View Full Version : Apparently, female fish are generally smarter than female humans ;)

Jan 5, 2013, 12:35 AM
Not intended as sexism if you look for the content in the articles, I intend the comment more of one as a joke:

#sorry,I just had to.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 5, 2013, 12:47 AM
lol I thought there was something fishy about the first article, then I realised what it was........ there is no anti LGBT fish telling them they were all going to hell in a frying pan...lol.....

interesting read tho.... it does remind me of the barsexual female, a female that will kiss another female in order to get males attention, the behievour is similar in nature ( minus the bar, the drinks and the dress code lol......

the second article covers a lot of interesting points.... specially about the drink and the shagging the best mate issue..... tho I am not sure that I would class that as a aspect of bisexuality as it may be a random event in some peoples lives and it would be like saying that one night of drinking means that a person is a possible alcoholic

Jan 5, 2013, 1:22 AM
Female fish are smarter than female humans?????.......................HA....I could have told you that

Cheers Chook :yikes2:

And so begins the shit fight :)