View Full Version : Seeking Bisexual Women and Men for Participation in a Study *Incentive Provided*

Feb 20, 2013, 11:34 AM
Hi, I'm a graduate student at the University of Miami and I'm currently conducting a study on LGB-related self-attitudes. If you identify as bisexual, lesbian, gay, or questioning, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind completing my survey. This study has been approved by my university. All responses are confidential and all participants who complete the survey will also be entered in the chance to receive the Ipad mini. The link for the survey is as follows:
www.surveymonkey.com/s/sexid (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/sexid)
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you!
Dan Sheridan

Feb 20, 2013, 12:15 PM
I know that there was a point in the survey where you asked about our sexuality at the beginning.

I felt as I was going through it that I wasn't comfortable like being lumped in with GL for some of the questions. I think that I prefer to fill out a study that can have results for bisexuals on their own.

Is your study designed to do this or will it come up with statements grouping bisexual with G&L in its results?

I don't see any valid point in bisexuals filling out such surveys unless the results separate us on our own so that we may learn more about bisexuals..rather than a grouping of GLB.

if you can get that then I think that it is a worthwhile look and do.

Feb 20, 2013, 1:11 PM
Ipad mini??? Really??? Um??? Spammer/Scammer/Hacker?? or maybe an Apple employee?

Feb 20, 2013, 1:51 PM
McBice, it's a survey monkey thing to give away stuff...

I echo the thoughts of Tenni here - why can't researchers do some bi research without tying in the Gay/Lesbian side of things? There is loads of G/L research, and lots of publicity, where as Bi is different and means different things, not to mention has depressingly little quality research.


Feb 20, 2013, 9:32 PM
Hi all,

Thanks for your input. I totally agree with both comments highlighting the need for more bi specific research. I can see where it might not be clear, but the purpose of my study is not to group bi individuals with GL individuals. I am trying to see if there are differences between groups. A growing body of research indicates that bi folks face different issues and concerns than GL people and often have worse outcomes as well. By obtaining a relatively equal sampling of bi, gay, and lesbian individuals I am able to make a more convincing argument that not all sexual orientation identities are the same and, therefore, should not be treated as such.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 20, 2013, 10:48 PM
took the survey for you, dj, good luck with your survey and I hope your research goes well.......

Prince of Thieves
Feb 20, 2013, 11:55 PM
I too completed your survey. Good luck.

Feb 21, 2013, 12:29 PM
I also took it.Was bothered thj=ough at the way that it seemed to put forth the emplication that someone that is g/l/bi should not be happy with themselves., As if you are attempting to justify your prejudgement that G/L/Bis are not good people, or should not think of themselves as good people.

Feb 21, 2013, 9:16 PM
I am a happy bisexual that participated in the study.

Feb 22, 2013, 9:17 AM
Thanks a bunch for participating everyone!! :)

To clarify your concern bi4asplay, my study in no way is trying to imply that being GLB is bad a thing. Unfortunately, however, many GLB people come to believe that one's sexual identity is a bad thing through discriminatory experiences, rejection, etc.. I can certainly see how you would think that based on the questions in my study, but I am only focusing on one specific measure that taps into beliefs and attitudes that GLB people may hold due to discriminatory, rejecting experiences. I do appreciate your concern and willingness to bring that up!