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Nov 11, 2012, 3:39 PM
Does anyone want to become facebook friends. If you do we should do it in private mails.

Nov 11, 2012, 5:38 PM
People still go on facebook? Privacy is an illusion.

Nov 12, 2012, 4:32 AM
Privacy is an illusion Everywhere, Dog. And it only becomes an issue if someone allows it to become one.

Nov 12, 2012, 11:18 AM
I do use Facebook---but I can tell ya--I sure don't do that thing of putting up on it each and everything I am doing and where I am at----no surprise I guess--but I use FB to follow political stuff and things like bands and individual musicians I like, things going on with the organizations I belong to relating to video and film---things of that sort---actually--I really do think that MySpace was so much better for that sort of thing---and I personally miss MySpace for that reason--I think it is far superior to FaceBook and with FB having basically crushed all the rest of the "social networks"--I wished it had never come along!!! If people went back to MySpace---I would use that in a heartbeat over FB!!!

Nov 13, 2012, 12:18 AM
Only reason I have FB is because my Grandson's, and my other family (Both biological and adopted) asked me to. Also many of my former students have me on their lists to keep in touch with me..:} And, many of my Lifestyle friends have accounts on there from my local area..:}

Nov 13, 2012, 1:21 PM
I have mixed feelings about FB, but most are negative. I have been using it quite a bit for non- sexual things lately, though. It makes for a fairly easy way to keep track of people you otherwise might not be able to. The downside to that is I have one "Friend" that apparently has her account set to send everyone notice of everything she does with her FB page. As a result I get a notice every time she changes a picture or makes a comment. Drives me nuts and I can't find a way to stop it short of un- Friending her.

I'm not sure it's all that useful in communicating with other bi or homo folks unless you're completely out as queer since everything you post there can be seen by any of your Friends. I actually wanted to use FB as part of my outing process but had to re-consider when I realized some of the Friends I have on it are younger family members (of a very religious anti- homo family) and a few others I really would rather not have know.

Still, I decided to push the boundary a bit and invited some openly homo guys to be Friends. The thrill of that went away pretty quick as they were just taking up space. Never mind that those same homo guys tend to be the opposite of me politically and kept sending me invites to Like certain candidates or political causes I abhor.

What I did end up doing as part of my FB outing was Liking or joining some queer friendly FB groups that weren't a dead give away as to me being queer. The Draft Laura Bush for Houston Pride and some gay marriage groups being a couple examples. Maybe one of these days I'll have the guts to add something more brazen to the list like Queer Humboldt, which is the group for the county I live in.

What I also did, which I've mentioned here before, was change my "interests". Where it asks if you're interested in Men, Women, both or "it's complicated", I finally switched my interest to "Men and Women" a couple years ago. Some of you may want to give that a try.

Assuming anybody noticed, I haven't had any bad feedback about it. There was one guy, an old army friend who unfriended me for some reason since then. It could have been that as he's real right- wing. Don't know, but other than that, no biggie, and I feel proud of myself for being so open about it. I'll admit every now and then I'll check my personal info, see that and get a bit nervous but, heck, it's been at least a couple years and the world hasn't ended. Give it a try.

Nov 14, 2012, 12:02 AM
I simply don't get Facebook. What is the need to let everyone know your business. I just can't do it. I'd much rather phone someone or go to lunch. Call me old fashion but I can't ever see myself joining.

Nov 14, 2012, 12:39 AM
lol FB is for friends and family to keep in touch with each other. I joined because my kids and grandkids asked me to. One day I got a note that I Thought was in jibberish until I looked at it closely. It was in Cherokee. A cousin of mine that I lost touch with Years ago, sent me a message just to see if I retained our language, and to vex the hell out of me..lol. He got to know my kids, my grandkids and was delighted to find out that I had left my abusive husband..lol We have chatted daily since then, and its been wonderful catching up on our lives. :}
You can choose the option to add only those that are good trusted friends as well as the option to make new friends as well. Its all good..:}