View Full Version : Bisexuality and this somewhat modern male

Jul 4, 2006, 3:44 PM
I'm finding myself asking a lot of the same questions as I did when I ended my last relationship. My last relationship was open, but only sexually rather than emotionally. I was with a women who I deeply loved- almost married even. Things started falling apart pretty much when the relationship was open. Also I started having some serious mental issues from a combination of the relationship going sour and being seriously overworked and drug problems to boot. I was told I could have all the fun I wanted, just don't get emotionally attached. This killed me, because it was the affection of another man I missed, rather than the sex. Don't get me wrong, I had fun, but in a rather sterile teasing sort of way. I don't blame her for wanting me to herself, I mean, we were engaged. I eventually ended us out of not wanting to hurt either of us anymore. I remember wondering why I couldn't have a boyfriend and a girlfriend and why it was so wrong for me to want that. It's been a few months since. Now I'm becoming involved with a bi male 6 years my senior. We're very into one another. He's very into monogamy, though, and I feel like I'm setting myself up for more disappointment and hurt. I have no problem with being committed, but I'm at the same inverse point of self awareness as previously, that I may feel like I prefer men but don't want to spend my days idly fantasizing about women. This is all very troubling to me, and I don't know what to do. I suppose maybe I'm doing it to myself. I don't know that I'll ever get married regardless of the gender involved. I'm just so sick of this "if you're with me you're mine" mentality. I am noone's. I as well as my heart are mine to give to whomever I choose. But this boy is so sweet and I don't want to hurt him. Is this fucked up of me? I honestly don't know. My whole family thinks I'm nuts already, and most of my friends are all about monogamy. As I said, I'm very into this guy, but I can't say when I'll start longing for feminine affection again and he flat out does not share his man. I don't know how to begin to approach this one. I mean, I'll be honest like I always am, but how to word it without sounding like I'm some kind of ho-bag?
It feels right now, but I can already tell this is going to be a problem in the future. We're taking it slow but it's already getting pretty intense between us. I just don't think I'm a one lover person. I mean, I'm not ashamed of it in the least bit, it just makes day to day existence kind of confusing. I'm pretty much a split down the middle bisexual. At times I prefer one gender over the other but it's in constant fluidity and I have no idea how I'll feel five years down the line. That's all, a cigarette or two is in order :(

Jul 4, 2006, 4:02 PM
Awe hun, I am sorry that you are feeling turmoil. The only the thing I can really say is: To find the situation you want, you must 1st create it. Either by being upfront with the person you are with now, or being upfront with the next person. You are not married, so you are free to do as you wish. You know you for what and who you are, and someone (or sometwo) out there will love you for it.

Jul 4, 2006, 5:05 PM
I don't know how to begin to approach this one.

You did a fantastic job approaching it with us. You are very good at writing. Maybe writing all this and addressing it to him would help you figure out how to say it out loud to him. All this confusion and going back and forth laid out in writing would make it very easy for him to approach you with a specific conversation to work on. Working out what you both need together could bring you closer even if it means you end up apart. Did that even make sense?

Yep. Your family is right. You are crazy. *tease* Like arana said in her post (http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1416), you are a crackpot! We love you and accept you for it. It sounds like this is a terrific guy and is loving you for who you are too. Don't be afraid of sounding crazy to him. Lol Sorry, arana... I want to steal your signiture now in addition to refrencing your post!

So my only advice here is: write. You are good at it. Lean on that talent to help you express yourself.


Jul 4, 2006, 5:13 PM
Points well taken. Thanks much dah-ling ;)

Jul 4, 2006, 5:18 PM
Awe hun, I am sorry that you are feeling turmoil. The only the thing I can really say is: To find the situation you want, you must 1st create it. Either by being upfront with the person you are with now, or being upfront with the next person. You are not married, so you are free to do as you wish. You know you for what and who you are, and someone (or sometwo) out there will love you for it.
True enough. I'm almost thinking it's just too soon to be with anyone after all that's happened. I just don't know. I do intend to tell him what I'm feeling. Better now than much later when I'm trapped in an emotional vise of sorts. Thanks for the kind words.

Jul 4, 2006, 9:32 PM
Working out what you both need together could bring you closer even if it means you end up apart. Did that even make sense?

Oh, I think it does. Well, my writing abilities appreciate your opinion. However, as it turns out I didn't need them for this one. We went to the beach and I was purely honest about where I'm at. I told him I'm not ready for a relationship, which is true, and about my somewhat unconventional ideas about human relations. He was totally understanding, and I got myself an awesome friend out of the deal. Honesty goes far indeed. Bottom line, I'm all good :cool:

Jul 4, 2006, 9:41 PM
Yeay! That's awesome! Hold on to that guy's friendship, he sounds like a treasure!