View Full Version : My trip to Wal-Mart

Mar 15, 2013, 11:50 PM
On a road trip for work, going to be alone in a hotel, so I ponder the possibilities. Packed my anal toy (prostate massager), that's always a good time. Stop off at Wal-Mart for some supplies.

Condoms, because unprotected anal toys smell like ass.
An enema, bacause ass play requires a certain level of clean...

Then as I walk past the women's panties, I see some things for .96 cents...hmmmmn...I always pondered trying that...why not. This is when is gets fun.

Shoppers passing by can't help but stare at a guy looking over panties. Fun thing about being far from home. Screw 'em, they can judge all they want...lol..

I head to the register. The women in line ahead of me spots the panties in my hand. Then looks up at me. Then at the panties again. Then up at me again. :confused: Wow, her wheels are really turning.

The cashier could be my grandmother. She rings it up. Panties, condoms, enema... :yikes2: I can see that she has put together the puzzle...She starts to bite her lip, I can see she wants to smile or say something. She's avoiding eye contact...I politely pay and take my bag.

I laugh to myself all the way to the car. What a hilarious experiment in human behavior!

Thought I would share.

Mar 15, 2013, 11:54 PM
LOl Sounds like a good time was had before, during, And after..lol

Mar 16, 2013, 7:47 AM
Chill out !
:bipride::bibounce::flag4::flag2::flag3::flag1::ra inbow::color::grouphug:

Mar 16, 2013, 9:39 AM

Who stuck a wire brush up his asshole?

Mar 16, 2013, 2:23 PM
Nicely written account. Maybe he bought the stuff because he didn't have any such stuff at home to bring? I know years ago I used to hide such things, then finally throw them away from fear of someone finding them. Then I'd go out and buy some more when I got over my fear attack.

As an aside, I've read some accounts from crossdresser types buying girl stuff who said sales people were quite helpful in finding things for them. Maybe some women just appreciate guys with similar interests in clothes?

Mar 16, 2013, 2:46 PM
As an aside, I've read some accounts from crossdresser types buying girl stuff who said sales people were quite helpful in finding things for them. Maybe some women just appreciate guys with similar interests in clothes?
Maybe Fred.. but no girl I know who has the least good taste and sense of style would go near ASDA (UK WalMart) or ne otha supermarket for knickers or owt else to wear... cheap tat and as bad as the tat peeps buy off markets.. and ASDA of all supermarkets is the 1 wich no self respecting human being wiv ne sense of morality and feeling for human dignity and decency wud spend a penny in on ne thing.. don't often agree wiv BiDave.. but he is rite on the button ther....

Mar 16, 2013, 4:03 PM
OMFG I hope I'm not on some Asda site (blush). But I'll have you know that I get my quality underwear (MENS) at Peacocksl Anyway I thought Premark was the UK's Walmart? I've only been there 3 times (accompanying a friend) I swear to God! (shame)

Mar 16, 2013, 4:24 PM
Here they are called Walmart. There is one close to my place. It is heated/ac via some "geo thermal system" where they circulate air through the earth somehow. That is kind of interesting and almost worth supporting. I try not to shop in Walmart due to their politics. I must admit buying the odd thing there (for art installtion purposes that I couldn't get elsewhere and buying a cheap toaster) I have no idea where the men's shorts section is let alone the woman's.

I buy my men's boxer briefs at Winners. Gear that has to be a step up? Do you have "Winners"? I think that they are suppose to be seconds in some ways but they are a fine comfy fit . ;) :)

Mar 16, 2013, 5:13 PM
On a 2 day road trip for work, I drove into the city at the beginning of a snow storm. Black Ice on the Interstate Freeway, more cars in the ditch than on the road. I made it to work, but the storm intensified all day, by 7PM it was a blizzard and took me 30 minutes to go 1 mile to the hotel. My room was real nice and had a sink, microwave oven and refrigerator as well but I have no food and need to eat dinner. So, do I go 200 meters across the adjoining parking lot to Walmart, buy food to bring back to the hotel? Or should I risk travel in a blizzard (like where is the roadway visibility) and try to find a restaurant?
I don't remember seeing any isle signs for sex toys.

Mar 16, 2013, 7:55 PM
Fuck Wal-mart they treat their employees like shit and use Chinese workers who are forced to work as slaves. You must eat shitty food like junk food, or have something wrong with your body and lower digestive tract since performing an enema is not necessary at all. The reason that your sex toys "smell like ass" is that they are cheaply made and because you do not clean them correctly after you stick them up your ass. You bought the panites since you have a tiny penis! ;) I hope that pictures of you buying all of this stuff wind up on the site peopleofWalmart.com! Why did you buy this stuff and not just take it with you in your luggage when you were going away on a business trip? Very true about walmart.

Mar 16, 2013, 8:33 PM
OMFG I hope I'm not on some Asda site (blush). But I'll have you know that I get my quality underwear (MENS) at Peacocksl Anyway I thought Premark was the UK's Walmart? I've only been there 3 times (accompanying a friend) I swear to God! (shame)

'underwear'....oh dear G.

Mar 16, 2013, 9:32 PM
Hmm, every once in a long while I look kind of sideways at the women's clothing and wonder if I would fit into any of it. I don't know - it more curiousity than anything.

So far I have mostly been able to satisfy myself in the underwear department between a few pairs of uncomfortable as hell but sexy looking male bikini briefs and a pair of Calvin Klein underwear - I guess I sort of assumed that because it was made by a gay fashion "genius" it would do something to accentuate the "crotch" area but I think more than anything they ended up being utilitarian - sort of like a sports bra for your twig 'n berries... I guess maybe if my last name was "Horse" I might see a difference.

.. err... "Gee Golly Mr. Horse!! - is that a trombone slide in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

I'm glad you could make that Cashier's day :)

Mar 17, 2013, 7:03 AM
OMFG I hope I'm not on some Asda site (blush). But I'll have you know that I get my quality underwear (MENS) at Peacocksl Anyway I thought Premark was the UK's Walmart? I've only been there 3 times (accompanying a friend) I swear to God! (shame)U betta not b buyin' owt in Primark.. u an I will b fallin' out:cutelaugh;)!!! Things haven't improved since the telly documentary far as I kno... if I wos u.. lil word inya friend's shell likes!!! Is ok buying stuff cheap if 1. it has quality and lasts 2. looks decent (pref chic tyvm!!).... an' 3. isn't made in sum far east sweat shop wer women an kids r treated like shite an paid almost bugger all.. few ethics Gear dear...isn't just ASDA an' Primark.. none of our supermarkets r entirely exempt from blame an' 2 many peeps just don't ask the questions... and common sense.. false economy buying tat.. doesn't last, looks shoddy afta few wears and 2 often falls apart!! Disposable nappies is 1 thing,, disposable clothes, undies an' shoes is tad 2 much for ne 1 2 bear!!! I kno.. am a snob!!:cutelaugh But I cudn't for shame buy owt I knew wos produced for next 2 nothing and wer peeps r treated like scum..

..an' bout Daffy's comment in post #11.. shud hope ya do wear undies... nowt worse than skid marks onya keks babes.. ver unsexy... bad enuff on the undies:eek2:... an' its comfier an' sexier wearing undies unda ya breeks ne way...:tongue:

Mar 17, 2013, 8:20 AM
I've only bought a £1.00 pink rubber watch in Primark as a stocking filler, honest! Even I can see how shite the cloths there are.lol @Daffyd- I call my MEN'S underwear "knickers", but not on THIS thread I don't! Peeps might get the wrong idea.lol I hope you'd wear uderwear if you popped to mine for a cuppa? Unwrapping a prezzie has it's own exitement yu know?@Elian- YES, those gay geniouse designers are shite at everything but fooling punters into giving them money for unflattering gear! Shop around and get your junk looking more impressive than the lable.YAY!

Mar 17, 2013, 8:41 AM
I go to wal-mart to. I buy all my panties bra's and thigh highs there. I get strange looks all the time. Only twice did a casher ever say any thing. This one older women I think in her 60's was ringing the black lace bra and said wow I bet your will look good in this holding it up high. I said me to and laughed as she did to but when she seen my face she stopped smiling and gave me a clod stare. The other time A black young women was ringing pink panties and looked at me said for the wife I shook my head no. She said girl friend I shook my head no she said u got to be kidding me for u? I shook my head yes. She just started laughing shaking here head.

Mar 17, 2013, 2:25 PM
Used to live mere blocks from a Wal-Mart Supercenter a few years ago; shopped there weekly for everything I needed, groceries, etc. It was great! Very convenient. Had a very attractive woman bump into me one day as I picked a package of condoms from its rack; as she said "oops", we made very brief eye contact; :shades: it was an electrifying moment!

Now my trips are few & far between but I recently noticed the vitamin/supplement aisle contains the same male enhancement products being touted on late night infommercials, naturally, more affordable. Guess what's on my mind with the intense spring hornies taking hold?:smilies15

Mar 18, 2013, 4:43 PM

Mar 18, 2013, 5:57 PM
hehehe - I hope you paid cash, otherwise some database somewhere is probably going to recommend that direct advertisers start sending you lingerie and gardening catalogs in the mail ;)

I have to say, if I was a cashier you would've made my day.

Mar 18, 2013, 9:47 PM
Uhuh.. cudnt face check out wiv a person on it, hey?? Big Nell!!:cutelaugh Hopeya didnt have trubble wiv bar code reader....:impleased

Mar 18, 2013, 11:47 PM
Wal-Mart sells massagers? News ta me. But hey, more power to ya Darlin..:}

Mar 19, 2013, 12:52 PM
Most excellent CaArmy Guy...but I am surprised that the local WalMartians even batted an eye at ya...I made almost the exact same purchase (minus the panties) at a WalMart just outside of Birmingham, AL several years ago and not a single WalMartian took any notice of me

Mar 20, 2013, 7:36 AM
Check out this page (http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligencerreport/walmart_people.html) or this one (http://acidcow.com/pics/4876-people-of-wal-mart-part-ii-96-pics.html).

and these are just two of many.

Mar 22, 2013, 10:51 PM
Last summer I was at the outdoor garden center at Home Depot picking up a large order of mulch. I had been working outside and was dressed in work boots and cut off sweat pants -- commando of course to show off my large uncut dick. I had pulled on a dirty tank as they don't like shirtless guys; since the tank did not really cover even the nipples, I am not sure it mattered. In the hot weather and in the cut off sweaty sweats, my cock was very evident. I definitely like to show. Another guy in the garden center was in white mesh athletic shorts and also a tank. I realized he was watching me and,when I turned to look,his mesh shorts were so open and sheer I saw the outline of his cock and even some of the skin. It was incredibly hot. Since he was checking me out, I commented that I liked his shorts. He responded that mine were fucking hot. He said he lived close by and asked when I finished my shopping if I had time to stop by for a cold beer. Hell yeah! We had that and a hell of a fuck break before I needed to get back to work. And, yeah, we did date for awhile after that. It pays to put your cock out there. You never know when it is going to pay off!