View Full Version : Perspectives on Pornography

Apr 26, 2013, 5:55 AM
Found this on Huffpost, and it got me thinking.


Where does porn come from, what is it and where does it have it roots.

I was born in Denmark, Copenhagen and spend the first 20 years there.

Porn was legalized back in 1969, but by mid 60's, the police had all but given up on raiding

porn shops and printing houses and news agent selling porn magazine.

Denmark has always had a very low sex crime rate despite all the porn around. That sadly changed with the arrival of the young Muslims who thought it was
their right to rape white women, and porno had nothing to do with it.

So, what do you thing about porn, where did it start and more importantly why. I have my own idea about which I will add later, just want to see what you all think. It should be fun.:eek2:

Apr 26, 2013, 10:45 AM
Myself I am trying to get unaddicted from porn. Nine months ago when my wife and I separated, it became a daily ritual for me. So bad that without it I have a hard time getting hard. And there are times when I want to get hard somewhere else besides in front of my computer. So I went cold turkey completely from it about three weeks ago. And finally I am back to being able to rise to an occasion without porn.

So aside from an occasional look I'll completely abstain from porn from here on out.

Apr 26, 2013, 1:31 PM
I like to watch porn, but now have become more selective, because a lot of porn is so fake.
I agree that some muslim cultures are too oppressive towards the people, that when they get out they do bad stuff and blame others. Funny fact that the No 1 country of downloading porn is Pakistan - a conservative muslim country.
The porn is ancient like humanity. In ancient Roman Empire there was found statues of gods like Zeus having an erection.

Apr 27, 2013, 9:56 AM
Being that I don't have another person that I can be physically involved with on a regular basis I did watch porn.

Professional porn is very unrealistic - for one thing who needs a 2 hour porn tape? They dub the sound,, I don't have a "fluffer" to keep me going for that long..and my dates don't screech like a banshee every time someone brushes up against their tits!

I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with amateur porn but like anything else it can be abused. There is a use for it in society, by the same token it also causes some problems.

I need to cut down on masturbation so I deleted all of my pornography - now I see attractive people walking up and down the street and get as horny as a regular person does. I think your brain actually gets wired to anticipate things that induce a sexual response. I need to learn to appreciate people and live in the real world rather than the computer so I would rather be "wired" sexually to a real person than an image on a screen. It's not an easy process but I am working through it. Real people can't always do what is in porn videos, but you know what? That's okay.

Apr 27, 2013, 10:17 AM

Exactly. Much better stated than how I put it, and the exact reason that, after nine months of being addicted to porn, I am no longer watching it. The urge is still here right now, to click on Red Tube and watch away, but I am resisting it best of my abilities.

Apr 27, 2013, 12:34 PM
From a womans perspective I don't mind it occasionally, but it doesn't do that much for me. I find it mostly boring, I'd much rather be doing something myself, but after talking to my partner about it that may be because actual sex means multiple orgasms for me, porn and masturbation is generally just the one, so ultimately it's pretty frustrating. My partner was using it quite a lot, and it has caused issues in our relationship, firstly because he tried to hide it and his behaviour made me think he was hiding something else. Then when I did understand it became apparent that many times when I wanted sex, but he did not, his porn use and masturbation was the cause, he didn't have anything left over for me. I've had trouble dealing with this, mainly because I experienced sexual rejection in a major way during my previous marriage, and I suspect that this rejection has got transferred onto this relationship. Either way, I asked him to not use it when I was in the house, walking in on him at 3.00am when I've woken up and he's not there next to me in bed isn't good for either of us. It's not as harsh a request as it might sound, our work patterns mean that he generally has 2 or 3 days a week at home alone, and he said he would try. It's been several weeks now, and the subject hasn't come up again, however we are having more sex, and I've noticed that he is far more aroused than normal, which is very sexy in itself. Things change, and I guess this will too but right now everything fits for me, and I hope for him too. I've also noticed that an already loving man seems to be more focused on me than normal. I'm wondering if he's not using it at all at the moment, as an experiment perhaps? I don't think there's anything intrinsically wrong with porn, people have been looking at people having sex forever, I just think that the ease with which porn is available now can easily lead to it being abused and becoming an addiction, leading to problems in the real world.

Apr 27, 2013, 3:31 PM
It can sometimes be a good thing. Watching a porno movie with a partner that is either really funny (like some of the current "spoof" series) or a real turn-on can make for a fun evening at home and perhaps inspire a little creativity in bed. Looking at porn and rubbing one out can also be healthy for relieving stress and keeping your sanity, depending on the individual. I can see how it can become overwhelming and addictive to some, though. I look at it as pure fantasy, a make-believe world separate from reality. It can have negative effects on your relationship if you let it. It can, in some cases, also prevent you from being tempted to stray into cheating and other dangerous real-life behaviors. It's complex, and there is a reason it should be for adults only. Also, I agree that so much of the current porn is ridiculous, over-the-top, almost no ties to what people actually look like and behave, that it really doesn't even turn one on.

Apr 27, 2013, 5:28 PM
The availability of porn via the internet has probably changed quite a few guys’ lives. As someone pointed out teenage guys can be obsessive with or without porn when it comes to their dick. I remember one adult friend stating that he hardly came out of his bedroom between the ages of 12 to 15 as he was so focused on masturbating. It was the era of playboy pics but I suspect that he would have been just as focused with the internet porn if it had been available.

It is difficult to say when porn becomes detrimental but I guess that it can be. Married biguys often sublimate their desire by using m2m porn and in particular if they have not been with a guy sexually.

As far as degradation of women, I suspect that other input from fathers and mothers should help young men perceive women as something other than a sex object. However, not exclusively. Getting visually turned on is part of being male at certain stages of our lives. Most guys are not turned on that much by big fake tits after awhile usually.

Personally, porn became less significant as I matured. I’ve moved from purely visual stimulation to more auditory stimulation as well as tactile sensations. I still will watch porn with a bud but not that often on my own. It was not that significant for me to watch it with a woman. The positive aspect is the decriminalization of most porn. If porn becomes an issue in our lives I suspect that there is something else behind that. Availability often leading the causes.

Young pussy and dope
Apr 27, 2013, 6:47 PM
Also, I agree that so much of the current porn is ridiculous, over-the-top, almost no ties to what people actually look like and behave, that it really doesn't even turn one on. LOL even the amateur porn I have seen is like this. As for the silly idea that people in porn are being "exploited" or "degraded" that's BS since they have to sign release forms and they know exactly what they are getting into when they do porn, and it is their personal choice to do porn.

Apr 27, 2013, 7:23 PM
This thread was not meant to be about your personally view on porn today, but it history. Where does it come from, and why, who decides when something is porn.

The porn is ancient like humanity. In ancient Roman Empire there was found statues of gods like Zeus having an erection.
But do we have the right to call it porn, other peoples culture.

Mr. Suck
Apr 27, 2013, 8:59 PM
Ever since I met my partner and we began dating decades ago we both stopped watching porn or caring about it or the people in it. In the 70s porn was not that good and back when I was single I still preferred to fantasize or have sex with someone who I was in a relationship with rather than watch porn that was totally scripted, edited, and very boring with the corny lines and fake screaming and moaning.

Apr 28, 2013, 12:16 AM
[QUOTE=goldenfinger;249615]This thread was not meant to be about your personally view on porn today, but it history. Where does it come from, and why, who decides when something is porn.QUOTE] Okay, as far as history, there has probably been sexually-themed art as far back as man has been able to paint on a rock. We see that as soon as any new technology (such as the Internet) is invented that can possibly be used for sexual themes, it is. It is part of human nature. I can sometimes be good, but also can have real negative effects. As far as what is called "porn" and who makes that determination, that is a large debate. I am glad that "porn" falls under freedom of speech here in the USA and is protected, and also that it is restricted to adults only. I also think we need to guard against exploitation and degredation. I think we in America should re-evaluate a social system that criminalizes the female nipple and yet allows prime-time TV to show unlimited violence, explosions, shootings, tortures, etc. But as for history, sexual themes have been around since man has, and it is up to us to determine how we define "porn".

Apr 28, 2013, 12:43 AM
I watched the history of Porn on the history channel once. It was interesting the way it progressed from rather tame bordello shots to full on xxx sex. I think it literally went from what we now term erotica to full screen sex for sell, even the amateurs appear to be "selling" their product now and trying to break into professional movies. If you can find it on netflix they might have it for rent, the documentary was fascinating but it's been a few years.

Apr 30, 2013, 12:31 AM
Here is two links, one goes back 1000 yours and one 2000 years.



Do we have the right to call other peoples culture perverse.

The way I see it, "porn" as we see it today, began the same day the church started to interfere into your sex lives, and sexuality. Without that interference, I don't think there would have been a reason to react or protest against the church. Forbitten fruit taste better.

As posted in another thread, the biggest downloader of porn (gay) seems to be from the most controlled countries.

So, if the church wants to get rid of porn, they have to stop interfering into our sex lives, and I just don't see that happening.

What do you think?.

Apr 30, 2013, 5:45 AM

Apr 30, 2013, 2:21 PM
Yes, the religion influenced human sexuality for a long time. Like in Middle age Europe church stated that giving a blow job is a sin, and people doing it will be burned alive. Or lesbian sex will give a gangrene. When hopefully humanity finds balance between faith, then everything would be better. In one article I red about Denmark, who's sexually very liberal and openly sells porn. Once the immigrants from conservative religious countries emigrated there, they ,,became crazy with sexual freedom'' and thought that ,,it was allowed to rape local women, since they don't dress modest''.

Apr 30, 2013, 2:32 PM
Hey Gold

I watched the videos and your sources.

Do we have the right to call other people’s culture perverse?

Whether we do or don’t have the right, people do this. People judge based upon their own experience. The video about Khajuraho temple shows that what we might find sexual, erotic or just dirty was not shared by this past Indian culture. I did find the attempt to connect the temple to an alien extraterestrial culture a bit unsupported. I think that the last video about the Christians and their perception about the evils of pornography only borderline healthy. Whether 50% of the men had viewed images of sex within the past thirty days is healthy or unhealthy was not really proven. We don’t know how the Khajuraho temple images were seen by that ancient culture. In a few thousand years, if digital imagery of our porn is found, will we assume that was the norm about sex in our culture?

I’m not certain that I would blame a church (assumably Christian) for creating perceptions of pornography today. I am probably inclined to agree that the Christian video appeared somewhat rational but was probably just a slick covering over the idea of taboo sex. Whether the man’s son had seen the young women in a sexting message and that is what made him crawl in to her bedroom or the father didn’t really know that his son and the girl were interested sexually. The girl sent the sexting message but I doubt the boy was innocent in the flirting sexual encounter. It is not like the son was the only young man to crawl into a girl’s bedroom window. ;)

Apr 30, 2013, 6:24 PM
Hey Gold

I watched the videos and your sources.

Do we have the right to call other people’s culture perverse?

Whether we do or don’t have the right, people do this. People judge based upon their own experience.

Yes people do, but it has to have started somewhere, when and why. We all learn form the generations before us.

I picked this video because it was of a better quality only.

May 1, 2013, 3:05 PM
Hey Gold

I watched the videos and your sources.

Do we have the right to call other people’s culture perverse?

Whether we do or don’t have the right, people do this. People judge based upon their own experience. The video about Khajuraho temple shows that what we might find sexual, erotic or just dirty was not shared by this past Indian culture. I did find the attempt to connect the temple to an alien extraterestrial culture a bit unsupported. I think that the last video about the Christians and their perception about the evils of pornography only borderline healthy. Whether 50% of the men had viewed images of sex within the past thirty days is healthy or unhealthy was not really proven. We don’t know how the Khajuraho temple images were seen by that ancient culture. In a few thousand years, if digital imagery of our porn is found, will we assume that was the norm about sex in our culture?

I’m not certain that I would blame a church (assumably Christian) for creating perceptions of pornography today. I am probably inclined to agree that the Christian video appeared somewhat rational but was probably just a slick covering over the idea of taboo sex. Whether the man’s son had seen the young women in a sexting message and that is what made him crawl in to her bedroom or the father didn’t really know that his son and the girl were interested sexually. The girl sent the sexting message but I doubt the boy was innocent in the flirting sexual encounter. It is not like the son was the only young man to crawl into a girl’s bedroom window. ;)
Don't make assumptions from the sculptures at Khajuraho. Those were built by a sect that is not representative of India. India is actually a very conservative country.

May 1, 2013, 6:37 PM
Don't make assumptions from the sculptures at Khajuraho. Those were built by a sect that is not representative of India. India is actually a very conservative country.

It WAS part of India up until the British rule. That changed everything, the way women dressed and many other things, I have discussed this with an Indian friend.India then and today are not the same.