View Full Version : Bisexual Videos

sexy couple
Jun 25, 2006, 1:32 AM
We just went to our local naughty store to rent a video. This place is huge, with thousands of videos in every genre, including an entire wall of gay and another wall of she male videos. We found the bisexual section: There were THREE ~ yes, THREE bisexual videos!! WTF?? Are we really this rare? :eek2: I know there are lots of sites that sell videos for $60 a pop (pun intended), but this is ridiculous!

Jun 25, 2006, 1:42 AM
i dont buy . . i download everything . . :bigrin: better idea and much more stuff on the net than in a store . . and it doesnt cost .

Jun 25, 2006, 7:17 AM
Yahoo has a free video server now i just found a few MFM Bi movies ...


Jun 25, 2006, 8:49 AM
i have found a good site www.loadxxx.com that has decent European bi dvds

Jun 25, 2006, 10:23 AM
This public page (meaning it can be accessed by non-members) from Three Pillows has reviews - there are some bad bi videos out there, and some really good ones.


- Drew :paw:

Jun 25, 2006, 1:47 PM
I hate to be picky, or sound negative, on this subject but . . .

The "bi" videos out there are virtually ALL commercial videos in which professional porn stars play roles. That doesn't make for very good erotic video. Even the vidmakers who advertise their work as "amateur" use "professional amateurs" in the videos. The same old faces and bodies, over and over again. Great production values but the content is fit only for inducing sleep.

What I miss are the golden days of amateur erotic video, starting in the 70s, when true amateurs traded or sold real amateur videos. There were small exchanges like Susan's Video in Frederick, Maryland, and VPX in Brooklyn and Staten Island, New York, that acted simply as video duplicators and shippers and did it all at a very reasonable price. Real amateur video ended in the early 90s, I'd say.

Jun 26, 2006, 12:42 AM
My gripe about bi vids is that I'm sixty-one years old, and I'm really tired of seeing twenty-something actors almost exclusively. And yes, I know we've got to be safe, but I hate seeing condoms. :(

Nov 1, 2006, 4:41 PM
This weekend I watched an excellent movie that includes bisexuality, threesomes, and the joy and pain of relationships. It isn't porn, but it does have some really well done love scenes. I couldn't remember if anyone had posted this movie, but I do know we are all looking for good ones. It is called "Kiss Me Again." I highly recommend it.

Nov 2, 2006, 7:54 PM
'Kiss Me Again' is on Netflix

Nov 2, 2006, 11:22 PM
Ive seen bisexual video an often and I have never had sex with girls entire my life.. Always been gay... I started to feel that I would like to try girls also and become bisexual then.. I though it was hot video..


Nov 11, 2006, 11:23 PM
What gets me is that movies with scenes of MFF threesomes where the girls eat each other are usually in the "main" videos. But as soon as 2 guys do anything it's either in the gay or bi section.

Nov 11, 2006, 11:37 PM
Most of what I have seen in the Bi Sections of any store, as well as online, is just putrid. Either the men are gay, playing bi...or straight playing Bi...not seen many actually Bi playing Bi....come to think of it, haven't found any. Most were "Situationally" exciting and the scenes were lackluster at best.

Oh well.