View Full Version : Bisexuality and Spirituality

Apr 6, 2013, 3:29 PM
Ive only recently found out I am Bi and haven't been with another guy or anything, it happened when I was coming off these meds that were raising my inhibition too high and once it was lowered I realized I was unwillingly suppressing homoerotic thoughts and being grossly over medicated. Also explained my David Bowie fascination. I remember visualizing myself naked in front of the sun floating in space which of coarse led me to Egyptian mythology Greek and Aliester Crowely Thelemian cult and some other biarre existential beliefs. Im just wondering what beliefs out there that support bisexuality and human sexuality Ie egyption gods Ive looked into were bi apparently and the ancient rulers and such. I hate christianity and lit a bible on fire, I can't not believe in something but any religion/cult that says Im born with mortal sin isn't for me besides I was essentially agnostic anyway but now I'm not sure.

Apr 6, 2013, 8:54 PM
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

-Mahatma Gandhi

Hmm, all I can say is that not ALL Christians are fundamentalist conservatives. It has been slow to come but things are changing. My relationship with divine because easier to accept when I stopped thinking of God as some angry old white man in the sky and started thinking of the divine as a loving partner that ultimately wants to see me succeed in reaching my full potential.

I am probably a cross between Egyptian, Gnostic Christian, Humanist and Buddhist..


I finally chose Unitarian Universalism because it was the most disorganized, organized religion I could find.

How about a humanist?

agnostic? (this lady always seemed fun http://www.pbs.org/moyers/faithandreason/watch_atwood.html)

Have you tried any of the Eastern Religions - Buddhism, Hinduism, Kabbalah?

I sort of like Sufism, although parts of it are very strict.. Poetry by Rumi and Hafiz resonates with my soul in an amazing way..


..and two more fusion songs for good measure..



oh heck why not?



Apr 6, 2013, 9:17 PM
Well I call it an Eastern religion because Judaism was one of the three great Abrahamic "Western" style faiths, and yet there were a certain subset of Jewish people that spent a very long time studying Kabbalah, which has many parallels to Eastern religious concepts.

An interesting thing I noted was that some years ago many Christians were very interested in the "Purpose Driven Life" series - I tried reading a little of it and what i found was that for at least some of the book it essentially took Eastern Religious concepts and tried to frame them in Western constructs.

It doesn't bother me at all, in fact I am intrigued because I believe that religion should be inclusive, not exclusive..so anything that gets people to come together with an understanding of divine love is good.

There is an animosity that plagues our living and saps the potential of people to know their strengths and limitations in a positive way. No matter how much we struggle we are still loved.

I don't mean to offend anyone - If it wasn't for the love of God, I wouldn't be here...

It has taken me a lifetime to overcome jealousy and bad feelings around what I was brought up to believe. I am strong willed and so it takes a lot for me to admit that without the love of the divine I probably wouldn't be here. When men told me I was worthless, I was too afraid to tell anyone about my feelings for men and I wanted to leave this world it was God who reminded me that I was loved and asked me to hold on just a little longer.

Sorry but I have always been fascinated learning about the interaction of history, technology and society throughout time.

Apr 7, 2013, 8:32 AM
As for the Devil? It is a personification of all of the things that humanity does not like about itself. It does exist, in so far as we've created it.

I once met "the devil" in a dream, and I did not like being around his energy at all. He is rather like the guy who tries to cheat at poker, badly. Not pleasant to be around but he did not scare me to the core of my being. If Christians think that temptation is the worst thing out there to be scared about, well - more power to them. I have met one or two entities in dreams that scared me to the CORE of my BEING, and the Devil was not one of them. I did not say "Satan" - that's a whole other story..

Once in a dream my "friends" decided it would be "hilarious" if they conjured up my incarnation of the devil just to see what would happen. As it ended up, my incarnation of the devil would seem to be Jack Nicholson in "Witches of Eastwick" - so I ended up being chased around in a dream by Jack Nicholson .. of course we all know what happens to good 'ol Jack in the end..

A friend on this site shared this with me this morning..


A king went into his garden and found wilted and dying trees, shrubs and
flowers. The oak said it was dying because it could not be tall like the pine.
Turning to the pine, he found it drooping because it was unable to bear grapes
like the vine. And the vine was dying because it could not blossom like the
rose. He found Heart’s-ease blooming and as fresh as ever. Upon inquiry, he
received this reply:

“I took it for granted that when you planted me you
wanted Heart’s-ease. If you had desired an oak, a vine or a rose, you would have
planted them. So I thought that since you put me here, I should do the best I
can to be what you want. I can be nothing but what I am, and I am trying to be
that to the best of my ability.”

You are here because this existence
needs you as you are. Otherwise somebody else would have been here!–existence
would not have helped you to be here, would not have created you. You are
fulfilling something very essential, something very fundamental, as you are. If
God wanted a Buddha he could have produced as many Buddhas as he wanted. He
produced only one Buddha–that was enough, and he was satisfied to his heart’s
desire, utterly satisfied. Since then he has not produced another Buddha or
another Christ.

He has created you instead. Just think of the respect
that the universe has given to you! You have been chosen, not Buddha, not
Christ, not Krishna. You will be needed more, that’s why. You fit more now.
Their work is done, they contributed their fragrance to existence. Now you have
to contribute your fragrance.

But the moralists, the puritans, the
priests, they go on teaching you, they go on driving you crazy. They say to the
rose, “Become a lotus.” And they say to the lotus, “What are you doing here? You
have to become something else.” They drive the whole garden crazy, everything
starts dying–because nobody can be anybody else, that is not possible.

That’s what has happened to humanity. Everybody is pretending.
Authenticity is lost, truth is lost, everybody is trying to show that he is
somebody else. Just look at yourself: you are pretending to be somebody else.
And you can be only yourself–there is no other way, there has never been, there
is no possibility that you can be anybody else. You will remain yourself. You
can enjoy it and bloom, or you can wither away if you condemn it.