View Full Version : What's In a Name?

Jun 24, 2006, 3:18 PM
For me, a lot. I've been hiding myself from myself and the people I love for 35 years and I'm not doing that any more. Yes, I'm scared shitless of what my wife's reaction will be. But no matter the outcome I have to be honest with her so I can be honest with myself.

Up until a few hours ago you all knew me as MarcW. My name is Mike. That's who I am, that's who I'm gonna be.

Drew, thanks for changing my account name. It might seem like an insignificant minor thing to most people but it's another giant step for me being who I am.

Mike W

Jun 24, 2006, 3:22 PM
Congratulations, Mike. I know there's so much unknown, but something tells me you'll like life out of the closet. Remember there are tons of people who support you, in DrewLand, at least.


Jun 24, 2006, 3:25 PM
:bounce: CONGRATULATIONS on making such a bold step forward Mike! May everything else be small hurdles and pleasant surprises for you.

little clown
Jun 24, 2006, 4:32 PM
Hi Mike,

My name is Mike. That's who I am, that's who I'm gonna be.

Good for you!!

I sincerely hope that everything will work out between you and your wife.

The best of luck to you!


Jun 24, 2006, 5:14 PM
It is a pleasure to meet you Mike...I hope everything goes well for you...Good luck... :paw: :paw:

Jun 24, 2006, 5:44 PM
Hi Mike.
As someone still closetted from her family, I def know how it feels to be "scared shitless" about how they will react. But what you're doing will definitely be for the best in the long run. One day, hopefully, I'll get to do the same.

Best of luck to you.

Jun 24, 2006, 7:00 PM
Good for you Mike!...brevity is a trait I admire greatly.

being yourself can be the hardest of all things to do
I respect your step toward that goal.

Jun 24, 2006, 7:13 PM
[QUOTE=MikeW]For me, a lot. I've been hiding myself from myself and the people I love for 35 years and I'm not doing that any more. Yes, I'm scared shitless of what my wife's reaction will be. But no matter the outcome I have to be honest with her so I can be honest with myself.

Congratulations...I wish you the best of luck on your BIG step forward. And you know that we are all here for you anytime you need it. Your wife also!!

Take care
Mrs.F :)

Jun 24, 2006, 7:17 PM
Congratulations Mike!

Jun 25, 2006, 9:43 AM
WOW! Awesome!!!!!

G'day Mike, and good on ya!

Be encouraged by your step, each and every one. Look forward to the future with pride in yourself...it's a great journey!

Jun 26, 2006, 3:26 AM
Hi Mike im Greg
Just go with it Mike as it seems like most of the world is BI anyway.
I just had to tell my wife and guess what???
turns out she was bi too.
best of luck Mike........... :bipride:

Jun 26, 2006, 3:34 AM
I just had to tell my wife and guess what???
turns out she was bi too.

With that kind of luck you should go buy a lottery ticket....

Long Duck Dong
Jun 26, 2006, 6:12 AM
hi mike... lol.... my name is paul... from new zealand lol

dude .... be prepared for a lil something... once you drop the shield and tell ya wife... you may find it changes you as a person......holding up a shield for 35 years means we develop a way of life that we don't see....until we drop that shield and be us......in 99% of cases... it allows us to be more loving, caring and sensitive to the people around us... so its a mega bonus

Jun 26, 2006, 6:32 PM
For me, a lot. I've been hiding myself from myself and the people I love for 35 years and I'm not doing that any more. Yes, I'm scared shitless of what my wife's reaction will be. But no matter the outcome I have to be honest with her so I can be honest with myself.

Up until a few hours ago you all knew me as MarcW. My name is Mike. That's who I am, that's who I'm gonna be.

Drew, thanks for changing my account name. It might seem like an insignificant minor thing to most people but it's another giant step for me being who I am.

Mike W

It's nice out here, isn't it?

Jun 27, 2006, 5:58 PM
Hi, I'm MikeW's wife.

I am a bit surprised by the news, but I didn't run away screaming and I'm certainly not repelled by it. I don't know how it will affect my life... that is something that I guess will unfold along the journey.

I have told Mike to be himself ever since we met six years ago. I hope clearing this hurdle will enable him to be open about other things.

Trust is an issue... but we are getting counselling and our love is true and real and strong, so whatever happens, whatever we learn about ourselves, I am confident we will deal with it in a loving manner.

I appreciate all the support you've given him... I'll probably mostly be a lurker but anyone feel free to contact me.


Jun 27, 2006, 6:07 PM
Hi, I'm MikeW's wife.

I am a bit surprised by the news, but I didn't run away screaming and I'm certainly not repelled by it. I don't know how it will affect my life... that is something that I guess will unfold along the journey.

I have told Mike to be himself ever since we met six years ago. I hope clearing this hurdle will enable him to be open about other things.

Trust is an issue... but we are getting counselling and our love is true and real and strong, so whatever happens, whatever we learn about ourselves, I am confident we will deal with it in a loving manner.

I appreciate all the support you've given him... I'll probably mostly be a lurker but anyone feel free to contact me.


I love you more than you could possibly imagine. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for encouraging me to be me. You truly are a gift from God.

Jun 27, 2006, 8:37 PM
Congratulations, Mike & Manatee. Here's to you both and your new journey. :flag4:

Jul 3, 2006, 3:22 PM

Welcome. You have made the right choice for you, and I applaude you. I like to think that here you will find a home to be who you choose to be. There is a special bond with all of us here.


Jul 4, 2006, 6:52 AM
Glad to see y'all are trying to work this out. My hubby and I were both trying to figure out how to tell the other we were BI when he just decided to tell me after we'd been married a couple of years. It has been a wonderful experience for us and we play together as often as we can. :bibounce:


Jul 4, 2006, 7:06 PM
congrads mike, im happy to see you are coming out, that is so cool. and do remember their are people in here that will support you :bigrin: i know people have already told you that but it dosent hurt to tell you again. good luck :bigrin: :bigrin: :eek:

Jul 5, 2006, 2:17 AM
Hi, I'm MikeW's wife.

I am a bit surprised by the news, but I didn't run away screaming and I'm certainly not repelled by it. I don't know how it will affect my life... that is something that I guess will unfold along the journey.

I have told Mike to be himself ever since we met six years ago. I hope clearing this hurdle will enable him to be open about other things.

Trust is an issue... but we are getting counselling and our love is true and real and strong, so whatever happens, whatever we learn about ourselves, I am confident we will deal with it in a loving manner.

I appreciate all the support you've given him... I'll probably mostly be a lurker but anyone feel free to contact me.



If you have any questions...desire a place to vent and/or share a bit of frustration...please know that I am here...

I applaud your open mind...your willing spirit and your loving soul!!! You two will be fine..but just in case...I am here...
