View Full Version : straight female, just found out boyfriend is secretly bi sexual.

Apr 18, 2013, 3:58 PM
A little background: we dated 9 months before becoming official,and have been together year and a half now. I am his very first girlfriendEVER! He is 30 years old. he’s was a huge "ladies man" his wholelife. when we were just dating he was very depressed. his friends say they havenever seen him so happy! I’ve caught him chatting with girls via Facebook ontwo separate occasions before and he swore to never do it again, and hewas just bored. it really hurtmy feelings because I had given him my trust despite the fact that I wasMAJORLY fucked over in my last relationship. he reassured him that it wasnothing more than chatting which for me was still wrong but it was clear thatthey never actually had sex. I love this man with all my heart and have nevermet a man as caring and sweet as him. he said things when we first starteddating to lead me to believe that he has had sex with men. but we never reallypressed the topic. so I guess it’s always been in the back of my mind. I didask him once months later and he denied it completely! he has mentioned to methat he only made it official with me to see if he was actually even capable ofhaving a gf, sort of an experiment? RUDE! but now claims to be madly in love.

Fast Forward: he’s moved down south about 4 months ago. Igave him the option of just remaining friends but insist I move down there withhim and that we stay in a long distance relationship until my lease here is upin July. so far long distance has been working I’m there every other month he’shere every other. I’m totally down to start a new adventure with him and movedown south!

the dilemma: I admit it I’m a snooper! I looked through hisphone while he was here last week...... I found nothing....until... i seen himtexting a random number. the guy asked him if he were gay or bi. and if he’dlike to meet at a hotel in 30 mins. my boyfriend responded with being a bisexual male and then proceeded to say he’s a topper and likes to suck. then theguy asked him to eat his ass. he said he didn’t know if he wanted to cause henever has. then text him back saying never mind he’s too chicken for the meetup and sorry to waste his time. he came in the room I confronted him and heimmediately started crying and admitted to being bisexual. I was confused andwas way more pissed at the fact that he was willing to meet up and have sexwith someone then him hiding him being bi. we had a very long talk and saidthat he was sexually molested when he was small and thinks that’s why he’sattracted to men but loves women more. he’s had sex with about a dozen men andhas chatted with at least three since we have been together. he says he’s embarrassed,and that he hasn’t had sex with a man in years but now it’s more of just a fantasyfor him. he also went on to say that the only person he has told is his aunt (heoften confides in her with a lot of things). he believes his friends woulddisown him if they knew. but I really don’t think that would be the case.

how I feel: I’m torn. him being bisexual in no way makes Ilove this man or desire to be with him any less then I did a couple weeks ago.but I don’t know how to feel about him having these desires I’m not a man I don’thave anything for him to suck. we’ve tried anal before but I didn’t really likeit. it makes me feel incompetent as a sexual partner for him because I’d liketo for fill his wants and needs but I am not into bringing anyone male or femalein the relationship. I told him not to be embarrassed and that this is just theway he is and there’s nothing he can do about it but accept it. he says he doesn’twant to feel like this and that it discuss him. he also goes on to say that he’snot attracted to men that he doesn’t look at them and want to fuck them. he didn’treally want to talk about it anymore than this. he wants to go talk to acounselor about how he’s feeling and I encourage it.! I gave him an ultimatumand told him if he doesn’t think that he can stop talking to other people sexuallythat we shouldn’t be together. he later promised to never do it again and that he wouldnt want me to move with him if he wasnt serious about us. he looks through my things and I have no problemwith it because I have nothing to hide. thisis the third time I’ve caught him doing this and am tired of having the sameconvo about it over and over. im also concerned because he found this man on craigslist. i asked him if he even planned on using condoms and he said no because he already knew he wasnt going to pull through with it.

any advice would be helpful. I don’t need anyone being rude I’mjust curious if anyone has gone through something similar or been on the otherend of this situation. :oh:


Apr 18, 2013, 6:18 PM

1/ I may be wrong but imo you need to get help for yourself. If you feel that you need to snoop into some guy’s phone messages you have issues to resolve before you enter in a relationship with another man. Looking through another person’s things is not a good way to build trust and love imo. Ultimatums are another sign that you have issues and that is not going to “cure” his bisexuality. You are not going to make him straight. Some bi guys will say that they are content with their female partners and porn works for them. He is the only one that can make those decisions and he knows that he is bisexual. Like a lot of biguys he is not comfortable with his sexuality at this point though. I can tell that you are trying to be supportive but it seems that you are also demanding as well. Can he be monogamous? It doesn’t seem so but it may remain fantasy for quite a few years. If he wants to be monogamous it is better than ultimatums.

You are more than not going to fulfill his needs to be with other men. Some men are satisfied with their female partner using a strap on. There is nothing in your statements to show what he enjoys about being with another man as a bottom but is only attracted to cock..not the man. This is fairly common for some bi guys. It usually means that he will have only emotional attraction to womenn that sense you may fulfill his emotional needs but not all his sexual physical needs. Is that enough for you? Are you willing to let him explore his same sex attraction (with or without you present..observing if you want)? However over time we bisexuals can be fluid in which gender attracts us and in what manner.

2/ He needs to get help with his unresolved feelings about being sexually abused as a boy. The probability is not a definitely direct connection to being a bisexual but some bisexuals have had too early sexual experiences. Regardless that is in the past and this is how he feels now(a lot of shame). There may be other direct connections with his former relationships with women though.

3/ There are things that people may suggest that you both consider. Sorry, but I don’t think that you are going about this to create a more open loving relationship with a bisexual man. Do not move down to his new city. Cut your ties and move on resolving your own issues.(control?) You are not a match imo and it has only a little to do with his bisexuality imo. You and others may disagree. I may be wrong but I don't think that you have the psychological tools to get this to work at this point. I'm just a guy reading a few of your words and I know that is a lot more behind both of you. Best of luck whatever you decide. I'm sure that other will be more positive with their support but that is what I see.

Apr 18, 2013, 7:18 PM
I know its not right to snoop through someone's things but I'm glad I did. I didn't have trust issues with him until he randomly one day came to me with a sketchy story about how some girl was coming on to him. I asked to see his phone and seen that it wasn't the girl hitting on him but was he hitting on her. Ever since then I told him we needed to build our trust back and he wanted to prove that I could indeed trust him again. He suggested that I look through his phone/Facebook whenever I wanted so in a sense it was snooping but in a sense it was an agreement. Call it what you want but I don't mind if my significant other looks through my things if they need that sense of ease and reassurance because I have nothing to hid from the one I love. I don't think my ultimatum was too far fetch. It is what it is if he can't stop talking to anyone m/f in a sexual matter behind my back then we shouldn't be together. He feels the same way about the ultimatum as me. He doesn't want to be with me if I'm talking about hooking up with a guy. That's our personal boundaries that we don't want crossed. I dint want to cure him and I know that I can't. I like men no one can train me to not. Same goes for him I'm assuming.

I wanted advice because the more I've looked into it I see that there's different definitions for everyone as to what beit means to be bi. I want to be open minded and get feed back on if its possible for someone to hate the urges they have and for the sex that used to be physical turned to fantasy be just that? Im not a man and it makes me sad that I can't fulfill his sexual needs! I don't think id be into using a strap on or bringing another into the equation. I'm open to trying. But I don't think it will be mycup of tea.

I am deeply in love with this man and I love him no matter what its heart breaking to hear/think that this might not work out. Its just hard when your planning and looking forward to being with someone and building more wonderful memories. I've thought of just breaking it off but can't bring myself to do so.
My heart is heavy.

Regardless thank you so much for your feed back I really appreciate it.!
Enjoy your day,

Apr 18, 2013, 10:39 PM
Sorry, I don't mean to be a spoil sport and not give you some hope.

As I wrote, no one can solve your issues from a few paragraphs that you write. If you love him and want to make this work, I hope that it does.

If he gave you permission to look in to his phone, facebook then you are not exactly snooping but checking.(semantics sorry).

I think that what you can get from this site might be some ideas about how bisexuals live their lives and some commonalities. You are correct that there seems to be many variations on bisexuality. Sadly, deceit, seems to be a trait that some bi guys struggle with. Society discrimination about male bisexuals in particular over female bisexuals may be a partial reason. Your lover seems to have issues beyond that though based on the few words that you wrote.

A lot of general guidelines are given on this site with communication the most important. Second, is to establish boundaries that you are both comfortable with(note both). Take you time and discuss this with him. He doesn’t seem to want to talk to you about it but a counsellor. Let that happen and support it.

I don't know why he has moved from real time m2m sex to playing on Craigslist and not following through. He is not the only guy doing that though..lol He may be trying to control his urges or other reasons. Hopefully, he becomes comfortable talking to you about his m2m urges and watch some biporn with you for you to learn what he enjoys..but he will have to be comfortable with doing this. You don't have to do anything that you are not comfortable either.

Ask specific questions on this thread and maybe some people may be able to answer specific questions.

Apr 19, 2013, 8:19 AM
Both of you going to therapy would be a good idea. If you can truly accept him as a bisexual, and he can accept it as well, the relationship can thrive. Marriage is about being honest and sharing who you are as a person. You have issues to work through and so does he. Neither one of you will have a good relationship with ANYONE unless you both get help with your issues. I'm bisexual and don't feel bad about it and my wife totally accepts it. I am honest about who I am and she loves me for who I am.