View Full Version : Another new person to the site

Jun 27, 2006, 2:39 PM
Hey everyone,

I am Jason, a 19 yr old art student.

I have been reading posts on this site for the past month or so and I just recently decided to join. A lot of the posts have been very beneficial to my own questions; opinions etc. and I want to thank all of you for being so open with your own lives. It is really encouraging to see and hear from people who are like-minded (or at least open-minded) to myself in at least one aspect (if not more) in our lives (i.e. sexuality).

I recently (within the last two months) have come to terms and acceptance with my own bisexuality and just reading this site has been one of the things that has allowed me to accept my own sexuality. I grew up in a narrow-minded environment and had a lot of misconceptions that I figured out were way off base even before realizing my own bisexuality. None-the-less I am still somewhat what you might call "in the closet" to most people. I am not ashamed; I just know some of the people I care about will take my sexual orientation as an "abomination" or some other ludicrous viewpoint. I plan to tell my family and friends when I see the time as being right, however, until that time I at least have a few people (my brother, his fiancé, and my grandmother; as well as this community, who accept me for who I am.

I look forward to being involved in threads and to being a part of www.bisexual.com's community.


Jun 27, 2006, 2:45 PM
Welcome to Bisexual.com!

I'm glad you were able to find the site beneficial (like most of us)!

"Coming out" will happen at it's own pace, just like you said - when the time is right.

Congratulations on accepting who you are and finding peace with it.

Blessed Be~

Jun 27, 2006, 2:49 PM
Welcome to the site Jason. I'm hope that you continue to enjoy your times here. It really is a wonderful site to explore and meet people. A very comfortable atmosphere.


Jun 27, 2006, 2:58 PM
Welcome Jason! Glad to have you here. :tongue:

Jun 27, 2006, 3:23 PM
Welcome to the site Jason. I'm hope that you continue to enjoy your times here. It really is a wonderful site to explore and meet people. A very comfortable atmosphere.


Arana!!!!!! What happened to your tinkerbell avatar???? You're the one person on here who's not allowed to change your avatar. Without the Arana tinkerbell I feel like everything's out of orbit and the earth will collide with the sun. Bring back the blonde fairy!


Driver 8
Jun 27, 2006, 3:37 PM
Do we all have to shout "I do believe in fairies" to keep the Tinkerbell avatar alive?

Jun 27, 2006, 3:41 PM

Welcome to the site! Congratulations on your journey thus far to understanding and exploring your own sexuality. And enjoy the future journey because it never really ends.

- Drew :paw:

Jun 27, 2006, 4:01 PM
Welcome to the site Jason hope you enjoy being here and learn even more about yourself than you already know.


Jun 27, 2006, 4:05 PM
Do we all have to shout "I do believe in fairies" to keep the Tinkerbell avatar alive?


And by the way, Jason, welcome! Being bisexual is fabulous, just ask any of us. You'll hit some rough spots, like we all do, but this is the beginning of a wonderful life for yourself.


Jun 27, 2006, 4:18 PM
I didn't think anyone would notice or anyone that did would be tired of her by now. lol

Jun 27, 2006, 5:37 PM
Welcome, Jason. Congratulations on coming to terms with your sexuality at a young age. I've just come to terms with my sexuality at 43. I'm glad for you that you won't be spending 20 or so years in the grip of confusion and fear.

Mike W

Jun 27, 2006, 6:52 PM
I didn't think anyone would notice or anyone that did would be tired of her by now. lol

How anybody could ever get tired of Tinkerbell is beyond me... :cool:

Welcome to your new home, Jason... :paw: :paw:

meteast chick
Jun 27, 2006, 11:39 PM
:flag3: A big bicom WELCOME to Jason!!! :flag3:

So glad you've decided to join, it's a most wonderful place to be and feel free and 'at home' amongst friends. You'll notice that quite a few of us here on bicom have a passion for the arts, including myself. It's great to have yet another art lover on this site!

luv and kisses,

P.S. While I will miss Tinkerbell, am I the only one who giggled at the milk and cookies??? BTW, Arana, I sent chocolate chip in my dreams LOL!

little clown
Jun 28, 2006, 12:45 AM
Hi Jason,

Tired of being a lurker, huh? ;)

Welcome in our midst!

I'm looking forward to seeing your reactions to our threads!

Take care

Jun 28, 2006, 8:04 AM
Congrats and Welcome!

hope you find some good chats here and some friends.

talk to you soon.

Jun 28, 2006, 12:18 PM
I didn't think anyone would notice or anyone that did would be tired of her by now. lol

*sniff - I miss the little fairy.


I Luuuuuuv milk and cookies!

Jun 28, 2006, 1:10 PM
welcom to the family hune hope you feel confie in our home its been very helpfull to me im in a loving relationship with my gf now its helped me be more cofortable about myself and my preferance :three: :flag3: peace and agian welcome

:yinyang: :grouphug: jennifer

Jun 28, 2006, 2:11 PM
Thank you everyone for your enthusiastic replies. I am sure I will enjoy being apart of this community.



Jun 28, 2006, 8:23 PM
My name is Christina.I am new too.I am happy with this site so far.I live in Ohio.I am 37 bi female.I hope to find some good friends. :three:

Jun 28, 2006, 8:39 PM
My name is Christina.I am new too.I am happy with this site so far.I live in Ohio.I am 37 bi female.I hope to find some good friends. :three:
Welcome Christina!

Jun 28, 2006, 11:03 PM
A very warm welcome to you Christina...Hope you have loads of fun here... :paw: :paw: