View Full Version : Fear of change.... is it the true basis behind so much opposition to change

Long Duck Dong
Jan 18, 2013, 7:27 PM

The author raises a good point, a few good points actually......

Jan 19, 2013, 6:47 AM
are they describing your mom??? Or my dad or any of the countless other people we've met lol. Lots of people are afraid of change for various reasons. They don't want to learn a new way of communicating like with a computer. I've actually had my dad tell me that computers will be the ruination of the world.... yet he currently has two in his house and uses it to compare prices on big ticket items, check the dates for hunting season and mom emails some friends in Tennessee.

The world has changed so much in the last 50 years and will change a lot more in the next 50. I'm sure eventually we will no longer have paper anything but it will all be on a tablet like contraption that doubles as a driver's license and fits in your pocket. The future is scary for a lot of people but unless you learn to bend with the times you will break like a twig.

Jan 19, 2013, 8:24 AM
It is true, human beings use neural networks to learn and for some big "unknown" to come in and "wreck" the perceptions we have worked so hard to develop throughout our lives can seem daunting. People get so angry at the world because it brings change but that is the function of living life. To be different, life intentionally pushes us beyond what we ever thought possible.


Resistance to change is not necessarily a bad thing mind you, if Hitler could have gotten all of the change HE wanted in the world overnight, the world would be a much different place. Change is more like a pendulum, popular opinion leans more in one direction or another over time as we evolve.

Jan 19, 2013, 11:38 AM
I don't FEAR change, but do HATE it!

If I had my way, we'd still be driving '55 model cars, using manual type writers, and dial phones! We'd have breaker points in our distributors and 3 cent stamps on our letters. Oh yeah, we'd still be writing letters, too!

Everybody would have jobs and if they didn't, but were able to work.....but were too lazy, they wouldn't eat. If you were sick, or crippled, someone in your family would help you out. There'd be no out-sourcing. If you needed something, you could buy it made in your country. There'd be SOME imports/exports, but each country would be able to provide for themselves.

Sadly, I'm not the King of America, (which most folks are damned glad of) so I'll just have to deal with a changes every 15 seconds...and live with it!

Oh, I could go on, but won't. I can visualize most reading this, saying..."Oh shit, there he goes again!"

I can't help it, except for air conditioners and the eradication of polio, I wish things were the same as 1955!