View Full Version : Observation about The Advocate' article "How Gay is Superman"

Jul 3, 2006, 11:44 PM
I had just started reading The Advocate article "How Gay is Superman" and could not help but notice that they make several mentions to Gays and Lesbians identifying with super heroes because of leading a double life, etc. yet their is no mention of bisexuals.

I think that is kind of odd because I think that in some ways we probably live closer to what most people would consider a double life than many gay people do.

My first thought was well, it is a Gay and Lesbian magazine. Then I noticed the phrase under their name, "The award winning GLBT news site." So why weren't we included?

This article is B.S. anyways....all kinds of people enjoy comics and super hero movies for MANY different reasons. Oh, and I saw Superman...and didn't find anything gay, or bisexual, about him.

Link to article: http://www.advocate.com/exclusive_detail_ektid31748.asp

Long Duck Dong
Jul 4, 2006, 1:39 AM
the gay / lesbian way if thinking of simple... heterosexual- bi sexual - homosexual and not heterosexual- homosexual - bisexual

in their eyes, bisexual and heterosexual are nearly identical...bisexuals just sleep with both sexes... gays / lesbians are sleeping with the same sex so stand out more and need to be identified as a seperate group while they group bi's and heterosexuals in the same group

Jul 5, 2006, 11:30 AM
This gets me thinking about how as a bipolar bisexual I love the Xmen movies. Saw the first two again while hospitalized and my roommate was like,"dude- we're the mutants" :bigrin: Who can't relate to feeling like a mutant from time to time? That being said the article is complete hogwash.

Jul 5, 2006, 5:13 PM
Sometimes I think we get left out because we don't fit into a neat, easy to explain grouping with more predictable sexual patterns such as exclusively homo and heterosexual people do.

We are the outcast's outcasts.