View Full Version : A year without sex ?

Long Duck Dong
Jan 26, 2013, 8:53 PM
lol.... its not scary until I think about doing it for a year..... its not as scary if I think back to being younger and realised that I did it for a few years... without mentioning age....


while a year without sex would not have that much of a effect on me... there is no way that I could handle going a year without a hug or kiss or some other way of showing a person how much they matter to me......

so I gonna ask... what would be harder to go without for you... sex or intimate / emotional contact

Jan 27, 2013, 12:45 AM
honestly.. it would be harder to go without intimate contact than without sex. What can I say I'm touchy, feely :)

Jan 27, 2013, 12:58 AM
A year w/o sex? try 13 out of a loveless 26 year marriage. Duckie's Darling is correct though: being without intimacy is far worse. I stayed with my wife to raise my children so that they would have a solid home. I moved out after my youngest graduated high school. Ironically I found out during marriage counseling at the end that her loathing for sex was only with me: she had unfaithful to me from year one through 2 pregnancies while I had been faithful despite more than a few offers.

Jan 27, 2013, 7:29 AM
Both for me, since I first became sexually aware, I've always related the two together.

They go together like, well, love and sex!

Jan 27, 2013, 8:00 AM
I've been without intimacy myself for five years now. I reckon I miss it, but what can you do. There will be somebody to come along. If not, that's okay, but not for you. Get out and find someone. There is a person for you.

Jan 27, 2013, 8:10 AM
I think the best part of that story is the fact the guy is using it to raise funds to help stop child slavery. I say good on that Aussie.

Jan 27, 2013, 11:29 AM
I can subsist on intimacy alone. Sex may be nice once in a bit, not really missing it. Not sure which it would be more difficult to do without. Apologies for not having adequate response.

Jan 27, 2013, 12:17 PM
I guess I see things differently. You can have sex with intimacy or sex that is just physical without the emotional connection. I went 7 years without either physical sex or emotional sex in a bad marriage. Now I am in a loving relationship and even a hug or kiss or caress is emotionally sexual. I get aroused and satisfied with a wink or a smile. It is all emotional sex. It keeps me connected until the more genital sex sessions. So I want both too. Don't want to live without either.

Jan 27, 2013, 3:48 PM
Emotional intimacy means more to me than sex ever will.

Jan 27, 2013, 6:11 PM
Well, the guy in the article was doing without sex for a year as an experiment with a charity benefiting if he makes it.

For me, I wouldn't see a point to separating physical love making from sex. Love making is intimate. I agree to some extent with plumhead. I consider that when I have sex that it is intimate. Touch is essential in sexual contact for me and that makes it an intimate encounter. I don't separate and categorize my sexual practice. I don't prioritize one over the other.

Jan 27, 2013, 7:43 PM
Been there, done that, I went 4 years without kissing anyone and would routinely refuse hugs.

You lose your confidence and get more depressed but its more than doable.

Jan 27, 2013, 7:55 PM
No hugs?! Aww, that would suck.

Jan 28, 2013, 6:25 PM
I guess I see things differently. You can have sex with intimacy or sex that is just physical without the emotional connection. I went 7 years without either physical sex or emotional sex in a bad marriage. Now I am in a loving relationship and even a hug or kiss or caress is emotionally sexual. I get aroused and satisfied with a wink or a smile. It is all emotional sex. It keeps me connected until the more genital sex sessions. So I want both too. Don't want to live without either.

Merely conversation here. I can have the intimate without the act of sex. It is difficult for me to have the sex without the intimate. Yes, I know many whom may be comfortable in just having sex. Sometimes, I can agree that it is just sex I need / desire. And yes, I can enjoy 'only sex'.

Rather not as it always reminds me of Chinese food. Eat bunches, feel like eating another full buffet in ten minutes. Sex with the intimate for me is like a seven course dinner. Can understand both ways of enjoying and oddly do have a preference, big dinner please, no Chinese. :-) Guess the intimate infers trust, security and these are nice feelings for me.

Jan 29, 2013, 6:01 AM
1ce went 14 1/2 years wivout sex I wos telling a m8 otha day.. done me penance tyvm in the 1st years of me life... nev again!! Least not till am dead...:eek2:

Jan 29, 2013, 5:57 PM
I did 4 years hard celibacy. On purpose.lol It cuts lots of complications out of life, but life is all about complications. Am none the wiser for it. Exept for being an expert wanker.lol