View Full Version : Does This Mean That CNN Listened To Us?

Jun 30, 2006, 6:34 PM
I am making sure, since I left a negative response for the icky commentary (http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1374), that I am clicking on the link at the end of this GOOD commentary (http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/06/30/solmonese.gayrights/index.html) to leave a positive message.

In case they use our written responses as a measure for ratings, I certainly don't want Dobson to cause CNN to get higher ratings! Here is what I wrote:

Thank you. In reading so many arguments recently I had lost sight of the reasons to be optimistic. I get so caught up in finding certain politicians and commentators offensive, I forget to applaud the majority of our nation whom are doing things well. I am sure many of us will be quoting this gay agenda in many of our own writings and correspondences.

Jun 30, 2006, 6:55 PM
It is more likely that they are adding fuel to a fire. The debate is good for their business.

Jul 17, 2006, 8:40 PM
Resurrecting another old post--

Thanks for posting those links Rhuth--I had not seen either before.

I congratulate the businesses that offer the benefits mentioned in the "good" editorial--it does make good business sense to offer them--that is coverage and such to the partners of non-married employees--

Now get this though--conservatives always say things like "government needs to get off the backs of people" and "the federal government should not decide things--let state and local government based upon what the people want deal with this or that...." and the biggest one of all "let private companies do it or let the MARKET decide it.."

Well when it is something they want to see done-they have no problem using the power of the Federal government do it and when local government does decide to allow a thing based upon popular vote (medicial marijuana and physician-assisted suicide being but two examples), they use the power of the Fed to nip that in the bud.... and when private concerns do something that tends to be liked by "liberals"---it's "ohhhhhh nooo--can't allow that!!!"

There have been moves by the right in some places that would prohibit private companies from offering domestic partner benefits and such---

It just shows that "conservatives" are basically as full of shit as they paint "liberals" as being and have no trouble wielding the very large hammer of federal power when it suits them...

Isn't this called HYPOCRISY!!!!?????

Jul 18, 2006, 1:45 AM
yeah, hypocrisy it is..

rhuth, sorry, i didnt see anything there from your end... just the rantings of joe and jane average american.. you know, both sides of the pendulum arc..

like someone else said, i think they do it just to keep their ratings up...