View Full Version : The Speeches

Nov 7, 2012, 10:49 AM
I thought both speeches, from Obama and Romney, last night were extremely well done and put country before all else.

Romney (full speech): http://cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/politics/2012/11/07/sot-romney-concession-full.cnn.html
(transcript: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/07/transcript-romneys-concession-speech/?hpt=hp_t2_6)

Obama (full speech): http://cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/politics/2012/11/07/election-obama-victory-speech-full.cnn.html
(transcript: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/07/transcript-obamas-victory-speech/)

Obama's was the best speech I have ever heard him make. He really spoke from the heart. It was inspiring. A call to arms for reasonableness, moderation, compromise and above all getting things done. I even heard a tip of the hat to what is sometimes thought of as a conservative theme - people taking personal responsibility (although this progressive would argue it is not really a conservative theme - we progressives believe in it too).

I learned something last night... I understand now why the candidates don't speak like that DURING the campaign. Their messages during the campaign are so very carefully crafted, every word chosen so precisely, that they can't really speak from the heart. Frankly I thought they were both just idiots for not giving people what they want and speaking with true passion - but now I realize just how very carefully crafted every word is. I had no idea the reigns were really THAT tight for both of them.

I hope for the next several years we see more passion and frankness from all the western world's leaders and they do what needs to be done to get us out of this fiscal mess we are in.

- Drew :paw:

Nov 7, 2012, 5:14 PM
How has this country gotten so polarized? How did happen that candidates can no longer do and say what THEY think is right? They always have to follow the party line.

And the amount of money that is spent on the campaigns....don't get me started. If that money went directly into the government instead, the deficit would be gone.

Nov 7, 2012, 6:44 PM
I thought Romney was very gracious, humble, a real class act when conceding defeat.:2cents:

Nov 7, 2012, 7:51 PM
The United States has become so polarized and so partisan partiallydue to the fact that everybody has to be PC.
We are so afraid that we will hurt someone’s feelings oroffend them in some way by not being politically correct in our address.
To that I say, if you are offended by my personal expression(s)of what I think and feel, get over it. I am not going to change for what bigbrother or anyone else dictates.
I am a freeborn man with the liberty to express my thoughtsand feelings as I see fit, so long as what I say does not threaten bodily harmor malice to another.
And if someone thinks ill of me for what I say, what theythink about me is none of my business and concerns me not.

Doggie :doggie:

Nov 8, 2012, 7:55 AM
I agree with Drew's assessment of the speeches for the most part. Would only add that our current Boss, can use Southern Baptist Jubilee preacher tenor quite effectively. It is indeed a form of speaking taught to evoke strong emotion from folks, to persuade and steer them. In fact it is often considered a form of hypnosis if effectively done. The speaker's will and instruction becoming ingrained into the listeners sub conscious. Not saying it is a good or bad thing, just noting that it's there, and Obama seems well versed in it.

Nov 8, 2012, 11:33 AM
One speech was a brilliant piece of waffle... the other a polite piece of form... neither means anything...

Nov 8, 2012, 2:12 PM
There are speakers who can easily sway emotions and mold a crowd to do their bidding...both good and evil persons have done that effectively. I can think of many who can/could mesmerize an audience and convince them of anything. (whether it's true, or not) There are many examples, during my long life. History has a way of pointing out the truth of those who lead the population astray, but it's usually too late to do anything about it, by then! We often learn that someone was attempting to do the right thing, but we didn't agree, back then........it might be too late to respond, then.

Hindsight often sucks!