

May 30, 2013, 8:35 AM
Prince Charles is gay, he's clearly not the father of either Harry or William and the marriage to Diana and the "relationship" with Camila are all just for show and to keep him closeted.
How is it clear that he's not the father of his children? Did Diana tell you this?lol

May 30, 2013, 8:47 AM
How is it clear that he's not the father of his children? Did Diana tell you this?lol
...am saying nowt, Gear. but Harry dus look like.. no no Fran bitchy... nasty cow u.. stop it...:eek2: