View Full Version : This might be fun...Oddities

Jan 18, 2013, 8:52 AM
I woke up this morning, thinking about some odd individuals and incidents that's passed through my life. Maybe the TV program "Oddities" sparked the memory.

Here's some of them:

I had a Gf named Linda. She was a cute, sweet, thing and had the most remarkable body, especially her butt and breasts...big, firm, and she wore clothes that showed off her "assets"! There was one glaring visual, though, she had short, skinny legs and big feet! They just did not match the rest of her and made her look freakish!

I had a young male lover, back in the '70s. He was a little guy, skinny, weighed no more than 130 pounds, but his penis was enormous! I used to tell him that I, at 213 lbs and 6'1", should have his and he should have mine! (which is average) We just got mixed up on the assembly line! I really don't know how he stood up, when he was erect, you'd think he'd fall forward! I was lucky he was a bottom, because there's no chance that I could have had an equal 50/50 relationship with him!

I dated a weird girl, one time. Theresa had a thing for seeing animals breed! We were riding past a pasture one afternoon and there were a pair of horses going at it. She screamed at me to stop, so she could watch! I had to stop, back up, so we could get as close as possible! Theresa was so aroused she couldn't help herself; she began to furiously masturbate! As soon as we got to my house, she was in heat! She called me her "stallion" (even though there was no comparing me to the horse!) and wanted me to mount her, like the horses we'd seen. It wasn't only horses, but cows, dogs, and her absolute favorites were pigs! Seeing their curly little penises going in and out of a sow, sent her into convulsions!

A friend in the Air Force, was married to a hermaphrodite. She was small, exceptionally well shaped, and pretty. Over way too many drinks at the Airman's Club, one night, they revealed to me that she was a true hermaphrodite. I couldn't believe it! I'd heard of them, especially in the animal kingdom, but never knew a hermaphrodite. I was surprised that they weren't shy about revealing that to me. She had a penis, where her clitoris should have been, and a functioning vagina, too. I remarked she could have impregnated herself, but she said she was sterile, so that wasn't an option. I would have given a pay check to see her nude, but they didn't offer that opportunity, nor did I ask.

I discussed this with another member, recently: I have a white male friend, who is married to a black girl. This, in itself, is not too strange......but what is, she HATES black guys! I think she is close to 40 years old, married at 30, but dated a lot from about 15, until she met her husband. She has never once considered a relationship with a black person! I don't know, that just seems odd to me!

I had a gay friend, who had a fetish for '57 Chevrolets. He would stare at them, his mouth hanging open....especially a perfect example..... like it was a super-attractive guy! At a car show, one time, I saw him looking at a pristine 2-door Nomad Wagon. He was obviously getting an erection and didn't even realize it.........until I told him to pull his shirt tail out to cover it! His sister went with him to buy a particularly nice '57 Chevy. She said she thinks he had an orgasm, while driving it back home! (When he arrived, his shorts had a wet spot in front and he ran to his bedroom to change!) I won't even go into how paranoid he was about that car! (You had to take your shoes off to ride in it, he'd have a panic attack if he ran into bugs, he'd always park in the farthest spots at shopping centers, etc, etc)

I'm sure each of you have experiences that are a little strange, or not main-stream. I'd like to read of the things you think are strange, weird, too.

Jan 18, 2013, 11:43 AM
Clearly, I need more interesting friends.:tongue:
Very funny stuff, Realist!


Jan 18, 2013, 11:50 AM
I was driving in my full size Ford in Tainan, Taiwan and was broadsided by a teenager on a bicycle. He was going slowly, looking down, apparently deep in thought and THUD!!! He was unhurt, the bicycle was undamaged and so was my car.

Jan 18, 2013, 11:53 AM
At my residence in Tainan, Taiwan, I was propositioned by a hooker in the driveway.

Jan 18, 2013, 12:00 PM
I woke up this morning, thinking about some odd individuals and incidents that's passed through my life. Maybe the TV program "Oddities" sparked the memory.

Here's some of them:

I had a Gf named Linda. She was a cute, sweet, thing and had the most remarkable body, especially her butt and breasts...big, firm, and she wore clothes that showed off her "assets"! There was one glaring visual, though, she had short, skinny legs and big feet! They just did not match the rest of her and made her look freakish!

I had a young male lover, back in the '70s. He was a little guy, skinny, weighed no more than 130 pounds, but his penis was enormous! I used to tell him that I, at 213 lbs and 6'1", should have his and he should have mine! (which is average) We just got mixed up on the assembly line! I really don't know how he stood up, when he was erect, you'd think he'd fall forward! I was lucky he was a bottom, because there's no chance that I could have had an equal 50/50 relationship with him!

I dated a weird girl, one time. Theresa had a thing for seeing animals breed! We were riding past a pasture one afternoon and there were a pair of horses going at it. She screamed at me to stop, so she could watch! I had to stop, back up, so we could get as close as possible! Theresa was so aroused she couldn't help herself; she began to furiously masturbate! As soon as we got to my house, she was in heat! She called me her "stallion" (even though there was no comparing me to the horse!) and wanted me to mount her, like the horses we'd seen. It wasn't only horses, but cows, dogs, and her absolute favorites were pigs! Seeing their curly little penises going in and out of a sow, sent her into convulsions!

A friend in the Air Force, was married to a hermaphrodite. She was small, exceptionally well shaped, and pretty. Over way too many drinks at the Airman's Club, one night, they revealed to me that she was a true hermaphrodite. I couldn't believe it! I'd heard of them, especially in the animal kingdom, but never knew a hermaphrodite. I was surprised that they weren't shy about revealing that to me. She had a penis, where her clitoris should have been, and a functioning vagina, too. I remarked she could have impregnated herself, but she said she was sterile, so that wasn't an option. I would have given a pay check to see her nude, but they didn't offer that opportunity, nor did I ask.

I discussed this with another member, recently: I have a white male friend, who is married to a black girl. This, in itself, is not too strange......but what is, she HATES black guys! I think she is close to 40 years old, married at 30, but dated a lot from about 15, until she met her husband. She has never once considered a relationship with a black person! I don't know, that just seems odd to me!

I had a gay friend, who had a fetish for '57 Chevrolets. He would stare at them, his mouth hanging open....especially a perfect example..... like it was a super-attractive guy! At a car show, one time, I saw him looking at a pristine 2-door Nomad Wagon. He was obviously getting an erection and didn't even realize it.........until I told him to pull his shirt tail out to cover it! His sister went with him to buy a particularly nice '57 Chevy. She said she thinks he had an orgasm, while driving it back home! (When he arrived, his shorts had a wet spot in front and he ran to his bedroom to change!) I won't even go into how paranoid he was about that car! (You had to take your shoes off to ride in it, he'd have a panic attack if he ran into bugs, he'd always park in the farthest spots at shopping centers, etc, etc)

I'm sure each of you have experiences that are a little strange, or not main-stream. I'd like to read of the things you think are strange, weird, too.

From highschool biology: A true hermaphrodite can impregnate itself. This ability is confined to the lowest of animals -- flatworms, I think, for instance; a pseudohermaphrodite has all the same equipment but cannot impregnate itself. It can be impregnated by another of its kind, or impregnate one, but not itself.

Not to take issue with your very interesting post . . . what a sex life your friend must have had !!

Jan 18, 2013, 12:42 PM
Thanks, Gen

Far from being a flatworm.......she was actually quite pretty and voluptuously proportioned!

Not being a student of biology, I took them at their word. Regarding to her inability to get pregnant; I would have loved to see if I could help research MY ability to impregnate her! Sadly, that opportunity was not afforded me!

I did have a few dreams and fantasies about the subject, though!