View Full Version : worried about cyber

Jun 30, 2006, 7:50 PM
very worried about cyber would love to do it but very worried about bumping into someone who is under age help any tips :(

Jun 30, 2006, 9:15 PM
I'd say just cya.

If you suspect someone is under, ask. If they answer yes, apologize and the conversation ends. If they say no, you've done everything you reasonably can.

Jun 30, 2006, 10:07 PM
That is why you should always talk with the person you are with first. You can sort of tell the age of your partner by talking to them. At least their maturity level. There is no sure fire way of ever knowing, even in person people don't always look their age and will lie about it. But there is one question you can ask before anything else (definately when in doubt) and many times if the person is honest you will know..........."Are you under 18?"

Jul 1, 2006, 12:52 AM
Always go with your gut feeling. Meaning if you feel that the person is under age it is best to get out and do more research. I would rather not talk to someone than get in any sticky situations due to age.

There are other fish in the sea.


Jul 1, 2006, 1:23 AM
I'd say just cya.

If you suspect someone is under, ask. If they answer yes, apologize and the conversation ends. If they say no, you've done everything you reasonably can.

Couldn't agree more. If You have ANY doubts, don't agree to meet. You can also make it clear in Your profile that You do not wish to meet with anyone under a certain age. After a couple of e-mails, it's usually fairly easy to tell if they are being truthful or not about there age. Good luck to You in your search, and remember, it's not the destination that counts, but the journey - Dave

Jul 1, 2006, 9:47 AM
That is why you should always talk with the person you are with first. You can sort of tell the age of your partner by talking to them. At least their maturity level. There is no sure fire way of ever knowing, even in person people don't always look their age and will lie about it. But there is one question you can ask before anything else (definately when in doubt) and many times if the person is honest you will know..........."Are you under 18?"

In Britain the age is 18.