View Full Version : Sexuality and Politics...

Apr 18, 2013, 4:22 AM
First, let me say this thread isn't intended to criticize any particular political ideology, party, or affiliation. If there is discussion (and I hope there will be), let's all try to keep cool heads and engage the topic intellectually and not emotionally. Political belief is not an indicator of a person's worth, intelligence, or morality.

Having said that, I am curious if those of us that are bisexual tend to lean one way or another. I often make the assumption (perhaps naively) that people in the LGBT community tend to be more liberal than others. I am aware of groups like the Log Cabin Republicans that are made up of gay folks that support the Republican party, but it seems that their membership is not that large and they tend to be marginalized by the party as a whole.

If you are conservative fiscally, are you able to overlook the portions of a conservative social agenda platform you disagree with and support them solely on economic ideology? For example, you may really want entitlement cuts in the Federal budget, but are a proponent of gay marriage and LGBT equality in general. What if the party that supports the entitlement cuts is fiercely anti-LGBT? Is it possible to say which issue you would consider more important and would sway your vote in one direction or the other?

Apr 18, 2013, 4:32 AM
Right, although I've always been all across the political spectrum at different points of my life. I've always been what you can describe as a libertarian.