View Full Version : I'm a bad Bisexual...

Dec 3, 2012, 12:09 AM
Yep, I am a bad Bisexual. I adore kissing women, arousing them, getting them off with toys, and fingers, and strapons, or Hitachie or Trinity wands,and helping in their pleasure with a man present, but I'm not particularly interested in doing oral all of the time. I have to know the lady Very well, and feel a great lust before I can go down on her and suckle that hard clitty like a tiny little cock.
This fact just made a man tell me that I am not a "True Bisexual" simply because I dont have a pussy eating obscession. What Is true is that I have an oral obscession with men, and I adore it. I just have a thing about going down on other women.
So does this make me un-eligible to remain on this site? I think not, but figured I'd ask..:}
Picky Cat

Annika L
Dec 3, 2012, 1:03 AM
Silly cat. *shakes head*

Dec 3, 2012, 2:42 AM
That's crazy talk! All bisexual women love eating pussy! You can just see it in their over developed jaw muscles, 9" long tongues, and the ability to open beer bottles with their upper lip. It's like saying all bisexual men don't love anal sex and gaudy jewelry. Or that all straight men don't love sex with virgins. Next you'll tell me all straight women don't dream of getting married and being housewives.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 3, 2012, 3:18 AM
now now cat, you know that you can not be a bisexual unless others give you permission or tell you that its ok for you to be bisexual......

so you will just have to sit in the corner with the rest of us that do not care what others say, its our bodies, our lives, our sexuality.. and the people that love us and what we can do with our minds and bodies, are the first to say that they would not have us any other way than bisexual and good at it

Bisexual Explorer
Dec 3, 2012, 5:41 AM

Yes, you are a "bad bisexual," but bad in the best possible way. There's a great deal of difference between your choice not to do oral all the time and not wanting to do it at all. Does not wanting to perform oral on a person of the same sex disqualify someone from being a bisexual? Oh, who cares?

While I do agree with LDD most of the time, this time it's the jerk who told you that you were a bad bisexual who should sit by himself in a corner. LDD, you, I, and whoever else wants to can go on doing whatever we and our partners enjoy.

Bisexual Explorer

Dec 3, 2012, 7:30 AM
So I've known a few women that don't like giving their guy oral sex, does that make them bad straights?

Not an issue as far as can see.

Dec 3, 2012, 7:32 AM
Based on what you write, I have always considered you more interested in men than women and more interested in group play with men and women.

A bad bisexual? No, the fact that you enjoy groups and kissing a woman is enough to say that you are a good bisexual ;) Besides that good or bad is all in the delivery of sexual pleasures.

Are men who won't kiss men "bad bisexuals"? No, they are just not comfortable to fully enjoy the sensuality of same sex play. I would think that they are not "good" lovers as much as a guy who is enthusiastic about kissing sensually another man. Maybe you are just not comfortable as you write that you have to know the person. Do you enjoy women eating your pussy? Would you stop a woman who wants to eat your pussy from doing so? Will you give a woman "head" if she asks you? Or giggle and say later darling when we know each other better? If that is the case, then you are probably not as good a lover as someone who wants to pleasure their partner and be pleasured regardless of their gender or sexual activity.

It also might just be a gender issue? If a guy likes sucking dick, he doesn't have to know the other guy long to suck his dick or let the guy suck his dick. Women may be just a bit more reserved as they traditionally are a bit more coy...lol Men tend to go from 0 to 100% more readily than women who have many buttons to be pushed to get them to 100 %. ;) Then again, horndogs are horny regardless of their gender. :)

I also suspect that you are also confident enough that his words mean nothing to you but a giggle.

Dec 3, 2012, 9:14 AM
Lol, I too, often do not like going down on women. It has more to do with how well I know the lady. With my wife, it's easy, and rewarding in I know her well enough to get her to orgasm. With another lady however (my wife and I play with other couples on occasion), it's typically not my thing. What works really well for the wife just bombs for another girl, and I have to spend precious time fumbling around, annoying her and wearing me out. From my perspective, if you simply enjoy getting physical with another female, you qualify for bisexuality.

Dec 3, 2012, 11:55 AM
Naaaa Cat.. ther r bad bisexuals and bad bisexuals on this site to boot, but ur not 1 babes by ne stretch of imagination..... and we know who he/she/it/they is/are;)... but just have nice consensual fun is wot matters...:impleased

Dec 3, 2012, 12:55 PM
well i think you are great bisexual woman the point is you do what you enjoy doing

Dec 3, 2012, 12:56 PM
One of my biggest issues with some of the folks here is that, for a group that should be the MOST open-mlnded, a lot seem to not take a "be yourself" attitude. Even as self proclaimed bisexuals, everyone has a way of their own. Why some want to shove their opinions on what we all should be down our throats, based on their views, is beyond me. BTW....I assume that you were teasing Cat....asking whether we should vote on keeping you in the "club". I'm still waiting for you to come out with some "how-to" videos......lol

The Young Pretender
Dec 3, 2012, 2:26 PM
You have committed the social capital crime of not conforming to someone else's expectations! How dare you! ;)

Do whatever you want and to hell with anyone who takes issue with that!

Dec 3, 2012, 7:08 PM
LOl Thank you Darlings. The conversation with the gentleman(and I use the term loosely) Was laughable and we had quite a chuckle and lively debate over it. Its amazing what misconceptions people have about Bi women, and Swingers in particular. And for Tenni, it has nothing to do with me being a bad lover or not,(I can get you references, Cupcake) it just means that I am pickier than most men are (No offence to the men that I know) in that I dont just pounce on every woman I want to play with. Just like in the Swing Lifestyle, I rarely play upon first meeting, and no..I Dont go in for group sex. That's another misconception of yours, Dumpling. Yes, if I get to know a lady a little bit first, I might go down on her but its just not my foremost forte'...sucking cock and being damn good at it Is.
Its all a matter of preference, that's all..:}
Hugs to all of you who understood my humor in this topic..
Laughing Cat

Dec 3, 2012, 7:11 PM
"I'm still waiting for you to come out with some "how-to" videos......lol"

If I do, I'll definately let you know, Darlin.

Dec 3, 2012, 7:15 PM
I'll hold you to that.....a house call seems far-fetched....lol

Dec 3, 2012, 7:32 PM
Ok Dumpling.

You were a bit evasive about whether you enjoyed another woman going down on you etc. ;) .but I see that you see it as perhaps more a gender issue. Women are pickier.
Yes, I did misunderstand your "lifestyle". You don't seem to be a Bonobo after all.
muwah :love87:

Dec 3, 2012, 7:49 PM
Sigh. Tenni, Tenni. You do love your details...I guess vicarious minds do need to know...

Yes, if I do play with a lady and she wants to, she can go down on me, but I make it quite clear from the git go that I'm not a fan of Doing oral on women all that often. Most are like "Oh, thats cool" because they know I have my bag of toys with me, and a Hitachie Wand is wayy better than my mere tongue would be..lol. So is my vibrating strapon and dongs of all sorts and sizes. Most understand and are cool with my decision. I dont require a lady to go down on me, but if she wants to, I have no prob in it. I can assure you that she gets her pleasure 10 fold..lol
Satisfy your need to know now, Sugar Buns?
Hand--Have A Nice Day.

Dec 3, 2012, 9:29 PM
Oh, sounds lovely Cat :)
mm If you are good kisser even better :love87:

Dec 4, 2012, 12:41 AM
A "BAD" bisexual is a straight person who doesnt even THINK of having sex with a member of the same sex.
OR....a GAY person who doesnt even think of having sex with a member of the OPPOSITE sex.
But as we all know....there are very few of those types of people!

Dec 4, 2012, 12:49 AM
Cat, what that guy said sounds like he's spouting those stereotyped views of what 'bisexuals do in bed' e.g. "bisexuals have increased choice of partners", so what you like to do with guys, you must like to do with women also. They don't think about bisexuality in terms of the increased variety in sex or how sexual activity and desire in bed changes, depending on whether youre with a man or a woman.
The flipside of doing oral with men isn't doing oral with women. The two aren't in any way the same... apart from the fact they both require a happy tongue... they are very different experiences for the one who is giving. Actually, now i think about it, I cant really think of an experience that is comparable to sucking dick...eating pussy yes, but sucking dick.... ?


Dec 4, 2012, 2:45 PM
I might be a "bad bisexual" too---because I really don't seem to have much desire to have a mfm, 3-way---maybe a mmm one would be cool---but to me---it seems that I either want to have sex with a guy or have sex with a lady---but to not have sex with both at the same time. I don't know why that is---it "just is." I really cannot explain why I feel that way.

It just seems to me that if I want to be with a girl friend--I want to be with her and if I want to be with a guy--I want to be with him. I know that we have people that want all sorts of variations and such----and I guess that however you want things to be----that is cool and good and its no one else's place to say what is right or not.

Dec 4, 2012, 3:14 PM
Blows my mind. This is like listening to a Christian telling you that you're not a good Jew because you eat pork but won't eat shrimp. Are we so worried about the acceptance of straight people that we allow them to define us? We've already argued that point many times, and I for one will not let anyone in the world ever define ME or MY ACTIONS. I alone have that right and we give power to those we allow to do it for us with our silence.

Don't be silent unless it's to save your life.Alway dare to be who you are, have the will to know yourself and be known.

Dec 4, 2012, 3:43 PM
why would you possibly give a shit what someone else thinks about your bisexuality...your sexuality is yours alone to do with as you see fit...as to whether or not youre a "bad bisexual" that question can only be answered by your partners...if you get them off and they are satisfied with your ministrations is all that matters, if you get the same in return its even better... as for your detractor, sit him down and very calmly offer him a nice hot cup of "shut the fuck up"

Dec 4, 2012, 8:49 PM
Yep Tenni, I Am an excellent kisser...lol
And thanks Biguy. Muahs.

Dec 5, 2012, 12:10 AM
Oh my Cat!!! You're definitely a bad kitty.... A very, very, very, very, BAD, BAD, BAD ASS Kitty!!!! :bigrin: You're not a bad bisexual, it's just that you save the best acts for those that are the most worthy!!!! I call that sensibility!!!

Dec 5, 2012, 6:46 AM
It is like saying someone is a bad dom/domme for not wanting to cut/punch their subs. You don't have to subscribe to everything in order to be "good". :-p I don't know where people come up with this stuff. I was once told I could only be gay or straight at any given time, bisexuality was an illusion, so I asked this person what would I be if I was both in a woman with a man in me? Might not have been the best dinner conversation I have ever had... but I think it made her head explode. You could be worse, you can be like that woman and fool around with women in order to get them to invest in your company with no intention of seeing them long term.

Dec 6, 2012, 4:21 PM
Not all Domme's hit, not all Domme's hurt, or cause their Subs to be put thru humiliation. Just like with Bi-folks, there are many layers of BDSM and Dom'isms. As long as we follow our hearts and minds, and act upon what is right for each of us, then its all good..;)

Dec 7, 2012, 7:49 AM
So I've known a few women that don't like giving their guy oral sex, does that make them bad straights?

Yes. Yes, they are. Ask any guy... :yikes2:

Dec 7, 2012, 11:18 AM
Yes. Yes, they are. Ask any guy... :yikes2:

Not all men feel this way, thanks.

Dec 7, 2012, 11:41 AM
Not all men feel this way, thanks.
Methinks he said it tongue in cheek, Voidie.. an' if 'e didnt.. well.. more the dick he... some gay and bi guys don't like anal.. does that make them bad gays and bi's? And I know one or 2 guys who won't go down on a girl... so it goes both ways... just a matter of wot we like and wot we dont.. doesn't make us good or bad owt.. very few of us like every sex act wotever our gender.. wotever we like and do or dont like and not do are just our own preferences... bad ne1 is ne1 doing nething 2 ne1 without their consent.. that's bad...