View Full Version : Ebb and flow, the currents of Bi-sexuality

Jun 24, 2006, 5:43 PM
I have generally been attracted primarily to women both sexually and relationship wise, but are drawn to men to scratch an itch that women just can't seem to satisify (and I am sure the situition would be the same if I were either a woman or predominately gay) and I have done everything with a woman I would do sexually with a man...i.e. oral and anal so it is not just sex though the sensation of a dick in my ass is something no strap on or dildo can replicate. Generally speaking, when I want a man, I want a man and thats it, period, and once my itch is scratched its back to women.

Lately however I find my relationships with women increasingly unsatisfying, though I lust after them intensely. I find my sexual current shifting as it were and I just don't want sex with a man I want SEX with a man repeatedly, want to wake up next to one, and perhaps have a long term relationship with one. But I find most gay men tedious beyond tears (especially swishy ones) and the macho type even more boring and predictable, I know the type I want, a straightforward unaffectated man, but the question I want to ask is:

How do you experince the ebb and flow of your bi-sexuality? And how do you deal with its currents?

Jun 24, 2006, 11:29 PM
i just wrote in another thread that i dont ever experience it like that personally that it changes from beeing attracted more to women and then back to be more attracted to men . . beside whom i wake up would personally not matter to me , if its my sweet babygirl from last night i gladly cuddle with her for hours and make out again . . if its my man then im happy when i get my morning treatment as well . . . . i have no ups and downs and more gay and less gay moments,weeks,months suddenly . .

the only problem is , theres no girl in my life now .. anyway , enough of the whining . . back to what you said . . :tong:

I think best is to go with what you feel like - if you feel like a long term relationship with a guy then you should go for it , wheres the problem . . and if not then dont .. but maybe you arent ready for any if you cannot really be sure what you want . . or are you ? may i dont get smth . :cool:
But hey , its only my opinion . .and sometimes im a bit harsh , but not really , it only seems so . .its my language skills may even . . my english is what sounds harsh - - forgive me ! :tong: :)

Jun 25, 2006, 7:30 AM
How do you experince the ebb and flow of your bi-sexuality? And how do you deal with its currents?

Defining what brings balance to that ebb and flow is a big part of the solution to reducing the extremes of those currents. Once you can define for yourself what it is that you need and desire, then you narrow down your search.
Confronting and dealing with my sexuality for whatever the reason has come in the latter years of my life. Although I’ve always been extremely sexual all of my life it wasn’t until other areas of my life had been bought into balance that I could finally focus on this quagmire of checked and unchecked impulses that has raged like some wild untamed river.
The journey has been exciting and I have no regrets in the experiences I have enjoyed especially over the last couple of years. Discovery and exploration are my passion and as each new clue to defining my sexual nature came to light, the focus of my search became more defined. I am a bisexual male. I can own that truth. I can identify with those of my gender that in this time and space go through similar struggles. It is different than being a bisexual female not any less difficult but definitely different.
I have a very deep relationship with my wife who is a bisexual. Our marriage is in no way traditional but it makes us happy and that’s all that really matters. I also have a bisexual male that fulfills another part of my life that goes beyond just being a sexual partner. He is a very important part of my life as well. Peace is relative to the moment. All I have is this moment, and in this moment I am at peace.

Ambi :)

Jun 25, 2006, 7:41 PM
I go with the flow, so to speak. Yes, I ebb and flow also. Some days, (before meeting my lovely girlfriend a year ago) I would absolutely *ache* for the touch, the connection of a loving woman.

I've never worried about it one way or another though. It is what it is - part of who I am. This is who I am right now, and tomorrow it might be more hetero than today. It's all still me.

Jun 27, 2006, 10:27 PM
eh just go with it.
I am pretty equal in terms of attraction (sexual and romantic) to the point where I think about men, women, and other genders and it all boils down to the person themselves.

I do know however, that if I were to marry a woman I couldn't be monogamous and that I'd need a boyfriend.