View Full Version : It had to happen sometime, advertisments

Jun 24, 2006, 12:37 PM
Starting today I am going to be experimenting with placing some Google-based ads on the site. It's my intention that the ads won't be intrusive and will even be relevant and viewed as useful.

I have no intention in the foreseeable future of making the site paid - I want it to be accessible by all. So the ads are needed so I don't eventually go broke. :rolleyes:

Feedback is welcome, especially if you find the ads to be ugly or intrusive.

- Drew :paw:

Jun 24, 2006, 12:47 PM
I have no problem with the ads so far, especially if they make it possible to keep the site running as it is.


Jun 24, 2006, 12:52 PM
I have no problem with the ads so far, especially if they make it possible to keep the site running as it is.

J Thanks for the feedback and support JV.

BTW, just to head off any possible misunderstandings, I'm not really going broke running this site. :) I was just being flippant.

- Drew :paw:

Jun 24, 2006, 1:03 PM
okay, what am I missing here? I can't find an advert.... where are they, Drew? lolol

I have no problem with a few ads, done unobtrusively.

Jun 24, 2006, 1:08 PM
okay, what am I missing here? I can't find an advert.... where are they, Drew? lolol

I have no problem with a few ads, done unobtrusively. They should be near the bottom of every page at this time, but they may move around in the coming weeks as I experiment.

- Drew :paw:

Jun 24, 2006, 1:18 PM
Oh, there they are... nice job on the layout. I'd never have a problem with them done like that.

They should be near the bottom of every page at this time, but they may move around in the coming weeks as I experiment.

- Drew :paw:

Jun 24, 2006, 1:22 PM
As I've said and many people have, You have done a great job with this place and made it a home, community and family for us all. Keep up the good work and do what you need to keep it running.

Thank you again
Mrs.F :bigrin:

Jun 24, 2006, 1:34 PM
...I have no intention in the foreseeable future of making the site paid - I want it to be accessible by all. So the ads are needed...

I was wondering about that! My first thoughts were "I'm so addicted now, I wonder how much I am going to have to pay when charging becomes necessary". The ads are certainly not obtrusive. I had to go looking for them after you had said they were there. Lol They even blend in with the color scheme of the page! Do advertisers pay you less when you keep the ads tasteful like that?

Jun 24, 2006, 1:40 PM
hey drew whatever it takes to keep this site free. I use myspace a lot in my work and I'm oblivious to the ads these days on there, so rock on!!

Jun 24, 2006, 2:14 PM
I EXPECT ads on any free site.

Jun 24, 2006, 2:35 PM
I was with MikeW and had to go looking for the ads and only found them after your guidance. They are tasteful and non-intrusive. Compared to all the ads on a lot of other free sites, these are very nice.

Don't go broke! :bigrin: I think we're all addicted.

Jun 24, 2006, 3:05 PM
You're hard work should be profitable not depleating so whatever you have to do to keep the site going is great by me. You have a great vision of what the site should be and are (or at least should be) proud of what you have created so I can't image you ever making things so that something like ads would become annoying to visitors and members. In the past year+ that I have been here, the site has grown and changed some, but still keeps it's comfortable, family feeling and that lies a lot within you Drew! Great Job!

Jun 24, 2006, 3:44 PM

Speaking only for Jess and myself here. We dont mind ads, nor do we mind paying to help the site. If and when, sign us up! :bibounce: :bibounce:

Lance & Jess

Jun 24, 2006, 4:05 PM
Starting today I am going to be experimenting with placing some Google-based ads on the site. It's my intention that the ads won't be intrusive and will even be relevant and viewed as useful.

I have no intention in the foreseeable future of making the site paid - I want it to be accessible by all. So the ads are needed so I don't eventually go broke. :rolleyes:

Feedback is welcome, especially if you find the ads to be ugly or intrusive.

- Drew :paw:

Bring 'em on! My wife and I were wondering how on Earth you could afford to have this site without some sort of membership fee or ad's.

Is having a few ad's on the site a fair trade for being able to access such a great place - Nope- we're still getting the better part of that deal!!!

Google ads are pretty reputable, and unobtrusive for the most part. Go for it Drew- got to keep a wonderful place like this going!


Jun 24, 2006, 5:51 PM
I have yet to see any ads.
If they bother someone, I suggest switching your browser to Firefox (and get the AdBlockPlus extension).

So while I won't be clicking on any of the ads, if you were ever to sell any bisexual.com merch (stickers with the header graphic perhaps), I'd be more than willing to help a brother out Lol. ...just a suggestion.


Jun 24, 2006, 6:25 PM
i don't mind the ads either...as long as they don't turn into annoying popups and take over my comptuer! do what it takes to keep the site running..oh, but free of course :bibounce:

we love what you do for us here drew...this is such a nice little group...and you're always right there if we ever have problems. thank you drew!!!! you're the best!

Jun 24, 2006, 6:56 PM

As with everything it comes to finance. I applaud your trying to find ways to keep the site free of charge to the users. Please keep us informed so that we can help you in any way. However if it comes to paying for the site I for one will pay for membership so that I can remain in a community of men and women who I respect. I was hoping that my paying membership in Three Pillows was subsidizing this site. In some respects it might be the case. I will continue my membership in Three Pillow, I enjoy the site and it is how I found this one.

ur ever luvin

Jun 24, 2006, 7:04 PM
IMO... whatever it takes to keep the site up and running
--and your pockets holding more than just lint.. lol

do what you have to do drew. btw- how can we help?

Jun 26, 2006, 10:29 AM
IMO... whatever it takes to keep the site up and running --and your pockets holding more than just lint.. lol

The average harvesting cost is presented in three units: cost per lint pound (cents), cost per acre (dollars), and cost per bale (dollars). The results also identify the number of days that would be required for the chosen harvesting system to harvest the acreage specified by the user's pockets. :P Odd that ?

Jun 26, 2006, 11:44 AM
Ya know, I saw the ads but didn't think anything of it. Do what ya gotta! This is the best bi site I have ever come across, Drew! And the only one I bother with anymore.

Jun 26, 2006, 3:20 PM
I agree - bring on the ads if they keep this place up and running! I think the current placement (as I view it in Firefox) is fine - not bothersome at all.

Jun 26, 2006, 6:19 PM
Let me echo everyone's mushy Drew worship -- I love this place, and am willing to have ads!!!!

However, just one thing I wanted to say in response to Usedbear and Biecnal -- if possible, I'd prefer pop-up ads rather than charging membership fees. If you charge people to belong to the site, then you get into problems of people's credit cards having identifiable charges, thereby driving away a lot of people who are dealing with bi issues but haven't talked about it with spouses. Also, there are some people in the 18-25 year old range who may not have credit cards. (I didn't have one until I was 33; heck, I paid my phone bill in cash at the Nynex window, alongside all the welfare moms picking up WIC checks, up until I was 26!)


Jun 26, 2006, 6:29 PM
Let me echo everyone's mushy Drew worship -- I love this place, and am willing to have ads!!!!

However, just one thing I wanted to say in response to Usedbear and Biecnal -- if possible, I'd prefer pop-up ads rather than charging membership fees. If you charge people to belong to the site, then you get into problems of people's credit cards having identifiable charges, thereby driving away a lot of people who are dealing with bi issues but haven't talked about it with spouses. Also, there are some people in the 18-25 year old range who may not have credit cards. (I didn't have one until I was 33; heck, I paid my phone bill in cash at the Nynex window, alongside all the welfare moms picking up WIC checks, up until I was 26!)


You've got a good point Johnny. Another alternative to CC's is the ever-lovin Money Order thrown into the tender, loving care of the postal folks. There are allot of places that will allow members to pay with money orders via snail mail for those who don't have a CC or don't want the charge.

there's also the option of a limited or 30 day free try-out. However, I agree- the ads are the lesser of two necessary support structures that are needed.

Drew - if we can help - let us know. If needed, I would pay for membership here. This is the only site of it's kind I come to. My online friends here have helped me allot, and I value the ability to stay in touch with them in a central, convenient location like this.

Jun 26, 2006, 6:33 PM
Drew, I am with everyone else the ad (that I had to go looking for) is fine. Do what you need to to keep it running. Have you thought of selling securities (stock) Not that we would be getting anything back but it may help.

tink :eek:

Jun 26, 2006, 7:57 PM
How about:

"My Bi Spouse Had a Wild Romp with a Same-Sex Partner, and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt"


Ooops! This was supposed to be on the other thread about T-Shirt ideas! My bad.

Jun 26, 2006, 9:11 PM

I echo the sentiments of Used Bear on this. I did not notice the ads to be intrusive or invasive. And if it comes down to paying for a membership, I shall gladly volenteer to be member number one, with a credit card, or money order or any other means of payment you require. This site, and your hard and often overlooked efforts are the best thing that has come into our lives. An outsider, viewing that statement may think it untrue, but I can say with all honesty that since joining this site in October, our lives have grown more:

Richer for the friends we have made
Loving as a couple for the understanding of ourselves
Understanding of those who do not have the love of a spouse to share
Tollerant of those who do not understand the bisexual lifestyle
Enriched for the compassion we share for others
Fulfiled for the lovers we have met

I will glad support this site in whatever way possible.


Jul 17, 2006, 8:11 PM
I was just looking back through older posts--I am glad I found this one--I had missed it initially.

Now that you have ads---they are no problem at all with the ads since they help finance the site--I always wondered how you (Drew) kept this site going before without any time of income being derived from it.

I usually resist paying for memberships on the web since I already pay a nice chunk each month for a highspeed connection, but I would certainly be willing to pay something to remain a member of this site---

Glad to hear for now that you don't plan to begin charging for membership though in the foreseeable future--I think it does make for a more interesting vibe here that I don't get at the sites that I have free memberships but you have to pay in order to do much at them.

As I have said before Drew, this is a great web site----

Jul 18, 2006, 2:18 PM
Hey Drew,
I'm all for having other ads and things on the site if it will help you out in any way possible cause its got alot of us addicted to the site and chat room, keep up the good hard work and let us all know if we can help you out.


Jul 18, 2006, 2:37 PM
I know I'm new to the family but I just wanted to add my encouragement Drew. A few unobtrusive ads are no big deal. Whatever you have to do to keep this site at the level it is is just fine.