View Full Version : Friend in need

Mrs. Taz
Jul 1, 2006, 6:14 PM
I have a friend in need of a bunch of things she has no job as of right now and so no money and she is 18 and was kicked out of her dads house, I hate to ask anyone here for help but I didnt know what else to do.

Mrs. Taz

Jul 2, 2006, 1:16 AM
what kind of help would that be ?? i mean how can strange people help someone whom they do not know at all . . personally i would have a problem with that .
but you know i had it quite hard in my life to survive , much harder .. i didnt get kicked out by my dad - but i believe if i could manage life , everyone can . . i mean isnt that what we all should do , help ourselves . .

anyways , im feeling quite sorry for your friend , before now everyone calls me heartless and cold maybe , but i cant help her - in any way . . sorry ! :(

Jul 2, 2006, 11:23 AM
Where's she located? What kind of help are you looking for?

I believe in helping when I can. If you can give us a little more details of what she's needing, perhaps more people will step up to help!

Jul 2, 2006, 1:05 PM
Basics first: shelter & food. There are many organizations that can help in this area. The Salvation Army can be a good resource for both food and shelter, if this friend attends church she might try there. Is she a recent graduate? The school's counselor might be able to help. Are there any relatives she can contact? The hardest part here is in asking for help, you've asked on her behalf, but she needs to be involved also.

After she has a place to stay, then employment is next in order for her to attain self sufficiency. The aforementioned places can help with that as well. I wish you and her luck; truly, if there is something specific she needs, let us know.


Mrs. Taz
Jul 2, 2006, 6:06 PM
again, she is looking for a job but cant find one as of yet. she is 18 and no family willing to help much at all. she is in need of house hold goods and food curtains/blinds for her windows dishes bowls pots pans plates glasses cups towels wash clothes money. those sorts of things, anything from anyone is much appriciated. I dont know about anyone else but even if I dont know the person I would still help in any way I possibly could. she isnt quit up to her mental capassity of an 18 yr old, she is slow with learning on some things but she is a fast learner and needs to be given a chance. no one prepaired her for living on her own or for the real world b4 kicking her out. she came to me and my husband for help and we are helping her the best we know how and giving her things that we can do without but she still needs a lot of things that we cant give her cause we dont have the extra.she has no refridgerator right now so canned foods would be best.If any of you can/would help it would be appriciated,God Bless you.

Jul 3, 2006, 5:15 PM
The salvation army and things of that nature and local churches, usually have food pantries. All she would have to do is go in and let them know of her situation. She can also apply for foodstamps and register with the unemployment office. They would help her find a job. Also signing up with some Temp agencies might help. It's a start if anything. She'll have to do the foot work. Hope this helps. Mrs T. You are very kind.

P.S. She can also check in with the local Workforce Developement Council and Also The JTPA (Job Training Partnership Act) They can also help her with work and/or getting a 2 year degree for example, LPN. Or for a faster start, CNA. They will also pay for supplies needed for the class, books and tuition.