View Full Version : Cyber Sex

Jun 29, 2006, 4:47 PM
How do you feel about Cyber Sex. What is your best or worst experience, have you had any interesting experiences in cyber sex? Would love to hear your comments.


Jun 29, 2006, 7:37 PM
Oh dear, Spicy... I guess we are all waiting for someone else to be the first to respond. Hopefully someone else is writing at the same time as me, and will get their post up before mine. *wince*

Okay, I admit it, darnit! Yes, I know the real thing is better, yadda yadda yadda. I love to pretend I am all intelegent and enlightened on the forums, but the reason I came here to begin with was because I was looking for a new place to cyber and the google listing said this was a bisexual place with a chat room. *blush*

At certain times of the month, hubby just can't keep up. He runs... no, crawls out the front door escaping to work and orders me to go take care of it elsewhere. He's done.

He'll be ready and rearin' to go again about when I hit PMS. :cutelaugh

Worst experience: The guy who first introduced me to cybering became a real life stalker (http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?p=18774#post18774).

Best experience: Happened here, so I won't tell. :tongue:
If those who were present want to tell, they have my permission.

Jun 29, 2006, 7:46 PM
OH RHUTH! You sexy thang! I enjoyed it too! LOL

Jun 29, 2006, 7:47 PM
I believe that as part of your sexual activities cyber sex can be very fun and exciting. Now if cyber sex is all you are getting then that might be a problem. One of the biggest thrills I find in cyber sex is just the conversation of talking about what your desires are with each other. What your likes and dislikes are, sort of a foreplay. Also with cyber sex you get to be who ever or what ever you want to be, it is the ultimate role playing. Throw in a cam and it can really be fun. One of the hottest cyber sex sessions I had deals with one of your other questions about shaving. Several of the ladies in the chat room wanted to watch me shave so on cam I shave it all off for them while they all watched. They were on cam also and it all lead to group masturbation session on cam.

Jun 29, 2006, 7:58 PM
Well in my own opinion cyber sex is like having chicken every night for dinner, you soon get sick of it...............(like I said its only my opinion) and after coming to this site for over four and a half years I think I can honestly say I've done and had my fair share :) I now prefere to go cam to cam when the occasion arises but alsas thats pretty rare :( but a hell of a lot more fun at least you know the other person aint just sitting there eating an apple or something :rolleyes: The other thing that annoyed me about cybering was the cum and run factor, nine times out of ten you was left with your dick in your hand :( while the other person took off. But as far as a bad experience or a good experiences go.............I havent had a bad wank yet....well not to my knowledge anyway.

Having said all that all I can say is...........If you like it go for it and enjoy. :tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 29, 2006, 11:28 PM
Ha...ok....here goes.

I love to write, so cyber has been easy for me. Do I look for it? No. Do I instigate it...sometimes. I can live without it; my imagination is pretty good.

Best experience was with another lady from here...(say no more but I was grinning a LOT for days after).

Worst experience: ages ago, the guy started describing rather brutal ideas. Shook me up with the rubbish he was typing. Blacklisted him immediately.

To be honest, I really look for the friendship chats, not a sexual one. You'd have to be very special to spark that type of conversation...

Jun 30, 2006, 12:00 AM
Yep, a middle-aged woman has cybered.
Initially it was fun and quite titillating, but as someone wrote about chicken, it becomes unfulfilling.
I've never (luck???) had the misfortune to be hit on by anyone creepy, possibly because I only cybered with other gals. (At least if one of the she's was a he, he kept his persona constant)

Not interested now - the only cybering I do is with Dean when he's away (he leaves next week for another 8-9 weeks :( ) or with a particular gal in London. (more chat than sex!)

Jun 30, 2006, 12:08 AM
Ummm.... I think girls have an edge over guys when it comes to cyber sex, because it's easier for them to masturbate with their left hand (or right, if they are left handed) than it is for guys to masturbate with their left hand. You need to have your good hand typing and the other self-stimulating. So for that reason cyber falls a little flat, at least, for me. When I'm cybering with a woman I know she's having more fun than I am, and I accept that.

Phone sex, though ---- oh, don't get me started. Yum.


Jun 30, 2006, 12:42 AM
I'm hooked on cyber and, with those I get to know well, phone sex. Sex with my wife is satisfying on many levels, but she and I are not at a point together in our relationship where there is comfort seeking outside partners. Someday, I hope we get there. For now, cyber and phone offer me the anonymity to get my rocks off while exploring a side of me that I've suppressed for a long time. Most importantly, it doesn't feel like I'm cheating anyone. Definitely as a married guy curious about sex with other guys, I'm finding there are many out there like me...and maybe even a few who, like me, have managed to shoot semen on the laptop keyboard. (I love Macs; no problems yet with my keys sticking. Wouldn't that be a fun problem to explain to a technician?) Take care, all, and hope to run into you in the chatrooms....

Jun 30, 2006, 7:40 PM
I have tried cyber sex. sometimes ill be in the mood for it and go on chat rooms and then when I do it I feel like there is something missing...and I am still a virgin so it becomes boring but yah,its good sometimes and not at other.

Jun 30, 2006, 10:12 PM
If you're with the right person it can be as close to the real thing as you can possibly get without touching. You just need the right words and a great mind.

Jun 30, 2006, 11:03 PM
I agree with arana! Cybering with someone that you talk to often and know quite a bit about can make it very close to the real thing. If you talk to this person alot you find out what's in their heart and mind. You will at some level become attracted to this person. :)

Jun 30, 2006, 11:20 PM
I agree with arana! Cybering with someone that you talk to often and know quite a bit about can make it very close to the real thing. If you talk to this person alot you find out what's in their heart and mind. You will at some level become attracted to this person. :)
I had an internet bf who i really did love and we did cybering and it was fun because of the closeness we had but then he became a fucking jerk and got jealous when i told him i was dating my best friend and hasnt spoken to me since. so im kinda deprived from cybersex.

Jul 1, 2006, 6:29 AM
gah , cybersex can never give you anything like real sex . i tried and personally i say - stay in real life and look for someone to have sex with .
but then only watchin someone touching himself or herself doesnt give me anything at all , does nothing - - reading about dirty stuff - gives me nothing either . i need to have body , skin close to me to feel something . . also i prefer certain things in bed if i can choose and my partner is ready to go with it . . i used to be called a kinky lesbian nymph . . jap , just shortly ago :tongue:

Jul 1, 2006, 3:36 PM
gah , cybersex can never give you anything like real sex . i tried and personally i say - stay in real life and look for someone to have sex with .
but then only watchin someone touching himself or herself doesnt give me anything at all , does nothing - - reading about dirty stuff - gives me nothing either . i need to have body , skin close to me to feel something . . also i prefer certain things in bed if i can choose and my partner is ready to go with it . . i used to be called a kinky lesbian nymph . . jap , just shortly ago :tongue:
I agree with you!

Jul 1, 2006, 5:56 PM
[QUOTE=chook]Well in my own opinion cyber sex is like having chicken every night for dinner, you soon get sick of it........

chook,would you like to go get chicken??
:cutelaugh :cutelaugh :cutelaugh :angel:

Jul 1, 2006, 10:06 PM
yes, i have cybered before and yes i am married but you know i'm no angle at times :eek: lol~~it was ok but better with a cam....do i cyber alot,well that anwser is no but when i do cyber i do tell my hubby and it is safe to say it turns him on :tongue: ;)
cybersex is nothing like the real thing,there is something to be said for the warm body next to you,lol....and if i had to choose i'd take the real thing over cybering :2cents: :)

Jul 1, 2006, 10:56 PM
So I'm newish and this is my first post... but anyway... i think cyber is amusing... but only really fun when I've already been with the person.

Best experience was with my exbf when he was away

worst... this guy started saying REALLY creepy things that he wanted to role play like me being his 13-year-old daughter and stuff... idk if ill ever get over that...

Jul 2, 2006, 1:13 AM
what a sick guy oh :eek: well , from time to time we meet sick creeps .. just get over with it and forget about this discusting animal called ex boyfriend . . ääääää :(

Jul 2, 2006, 7:16 AM
I got into cyber using the Mac software, iChat which comes with all Macs and gives you good quality, full screen and sound which is effective with screens of 15" or more... all you need is a free AIM account
it made me realise that I would really enjoy playing with a guy for real and that my bi curiosity was a part of me, but it was a safe way to experiment at first. Of course real sex is more fun but I remember the first time a guy revealed his hard cock on cam, my heart was beating so hard I thought I'd cum in a moment! So those of us who are further down the line lets not beep at the learner drivers!
My best experience was with a German lady who I met online. We spent time chatting about our fantasies and built up an erotic tale between us involving another fantasy guy and all bumping into each other in a mixed sauna. She was turned on by the idea of being in an MMF scenario so it suited me! we both sat with glasses of wine gradually getting tipsy and flirty and didn't even strip down until we were quite turned on, but occasionally showing a bit more as we went along. By the time we were naked we were both so moist and hot for each other (she had a lovely face and body) that it didnt take long to slide towards a collective climax. It was a rare experience and unlike man2man cyber there was no 'cum-and-run', we had a lovely post cyber chat. So it can be fun occasionally! The quality of the experience is down to the individuals and their minds. Its a shame we never met again; I haven't met any women with ichat since.....

Jul 2, 2006, 8:22 AM
Been there, done that. I never really had a best or worse, most times seemed mediocre. Maybe I didnt type foreplay long enough, or use the right sexy words. :rolleyes: I am more a hands on sort of guy, than a fingers on keyboard kinda guy. Maybe I should get a cam as Im also more of a visual person and it sounds like more fun. For the most part, all my senses want to be involved in the act of sex.


Dec 25, 2009, 1:43 PM
;) I have had several cyber sex talks with just men. It's always the same old
thing suck my ****. I am looking for a women who wants to talk. I am so done talking to men.:female:

Dec 25, 2009, 1:55 PM
I don't blame you, you do not have to settle for less than your desires and needs dictate.

I met my GF, here, on this site last year and had my very first cyber relationship with her. The very first orgasm I ever experienced, using this medium, was with her. She is most expressive and articulate...easily drawing mental pictures with words! Remarkably, our fantasies run so parallel that it's astounding!

I will have to say that meeting her in person was far above the excitement of cybering and we continue to learn and grow with each other.

It's really not a bad way of learning others' innermost thoughts and needs.

Dec 25, 2009, 2:29 PM
havent tried it yet want to wth anyone who wants to chat hot an horny let me know will see if we can get off together all are welcum men an women im at rickdoak84@yahoo.com for chat on in am an after 4 pm horn me up rick

Dec 25, 2009, 5:35 PM
Always interested in this here. Both men and women welcome. My yahoo IM is fitnessinfairfield

Have a Merry Christmas all!

Dec 25, 2009, 9:34 PM
cyber can be very fun, and from a guys perspective, is a lot better than just rubbin one off to whatever it is that you're thinking at the moment. i have in the past had a couple "cyber buddies" and that all it was. we'd be on late, she'd be horny, im a guy, naturally made me horny, so we'd chat. cams do help a lot. best experience ive had was when i met a girl from like 3 hours away, we went at it like rabbits all weekend. worst, was a girl stalker that got mad that i wouldnt cyber one time. ive even tried mixing in the phone with the cam. mixing it up helps, but agreed, NOTHING beats the real thing :)

Dec 25, 2009, 11:02 PM
;) I have had several cyber sex talks with just men. It's always the same old
thing suck my ****. I am looking for a women who wants to talk. I am so done talking to men.:female:

I have cybered a few times, all with great results. Both with my wife and stranger guys. Lots of fun.

Snowpeach, my wife would like to try cybering with another woman. If you're serious, PM me and I'll put you two in touch, ok?

Dec 26, 2009, 6:17 PM
I had not much opportunity to cyber and when I did got mixed results, some nice and some unpleasant experiences. It is hard to chat with women, may be I have been looking at the wrong chat places... does anyone has a recommendation?

Dec 27, 2009, 10:05 AM
We usually do it together on another site we belong to or on Yahoo with friends. Doing it together can be fun and it can lead to even more fun once you are done. We used to have a computer and a cam set up in the bedroom but are remodeling now so it is disconnected. We got started doing it after I had shared pictures of my wife with a friend and when I told her she got turned on. That lead to other things and cyber sex seemed to be a fun thing. She prefers live fun but cyber is an ok second choice. We were having a cyber chat with an old friend one evening and he was jerking off while watching my wife on cam. He thought his wife was sleeping but she wandered in and was looking over his shoulder. Much to everyone's surprise (and relief) she didn't blow her top. She said Oh great you are sitting here jerking off looking at my best friend and she is naked. (Both of our cams have built in mic's so we could hear her) We expected her to go mental but she didn't. She continued and said if intend to watch her, he better get in the picture so I can watch him jerk off for me. It turned into a foursome cam session which was a first for us. Never happened with her joining in again but we are all still best of friends.

Dec 27, 2009, 10:41 AM
Don't care for it much, have to be in the right mood - usually someone I've never met before in chat will ask - which is a lot like having someone you've never met before start rubbing up against you without asking.

I can either write or have sex but not both at once.

Some guys also have a nasty habit of just disconnecting as soon as they are satisfied without even a thank you..

Dec 27, 2009, 1:18 PM
I used to Love to cyber. To arouse someone's mond with my words and draw for them a mental picture of their own fantasy was a huge turn on for me. I loved creating Their excitement, making them all hot n bothered and continuing until they were so aroused that they couldnt help but take matters into their own hands and pleasure themselves. Being an erotic writer has those benefits..to arouse the mind and imagination. :} I loved it that my words were so clear that their personal fantacy would come to them and make them sooo turned on mentally and physically.

But notice how I've been saying Them? I can do a good job of arousing and inticing another person's mind and body, but unfortunately it does nothing for me anymore. :(

I used to Love it, but now days it just doesnt trip my trigger at all.
De-lapadated Old Cat

Dec 30, 2009, 3:43 AM
Ummm.... I think girls have an edge over guys when it comes to cyber sex, because it's easier for them to masturbate with their left hand (or right, if they are left handed) than it is for guys to masturbate with their left hand. You need to have your good hand typing and the other self-stimulating. So for that reason cyber falls a little flat, at least, for me. When I'm cybering with a woman I know she's having more fun than I am, and I accept that.

Phone sex, though ---- oh, don't get me started. Yum.


I beg to differ on this one johnny...i dont cyber that way at all...i am a pleaser, and almost never, get off while getting someone else off...i concentrate on their pleasure, on making them feel good, i tell them to sit back,relax, take my word s in like live porn....my main goal, is to make it as real a fantasy inside their head as i can....it can be a fun thing to do with the right person....you both have to have be in the right frame of mind...when i am, i enjoy using the most erotic, sensual tool known to man, or woman....my brain

Dec 30, 2009, 8:23 AM
Jorja, you are so right...the brain is a magnificent sexual organ!

OMG, Cerebral orgasms are fantastic! I've never done cyber, or telephone sex, until my GF began it with me last year.

We both have deep and similar imaginations and are expressive. However, she is extremely adept at manipulating my thought process and has induced some fantastic mental pictures, as well as climaxes for us both.

She has an hour commute each way, to and from work, and will often get herself excited, along with me in the process.

If we haven't seen each other for a while, she really gets into it and has generated a spontaneous orgasm for herself, while putting me "in orbit" at the same time!

When you have that mental, as well as heart-felt, desire for each other, it's a cinch that arousal and orgasmic events may follow!

Dec 30, 2009, 10:13 AM
i type too slow.

Dec 30, 2009, 1:57 PM
Actually--I do like to cyber----as has been said before--"our biggest sex organ is the brain"--I love to "get off" by just talking about it---I have had some very intense and fun experiences doing "cyber."

While it is certainly great to share an orgasm with another living person "in the flesh"---there are certain good things about cyber-it can be a safe way to explore sexual acts and such that you might not care to do in real life--to see if maybe you might actually like such a thing-and of course---you don't have to worry about the unfortunate aspects of having sex with another person--things like transmission of STDs or other illnesses and the big one---getting someone preggers!!!!

Dec 30, 2009, 2:07 PM
The only Cyber sex I've done has been in my dreams...

But the neat thing is I'm very intuitive, so chances are that I will generally meet the people that I see in my drreams & hook up with them.;)

Dec 30, 2009, 2:29 PM
My biggest fear with cyber sex is getting a computer virus.

old joke is old but there you go.

Dec 30, 2009, 9:11 PM
Are our own fantasies a form of "cyber sex"--same thing for phone sex or writing actual letters that include some hot expressions of what each person wants to do to the other----people have been exchanging such letters for centuries.

Having a virtual form of sex via the computer is simply a new, "high tech" way of doing such a thing.

You may not want to do such a thing yourself---but why be so down on it??? It is really no different than these other forms of "virtual sex."

Logan :D
Dec 31, 2009, 7:44 AM
Cyber sex
I mean, we've ALL tried it at some point or another :rolleyes:, but its not BAD,
Its getting your sexual fantasies out into the open,
So its rly, not all that bad.. Don't be ashamed of it..
~~Logan :D

Jan 3, 2010, 3:15 PM
Real is best but i do enjoy cyber also.

Jan 3, 2010, 6:17 PM
If you're with the right person it can be as close to the real thing as you can possibly get without touching. You just need the right words and a great mind.

I have to agree. I've not had cyber sex for a while now. There was one experience here that wound up setting the big schism into play. Me and somebody had a really steamy session in the main room. The next day several folks asked that there be more rooms added. Don't know if that indicated it was good or bad. LOL Me and the somebody enjoyed ourselves, had fun.

But it's been a while. Difficult to find good cyber partners, as it is to find flesh on flesh ones.