View Full Version : Shortbus,,,holy shit, youtube

Apr 20, 2013, 4:55 AM

Has anybode seen this movie, can't believe it's on utube.

Apr 20, 2013, 7:11 AM
Just as it was getting interesting, it went to commercial...:(

Apr 20, 2013, 7:28 AM
I was lucky enough to see this movie in a movie theater the year it came out. Great film! FYI: Apparently, from what I read, when the Director posted the casting notice for the main characters and the background characters, it plainly read FULL NUDITY AND SEX ACTS REQUIRED. As you can plainly see, he put it all on FILM! I actually went out and bought the dvd and I have lent it out to Dozens of people!

Apr 20, 2013, 10:10 AM
Saw it years ago, actually got it thru Netflix. The most sexually explicit mainstream movie I've ever seen. Loved it!

Apr 20, 2013, 11:55 AM
Thanks I saw part of this film before on my cable. I often see the last half and then have to catch the beginning. Alternatively interesting! :)

Young pussy and dope
Apr 20, 2013, 3:49 PM
The movie has been around for years. It's actually pretty boring and the sex scenes are not all that hot they're pretty monotonous. In the movie it is as though sex and open relationships trump everything else in life, as if people obsess about sex every minute and second of every day. They should have just released it as porn since that's what it is despite how it tries to be all provocative it falls short. I would rather just watch regular porn either the type that's made today or the stuff I saw in the 70s that's far better than the crappy movie Shortbus.

Apr 20, 2013, 9:43 PM
I never saw this movie before, and I was more then surprised that it was up on utube, and not taken down. Anyway, me and wife watched it last night, and we both enjoyed it.Wife kind of like that kind of movies.
Where can we find more like this one.

Apr 21, 2013, 11:35 AM
I thought it was a valiant attempt at getting at the core goal of everyone: The difficulty and terror of allowing someone to get close to you. Most people think that sex allows someone to get close to you, but many times when sex comes too early in a relationship, really finding out about the other person stops. People feel that if you are close physically, then you must be close emotionally/spiritually. Uh . . . no.
I thought there were parts of this movie that were very funny (the Star Spangled Banner sung into an ass). As one critic wrote, if you can see the Star Spangled Banner sung into a guy's asshole, then the terrorists haven't won! LOL. For all its flaws, i think it was worth viewing.