View Full Version : Tiny useless male nipples

Nov 8, 2012, 1:03 PM
OK, I admit it, I have tiny useless male nipples. They are so small that when they are given attention I can barely notice. I have some nipples clips, but to be honest with you, my nips are so small that all the clamping pressure is on such a tiny area it is almost unbearable! I have been with women who can orgasm just from nipples play - I AM SO ENVIOUS! Is there anything that I can do? I have seen those little nipple sucking devices in BDSM pics and am considering finding some. Is there anything a man can do to increase the size of his nipples?

Nov 8, 2012, 3:16 PM
I doubt it! Silicone implants?

Nov 9, 2012, 7:42 PM
Keep pulling on your nipples daily. They won't remain small or flat. This is something that takes time. Yes there are men who can have an orgasm or ejaculation from tit torture or stimulation of their nipples. Pull on them with your fingers and then put wooden clothespins on them. Then get the clamps out. This is not going to happen overnight. Eventually you can buy a snakebite kit or those nipple suckers if you want.

Nov 11, 2012, 5:48 PM
Do you get taller when someone pull your leg,,,,I play with my nipples every day, and they are still the same size.

Nov 12, 2012, 2:09 PM
Eat nothing but junk food, do not exercise. Become totally sedentary. After a while your testosterone will drop and you estrogen will skyrocket. A few years of that should grow you some nice, healthy man tits. Your nips will have no choice but to grow as well. Just have a quick look around at 80% of the US population...lots of role models. Problem solved!

Nov 13, 2012, 12:09 AM
Now wait a minute. Are you saying that Women who eat junk food and dont work out have big boobs? And their estrogen increases? I think the OP just needs to have his nips and areola sucked on harder and longer..lol

Nov 13, 2012, 1:52 PM
That's a MUCH BETTER method, Cat!!! LOL!!

Now wait a minute. Are you saying that Women who eat junk food and dont work out have big boobs? And their estrogen increases? I think the OP just needs to have his nips and areola sucked on harder and longer..lol

Michele Mayelle
Nov 13, 2012, 4:45 PM
Go to E bay & search Cupping Set, it contains 5 or 6 different sizes of suction cups complete with pump & accessories. I bought mine about a year ago & use it for several hours at a time whenever I get the opportunity. I bought mine from Hong Kong, it cost about $24.00, which, when you consider you can find nipple pumps with just 1 suction cup costing $80.00 & much more, I consider it a good buy. I use the 2 smaller cups & you can see the results on my profile pics. Another plus is my nipples are so sensitive now

Nov 15, 2012, 12:33 PM
I have very sensitive nipples as they have been played with a lot. Now they are only a little smaller than my wifes and just as sensitive. Pulling clamping and suction will do wonders.