View Full Version : Sadly, not so merry and "gay" holiday season

Dec 18, 2012, 12:09 PM
I have been absent for almost two weeks---my dad suffered a bad stroke just about two weeks ago now--and that was tough for our family--I have been down in Florida with my mom.

I am actually about to head back down for the holidays---this time driving.

Fortunately my father is recovering well--but in the midst of this family situation--with my nerves and such rubbed raw---came the news this past weekend about this latest shooting incident at the school in Connecticut.

There really are no words to adequately convey the horror of this incident.

For me---music does offer much solace in such times and being away from my music---right now I dug out my CD of the soundtrack of "The Civil War" to listen to this piece of music that was the "theme music" as it were, for the Ken Burns PBS documentary, "The Civil War"-it is an instrumental piece---written by Jay Unger and his wife Molly Mason---"Ashokan Farewell" performed by Unger and Mason and their children----which I offer up as a musical tribute and lament to those sweet children and their teachers who died in this most horrific and deadly shooting incident.


I have to say, that I am not much feeling the holiday spirit this year--even though I am thankful it was not yet my father's time to pass on and I hope he can return to some degree of what his life was before this stroke--the doctors are all saying that is going to be so--and I can surely attest that he is coming along quite well---he was fortunate in that the stroke was not fatal or immediately debilitating--which actually---such a thing is really, worse than dying.

I do hope that we can all find some peace, joy and love in this I think we have to admit, is a less than happy holiday season.

Dec 18, 2012, 12:38 PM
I am sorry for the stress that has been allowed to dampen your holiday cheer. I read once that the world and the universe is neutral to our individual lives. The sun is just as bright when we are happy or we are sad. While I regret the trajedy regarding the children, I only read about it rather than seeing it on tv. Not seeing the emotions helps to limit the impact and keep the rest of world's problems from resting totally on my shoulders.
Keep in mind media is there to sell things by getting us emotionally hooked. Probably there were 10,000 marriages that day in the world and 10,000 births. But we were told gruesome details about the actions of one person with a form of mental disease.
I also read once that every person should have one friend who is down and depressed to try to raise them from their funk, but we should limit our access to that person such that they do not drag us down instead. I can only think about one thing. Perhaps walk by a park and rejoice for the millions of healthy happy children left in this world.
Not saying my view is the right way, but it is an alternative should you want one.
hugs to you

Dec 18, 2012, 2:10 PM
Volty, I hope your father is recovering well. A big kiss!

Dec 18, 2012, 2:40 PM
Volt: so sorry to hear about your dad. My father died shortly after a massive stroke about three months ago, and I have yet to get my arms around that. Please know I'll keep your dad in my thoughts, and I wish him the very best recovery.

I don't know what to say about the school shooting. At fifty, I've sadly seen too many awful breaking news stories, but nothing quite compares to the absolute horror, revulsion, and sadness of Sandy Hook. I truly can't get my mind to accept it... I've sat here for the last thirty minutes trying to type how I feel about it, but like you said, there are no words for it.

Dec 18, 2012, 4:26 PM
awww Volt, sorry to hear about father. Be safe driving and know we are thinking of you.

Dec 18, 2012, 7:44 PM
Thoughts are with you Bud!

Dec 18, 2012, 8:09 PM
Hello my dear sweet Volty,

I am so happy to hear that your dad is recovering. It will take time and lots of hard work to get him back to his old self. Know that our thoughts are with your family. May you have a safe journey to Florida and be there for those you love most. Hugs.....


Dec 18, 2012, 8:16 PM
for Voltie and Volties dad :kiss::kiss:

Dec 18, 2012, 8:49 PM
I very much hope you have a much better 2013.

Dec 18, 2012, 10:26 PM
Thanks guys--and may everyone have a better 2013!!! Glad to put this one to rest!! But I know that in my case----we will get through this---I cannot imagine how the parents and loved ones of those kids at that school can ever get back to any sort of "normal"---there just would not seem to be anyway for that to happen and it really is for all of those people that I am most sad about--my dad was damn lucky and he has some good care--and my gosh----so many people thinking and praying for him--he and my mom joked that if it was one of us----we wouldn't have gotten a fraction of the same responses!! LOL

My dad is one of those "bigger than life" kind of guys---he worked in factories and ran them, did his time in the service back in Korea when he was just a kid---was a tough "fighting Irishman" and when I called or told some of his buddies--grown men cried because they just could not believe that a big tough Irishman like him could have something like a stroke--but all said--"He won't let something like this get him down!" and that seems to be right.

Like topper said--by this point in my life--in my 50s too--how many stories have we all seen about shootings--and I have to admit--the ones that happened just before this one---I hardly paid any attention--but this thing in Connecticut----it just really hit me----I did my time in the service---civilian law enforcement too--and did take part in a few "live fire" situations---one time I got to man a .50 machine gun and fire it into the engine room of a drug smuggling shrimp boat because they were trying to run and even though all I killed was the engines of that boat---had I hit a crew member of that boat---I would not have liked taking another human life on the one hand--but on the other----I would have felt I was doing my duty to bring to justice people who were adults who made a choice to "live or die by the sword."

But this senseless killing of gorgeous, innocent, children well before they were even anywhere near "the prime of their lives"--that is just too much.

My mom does have a good perspective on this though---she said that perhaps they were angels, sent here to finally knock some sense into us about many things!! I hope that she is right.

If prayer does have power---my dad got blessed and from the purely selfish aspect of things--I am sure glad that he was--but now---some of those blessings surely need to be sent to the families of those children and the adults killed in this and other similar and all too frequent things of this sort.

By the time that the news of the school shootings came down this past weekend--we had past our danger part and were already into the recovery mode--its just that as I said---my emotions and nerves were pretty rough---the news of the school shooting--when I had sat down and really took in what had transpired--it just really all totally bummed me out.

As I am sure that you already are---send your love, good wishes and prayers in the way of those who were directly hit by this human caused tsunami like storm. Those poor folks REALLY NEED IT!!!

I do hope that someone goes and listens to the music I talked about----that was always such a pretty piece of music----it so fit being the underlying thematic music for the Civil War documentary series---such a pretty and bittersweet piece of music. I guess some other good musical pieces that would work for this also include the version of "Angel Band" by the Stanley Brothers that was used in the soundtrack of the film "O Brother Where Art Thou" or surely---a slow, quiet version of Amazing Grace. Amazing Grace done on "the pipes" always brings a tear to my eye even when I am in a really upbeat mood!! LOL Of course--most times you hear it----you are at someone's grave side service or at their wake, so you are prone to be teary eyed.


How about others offer their suggestions for appropriate music of this sort?

Angel Band from the Stanley Brothers--I did get to see Dr. Ralph Stanley perform not long ago in Cincinnati with his band, the Clinch Mountain Boys-- I am glad I made that show. My taste in music these days does tend towards the "traditional" "folk/bluegrass" "countryish" and such.


Dec 23, 2012, 5:27 AM
Big warm snuggely boobie-hugs to you, you sweet man. :}
Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year..:}
Yer Cat

Dec 23, 2012, 8:06 AM
Big hugs! Our family has lost two of its elder members within the past month.It is hard to celebrate when there is stress and grief.
Please take care of yourself in the midst of offering support and care for others. more hugs!

Dec 23, 2012, 8:12 AM
Glad to hear your dad is on the mend. A friend of mine had a stroke and took a long time to recover. But he did, and you'd never guess he'd had one now.
But it's so damn scary never the less.

@Topper99florida- Getting to grips with losing your dad takes time. Let it all sink in at your own pace. I lost my mum 4mths before last Xmas, and am still getting used to the stark changes in routine etc. You'd think that I'm a little too old to feel like a poor little orphan at times, but I do. I'm sure we all get our moments when missing our parents who have gone on before us.

As for the school shooting tragedy, of course we can't accept it. That's something we are not prepared nor willing to deal with emotionally, it's too painfull. We sympathise with those parents, but realy fear what they have no choice than to experience day to day. It's unthinkable, and horrific.
Even those who survived, have surely been marred by the event. We'd all like them to feel safe and secure, as any child should. But that tragedy has caused doubts that may never fade.
Thankfully we still live in a world where the majority note the pain of others and desire to sooth them. That's at least some comfort to those involved in tragedy and the rest of us too. Well I hope so.

Jan 6, 2013, 12:14 PM
Each day is a gift, unwrap it immediately...:-) The best is yet to be, hang in there bud!