View Full Version : a guy going from guys to girls

Feb 7, 2013, 2:59 AM
hello all, i am new here and just would like feedback from anyone who has been through the things that i feel. well i must say that i've been bi all my life, i have had relationships, with guys and girls the same...whoever i am with at the time gets my full attention tho. for example, when i was dating my girlfriends, i would mess around with other guys, barely even noticed them unless i had one of those(OMG HE's HOTT) moments, that hardly happenes though.

here is my current situation. i am breaking off a 4 year relationship with my current BF, i am 23 he's 24 and i have come to realizatiion that he is just not hwho i want anymore....i day dream and fantasize about being with a woman more than guys now, i even watch straight porn now. i am finding myslef more sexually attracted to females...heres the thing, i know that i want to be with a woman, but i also know that my sexual desire for men isnt going to just disappear... i wonder is it possible to meet a woman understanding enough or maybe with the same views as i do when it comes to sex...to me sex is about pleasure and should not be tied into a relationship, meaning i would never be involved with someone based upon sexual preferences or gender... i'd like to do bisexual stuff with my woman tho, invite another cpl and we all explore with eachother...it just just doesnt seem like there are any women into that... :(

most of my sexual encounters are with guys, i've only actually had sex with a woman 4 times....each time was great...i want to learn more though.... you feedback is appreciated...

Feb 7, 2013, 11:34 AM
I think that you seem to have a poly attitude of a balanced bisexual..meaning strong pulls to both genders that fluctuate. Perhaps you are a serial monogamist. You are young and the fluidity of your sexuality may continue or settle down with one gender preference being more dominate. I suspect that you will not be a bi guy who can do without both genders in his life but time will tell. You make no reference to emotions and gender attraction clearly though. Finding guys who can accept this is slightly more likely than finding women. According to some self reports here it is not impossible to find such women though.

Feb 7, 2013, 3:16 PM
Hey there Tenni!!! i do apologize for not being clear.... emotionally i find myself equally attracted to both but now a days i have been seeking that from women, and sexual things from men. started hanging out with this girl (kelly) she obviously knows my seual preferenece because i've made that clear, also i and my ex BF still hang around eachother and everyone knows that we used to date....anyhow, there is this strong attraction to her that i can not control, i find myself staring at her perfect petite figure, and always admiring her. we have these deep personal talks about life and all sorts of other things. im not sure if she feels the same attraction to me being im bisexual. we've recently started texting a lot and she always reference to me as sexy,handsome, ect. she always wants to be close to me or talking to me... i have another female friend that i have been growing strong feeling for as well who talks to me about everything, about 2 years ago we've expressed how we felt about each other but i was involved and she was too back then.....these days she'll always tell me about how she wish she had a guy like me or how she don't like being with the guy she's with...ect. anyway when i am around either one of them..... i am all into them. i would say that i am itching to kick a emotional/sexual relationship/friendship off with a woman, it has been so long i dont know how that will be for me, being i just got out of something with a guy :-(

i remember speaking to one of my good female friends about my feelings towards women and she told me that i'd be exactly what a girl would want just not to mention my homosexual tendencies or past or that will scare any girl off. but i am an open book and do not do well hiding or keeping things from someone.....i wouldnt want to.

i recently found this sight and also Craigslist.org to be a good place to find ppl with the sexual interest as me...mmmhm i've actually starting to understand more of these feelings that were hard to speak with anyone about

Feb 8, 2013, 1:41 PM
yes....how well I understand what you're feeling and going through. I remember so well how things shifted for me with each person I got involved with. But for me, I was never interested in men emotionally and sexually; only with the women. But I remember the situations pretty clearly with certain women I was involved with. I adored them and was SOOO very into the sex and emotionally invested wit them too. But there would be times I was satiated with the sex from being with the particular woman and it never failed that my appetite for men would come into play. If I hadn't been open and honest about it (which was with most of them), it never failed that I'd seek out a sexual connection with a guy. For the women who did know, I didn't have to worry. For those who didn't know I was bi, it was really tough for me as I felt nothing but guilt...

So, my advice is to continue being open as you're saying you intend to be. I've been telling each woman I've been involved with over the last 15 years rather than keep it secret. Only one of the 4 women I've been with over these 15 years was against it. Other things hindered the situations with the other women. I too am hoping to connnect with a woman who understands my needs being bi...it's possible and they are definitely out there....don't give up.

Feb 8, 2013, 2:36 PM
yea it's a strange type of feeling... only 2 girls i ever just straight up ever like MACKED to..but i typically get really shy...my first girl i wrote her a note and left it on her seat,this was back in middle school ... second girl/1st that i had sex with was a lesbian, my sisters STUD x girlfriend lol... but i find studs so attractive....the personality... well im talking about in my day, young urban crowd. third girl was in highschool...i asked could i see her i borrow her phone, i texted my phone so that i could get her number...after that i just started texting her ...we dated for a year...i loved her, she wouldve been the type of woman i would settle down with...knew how to cook, was beautiful(curvy),came ffrom a pretty wealthy family....had the southernbell charm to her....this is wen i started messing around with guys tho on a more active basis....she didnt know, but i was getting out of control so when she was going off to college i just used that as an excuse to break up with her... i told her about me being bi in the beginning of our relationship..she didnt ask questions she was just like ok... the last girl was this hot lesbian back when i was living in el paso about 4 yrs ago... well my Bf and i were together (she knew) but we were going through things...anyway i used to call her my husband and joked how she was so fine all the time...one night while we were drunk she came to me and told me she liked me and thought i was so handsome ect...i was a lil shocked but i shared with her how i felt about her too....we kept that our little secret... later down the line we started speaking more frequent and i told her how i wanted to have a kid and that whole spill and she was like , "i'd do it for you"... i was shocked!! anyway one day i was off and my bf was a work and she came over and saw i was home alone...she told me she had only been with a guy twice but anyway i just let her take charge...she laid me down and did oral with on me...then she climbed on top and rode until i was over...she was moaning loudly and grinding really hard... it was a good exp... i loved everything about it...well she didnt have a baby, my bf found out and that was that... those are my exps...... now with this new girl that is hanging around....she flirts alot with me, i dont know where this is going to go but she is older than me, close to 30 and she has started staying over my place for weekends just to hangout...we'll see how this weekend goes