View Full Version : question for those that are "equal" amoung their attractions.

Jul 4, 2006, 4:46 AM
Is anyone else here so "equal" in their bisexuality/sexuality that they want/desire both genders almost equally all the time?

For example, if you are having sex with a man/men and you'll think, well this is nice but I'd like a woman here as well as the man/men...or if you're doing the same with a woman you think, well this is nice but I wish a man besides me was here and we were having sex along with the woman?

I hope this makes sense...

Long Duck Dong
Jul 4, 2006, 6:37 AM
lol I know exactly what you are saying lol

with me its slightly more complex...... with either a male or female partner, I immediately feel the lack of the complimenting gender... I don't feel it as a desire for sex, but more as a out of balance feeling

I am a libra ( the scales ) and what I term, a * true * bisexual ... simply, I feel, think and react as a female and male, in and out of the bedroom... and in situations where my emotional and mental states are roused and there is one only person around, I will automatically * become * the opposite gender... and if there is 2 or more people of both genders, I become neutral... or ac/dc in a sense lol

Jul 4, 2006, 8:24 AM
I like threesomes or foursomes best of all. There is just more fun is having both sexes there to be able to enjoy it all. I remember one time while having sex with a lady friend, just the two of us, I was kissing and sucking on one of her nipples while looking over at her other nipple thinking how hot and sexy it would be to be watching another person kissing and sucking that nipple. I thought to myself it really wouldn't matter it the other person was male or female. Just the thought of both of us pleasuring her breasts was very exciting.

Jul 4, 2006, 4:21 PM
Is anyone else here so "equal" in their bisexuality/sexuality that they want/desire both genders almost equally all the time?

For example, if you are having sex with a man/men and you'll think, well this is nice but I'd like a woman here as well as the man/men...or if you're doing the same with a woman you think, well this is nice but I wish a man besides me was here and we were having sex along with the woman?

I hope this makes sense...
It makes perfect sense. Without going into too much detail out of respect to my former lover, here's what I mean. When I'm with one or the other, I find it extremely fulfilling, but for very different reasons. As such, I don't know if I'll ever settle down and be with one man or one woman. Both are so fascinating it's a complete toss up for me. A lot of people I know tell me it can't be that way, that this or that is what's normal. To which I reply, "Normal? do you know who you're talking to?". As I loved to tell the staff at the funny farm, "Stupid people are crazy. I'm eccentric."

Jul 4, 2006, 4:24 PM
Actually it is a dilemma for me.

Unfortunately, I might have to marry a bi female who understands that I have a special male friend that I spend time with on a regular basis.

But I understand my role as a future husband and father and know that I will have to be devoted to my wife if I have the wherewithal to go through with marriage in the first place (pretty much a 100% probability that it will happen).

Any man in my life then will either have to be a secret consort or a distant third place after the wife and kids.

Sucks, but I think I can handle it.

Jul 4, 2006, 4:57 PM
[QUOTE=DiamondDog]Is anyone else here so "equal" in their bisexuality/sexuality that they want/desire both genders almost equally all the time?QUOTE]

In my case I'd have to say yes. Even when I making love with my wife, I wish that we had a male friend to make us complete. If she had both a vagina and a penis it would almost be the ideal, but not quite.

Jul 5, 2006, 6:52 AM
i think i would say i desire both men and women the same much .
and thats exactly why im at the moment a bit frustrated , sexually i mean , cause i only have a man right now with whom im intimate and theres no women in sight . im not doing a very good job at the moment or im not good at flirting right now , i dont know . since i came to sweden i had almost no women . you meet bisexuals or lesbian women only by mistake if at all .

so anyways , id always like to have a threesome instead of normal sex even .
i mean for me it would be wonderful to have my boyfriend plus another girl living here with me . that would make me the happiest women alive ! but my man always laughs about me and says "well , you know it would be too crowded here anyways . ." . . more or less that means , no . :( wouldve been to good to be true anyways . .