View Full Version : a story i wrote

Jun 26, 2006, 8:17 PM
this is a story im writting yes u will reconise it as harry potter.. but i hope my creative imagenation will show lol
btw its a set stroy so its actors
have a good read....

"Yildiz, i need you to go get DJ and Heather from school, and bring them here." David yelled.
"Sure thing dad, Rick you coming?" she asked her boyfriend. He nodded and they got in the car. JUst before she started the car, Yildiz saw her german shepard and her white tiger cub watchen her.
"Oh alright." she grinned and went to let them in. a minute later they were gone.
" interesting day huh?" Rick said
"Yeah sure is" Yildiz shock her head, Five mintues later they pulled up outside the school DJ and Heather attended.
"Snowy, come sit on mummys lap" she said to the lil white fluff ball.
"I feel sorry for dad, as he has been trying to get that sence perfect all day" Rick declared
"Yep, he's gunna be knackered tonight." Yildiz agreed. hte next minture Heather and Dj got into the car next to Plonkea the german shepard.
"Hey Yildiz, hey Rick." Dj said and smiled
"hello lil bro how was school today?"
"Oh u know, same old.: Dj replied.
"what about u Heather?" Yildiz asked
"it was gay, cross country starts soon so we did heaps of running" Heather groaned.
Rick laughed.
"sorry, that sucks" he said.
"Come on Yildiz i wanna get home" Dj suddenly said
Yildiz started the car and started down the stree.
"sorry lil bro, dad said i have to take ya's back to set." she replied
"Damn, why?" Dj pouted in the back seat.
"I wouldnt know sorry."
Heather lifted the lil white cub and put her on her lap and patted her, while plonka rested her head on Dj's lap.
:Plonka doesnt look to well, i think you should take her to the vet sis." Dj said
"yeah ok." Yildiz answered and turned on the next right. They arrived at the vet and Plonka and Yildiz went inside. after ten mintues they both came out with Yildiz beaming from ear to ear, she let plonka in and got in herself
"guess what!" she said excitedly
They all looked at her funny.
"Plonka is pregnant."
Everyone cheered and patted plonka then Yildiz drove off. When they arrived back at the set Rick and Yildiz went to find Oliver and James.
"Yildiz!! Let us down!" the twins called when the walked into one of the huge halls. Rick burst out laughing.
"Nah, i dnt think so" Yildiz giggled.
"And why not?" James yelled back at her.
"Because i cant be bothered." she smiles sweetly at the twins.
"Hey not fair!!" Oliver called
"What are you two doing??" There was a sudden voice behind them. They turned around and saw both there dads.
"DAD" the said shocked
"why so shocked?" David asked.
"No reason dad." Yildiz replied. Both Gary and Davied raised an eye brow.
"David! Gary!" The twins yelled.
"Dammit!" Yildiz swore. Gary and David let the twins down adn rounded on there children. And after thirty mintues of leture they both agreed on the punishment for dangerous behaviour.
"Rick, sorry pal, im sending you to your mothers and ur not allowed to see Yildiz." Gary declared and rung his ex Wife.
"Yildiz sweety, your staying under my watchful eyes adn ur not allowed to see Rick anymore!" David said, then him Gary and Yildiz walked off. The two teenagers watched eachother till they were out of sight and as soon as they were out side Yildiz ran to her car with her pets and drove off.
"YILDIZ!!!" Davied yelled. Gary placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Let her go mate, she needs time to calm down" he said and David nodded.
"Yes you are right" he agreed.
After an hour of driving Yildiz parked up and the closest beach, Her pets watched her sadly knowen there mum was upset. Plonka put a paw on her lap.
"oh, i love you both" she smiled and cuddled them.

Another hour passed and Rick sat angrily in Garys trailer, there was a sudden knock on the door. Rick rused to open it and seeing that it wasnt Yildiz he sat back down again.
"What?" His brother asked.
"I thourght you were someone else." Rick replied.
"Im here to pick you up bro." Jonathan declared. Rick sadly grabed his bag and followed Johnathan to the car.
"so meet anyone since you've been here?" Johnathan asked. Rick just shrugged.
"Shit, what happened bro? your too quiet." he said.
"Nothing" Rick answered. when they arrived to there mum's Rick went straight up to his room and stayed there. His mother came in after dinner.
"Rick, never mind your father, you gave him quite a scare." she declared patted his hand and walked out. He layed down on his bed and watched the ceiling.

"Gary, I havnt seen Yildiz at all!" David said on the phone after 10pm that night.
"She'll be fine David, She's 18 now, But get Tomi or Nicholas to text her." Gary replied.
"Okay then, well better go, catch ya tomorrow" Davied said.
"Yep, Bye" and they hung up.
"Tomi! Nicholas!" David yelled up the stairs, the both came down.
"Yo dad?" Tomi asked
"Can one of u two please text your sister imvery worried about her." he declared and the boys went backupstairs.
David turned around and came face to face with his wife.
"Hey hunny" he said nervously.....................

.................... to be continued later lmao getting tired of typing it today lmao

Jun 27, 2006, 3:46 AM

"where is my daugher?" Kate bellowed (i honesty just picked the name)
Heather and Dj disappared up to there rooms.
"I don't know hun" he simply answered. Kate turned and stood outside waiting.

"Johnathan speeking" Johnathan answered the phone.
"how is Rick?" Gary asked from the other end.
"Dad it's really late, Rick, well i don't know, he hasnt left his room except to go loo, nor has he said a word." Johnathan replied.
"ok, tomorrow when you see him can you tell him im sorry?" Gary asked.
"sure dad, night" they hung up and Gary slowly climbed into bed.

Yildiz woke with Snowy purring lightly. she looked up and out over the horizon line at the edge of the dark waters. Sighing she moved her pets and got out of the car. Suddenly her phone went off.
Tomi had sent her a text.
* Sis, dad's really worried, Mum wont talk to him and she wont come back inside until you get home. Come home soon, dad's a mess, love Tomi, xox*
She sighed again and got back in the car. 2 hours later she pulled into the drive. Kate rushed down to the car to hug her daughter.
"Oh babygirl, are you ok?" Kate asked.
"Yeah mum, im fine." Yildiz replied, she let her mum go and got her pets out and locked up the car. KAte walked inside first so Yildiz followed behind.
"Yildiz, hunny, i'm so sorry" David said with his arms out, she walked past him and up stairs to her room. Tomi and Nicholas followed.
"Hey sis" Nicholas said as they sat on the bed next to he. She started crying, both boys comforted her.
"What did dad do?" Tomi asked. Yildiz looked up.
"He and Gary banned Rick and I from seeing eachother and Rick has been sent to his mums." she replied through tears.
"You two get caught kissing or something?" Nicholas jocked.
"No, No, we were getting revenge on the twins, but it backfired, now i cant see Rick at all." she sobbed again an rested her head on Tomi's shoulder, he hugged her.
"It's ok sis," she soothed her, she fell asleep so the boys out her and the pet into bed and left her room.
"No wonder mums not talking to dad!" Tomi said, Nicholas agreed> They walked downstairs to find David asleep on the couch, so they sneaked into the kitchen got a drink then sneaked back up to there rooms.

In the early hours of the mornign Rick woke up with the feeling someone was watchen him, he opened his eyes.
"Oh My Gosh, Claire, you scared me." he said to his oldest sister.
"Sorry Rick" she said sadly.
"what are you doing here? I throught you were in Scotland?" he asked suddenly suprised to see her.
"I was, until i got a call from dad." she replied.
"Oh!" Rick sighed and sat up.
"He's really sorry Rick, he wants you back there." she declared, Rick shook his head.
"I can't see my girlfriend so i dnt see the point."
"fair enough bro. When i was your age he did the same thing to me, i ran away to scotland then, it was good but then it was bad so dont think of doing what i did, just, sit it out ok?" Clarie told him and gave him a hug.
"Thnaks sis." he hugged her back.
"Not a problem, now go back to sleep and i'll see you later in the day." she smiled and left the room.

Hours had past and Davied had left for the set, Kate walked into her daughters room after taken HEather and Dj to school.
"Yildiz?" she said to the figure in bed.
it moved and yildiz popped into sight................

.................. to be continued

Jun 27, 2006, 6:00 AM

"Hey mum, Dad gone?" Yildiz replied. Kate nodded, Plonka walked over to kate, who patted her.
"shes pregnant mum." Yildiz declared.
"oh wow hunny, thats cool. listen darling i made ur father sleep on the couch lastnight i was mangry at him for punishing you." Kate told her softly.
"Maybe dad and i should talk." Yildiz said
"i think so darling" Kate areed. she got up and walked out. Yildiz got up, got dressed, called her pets and walked out and down to the car.

"Claire" Rick asked as he went to breakfast that morning.
"Yeah bro?" she replied with her mouth full.
"can u take me down to the set, i better chat to dad." he asked.
"after breakfast alright bro?" She replied and Rick nodded and sat down for some toast.

Yil;diz sat in her car at the set thinking of how she will talk to David when a red Holden pulled up beside her.
"oh my gosh!!!!" she gasped and jumped out of the car. Rick did the same and they embraced in a tight hug.
"it's ok sweetheart ive got you" Rick told her softly.
"I..." she started but Rick cut her off.
"it's ok sweetheart" He said. Claire got out of the car and stared at them clearing her throat.
"Yildiz have you met my big sister Claire before?" Rick asked.
"No i havnt, Hey there." Yildiz smiled
"I see why your both not talking to your dads!" Claire laughed.
" yes, i better go find him actually." Yildiz declared. Rick nodded,
"Yes better find my dad too."
"claire sorry to be a pain but could you babysit Snowy and Plonka?" Yildiz asked.
"what are they?" Clarie looked at her sideways.
Yildiz reached into the car and picked up Snowy while Plonka followed behind. she then locked up the car.
"awwww, how cute, i'd love too." Claire took the little white tiger cub in her hands and cuddled.
"Thanks so much, they know there way around so please your self where you go." Yildiz said happily, he and Rick walked on.
"Best not let our dads see us together." He told her, she kissed him.
"Yeah, see you later hunny" She walked off, Rick watched her go then went another way.

"Hey Yildiz!" Emma Watson called out.
"Oh, hey emma, have you seen dad?" Yildiz answered.
"Yep, God he's a mess today, keeps forgetting his lines, he's chatting to Gary over there some where." Emma replied adn pointed to her left.
"Sweet thanks, oh say hey to the others for me," Yildiz smiled and carried on. As she walked into the great hall she saw her dad and Gary.
"Dad" She simply said.
"Yildiz, oh sweety, i'm so sorry, can you forgive me?" David walked over and she hugged him close.
"I'm sorry to dad." She replied.
"Gary and i were just talking about last night and how worried we were about you and Rick, we've decided your no longer punished." David told her and she hugged him tighter.
"Thanks dad." she sad happily
"And thanks Gary" she walked over and hugged him too.
"if u see Rick let him know for me." Gary smiled and winked at her.
"i will." and she ran off.

"Phew, I dont want to go through that again." David declared. Gary laughed
"Nor do i, i didn't realise how lonely the house was without Rick around."
"Dad!, David!" Claire declared as she and the animals walked over.
"Claire, i didn't expect to see you here, wait i thought you were in Scotland?" Gary asked suprised,
"I was, until ur phone call, i caught the next flight arrived at 3am, and sat and talked to Rick for a few minutes, i brung him over today." She smiled
"Thank you, and im sorry for draggin you here" Gary told her. she smiled.
"its ok dad, it's about time i come back here for a visit, and besides i'd do anything for my youngest bro" Claire laughed.
"Tomi and Nicholas are like that with Yildiz and she's like that with Heather and Dj." David smiled.

Yildiz walked all the set when she suddlenly walked into someone.
"Woah girl" Robbie Coultrane said and held her at arms legnth.
"oops sorry Robbie, seen Rick?" she asked.
"Yeah, gloomy kid, he's over there" Robbie raplied and pointed to his right.
"thanks" she smiled and walked on.

"Rick" she said when she saw him. Rick turned around.
"Wow sweetheart your happy." he laughed.
"punishment is over." she kissed him
"wow, awesome" he hugged and kissed her back.
"Punishment?" Daniel and rupert asked.
"Yeah our dad's punished us for getting revenge on the twins yesterday." Rick answered.
"so you wouldnt want to get up to more mischef then?" Daniel asked. Yildiz laughed.
"I live for mischef" she said and Rick agreed.
"Good, Robbie walked off without his phone." Rupert declared and grinned. After ten minutes of descusion they came up with an idea.
"ok text to everyone here."
*Party at my house, BYO food and drinks, All welcome.* They sent it to everyone even them selves. Robbie was talking to alfred the director when suddenly texts came through. Daniel quickly placed the phone down and the four of them ran off.
"I sent it to us too so robbie gets confused." Daniel laughed.
"Good one" Rupet agreed laughing and they ran outside and made themselves cosy and waited. Suddenly they heard and very loud angry voice.
"DANIEL!!!!!!!!!!!" Robbie bellowed, they could hear him coming with Alfred following behind laughing.
"Whats wrong Robbie?" Yildiz asked....................................

to be continued............

thats all ive done sop far so keep ur eyes peeled for what happens next.

Jul 4, 2006, 7:39 AM