View Full Version : Email from friend/your comments boys and girls

Jul 6, 2006, 6:46 PM
I searched the internet for a long lost friend and found him.We hadnt seen each othe in about 16 years.Mind you we had never had a sex or anything like that ,we were good friends,but i did feel attracted to him but anyway nothing ever happened between us and we never discussed sex.When he writes back he is very excited to hear from me.At the end of his note to me he says " I have room for a man like u in my life,you are the most amazing man i have ever met i"That really got me excited ,as i did like him alot.
What do you experts say about this,i dont know how to go about this, really. .Any comments? i would appreciate any outside opinion.

Jul 6, 2006, 6:55 PM
Well, if you never discussed sex, or had sex, either there was some pretty extreme subtext in your recent letter to him or the mutual attraction back then must have been as obvious as unvoiced, unacted-upon attraction can be.

Either way, if you like him.....go for it! If that's the language he used, there can be little doubt that he is VERY into you. It sounds as if he wants to lose himself in your arms....I wish I could strike up an old friendship like this.

Jul 6, 2006, 7:11 PM
I would be careful about reading anything into this. Yes, I know it sounds VERY promising but there's no point in jumping in with both feet and embarassing yourself.

Try testing the waters first.

Jul 6, 2006, 7:19 PM
I'd counsel caution if a woman used those words.....

but with a guy? Not so much. :bigrin:

Test the waters if you like, but this guy is already swimming in the Mariana Trench of your heart, and you both know it.

Jul 6, 2006, 8:21 PM
at least i know it for sure/

Jul 6, 2006, 8:27 PM
I messaged you back, hopefully it got to you. I'm kinda new at this.

Jul 7, 2006, 7:55 AM
You two knew each other a long time ago for a phase of life. The connection is on who you were. Lots can change in that time, experiences etc...but hopefully the real person you knew (if you were good friends) will still be there.

Talk directly, not through email...you'll work it out.

Some special friends come and go through life, but when you meet again...it's just like old times and feels incredibly comfortable. Gut feeling is the key I'd use.