View Full Version : 1st time, 2nd time, 3rd,4th...... Now Loud and Proud!

Oct 2, 2012, 8:45 AM
Well first of all, I'd just like to say ive been looking at this forum for some time, and holyshit it is helpful. A bit about me? Im male, from Australia and just recently admitted to being Bi with a 7" cock hard... The story of my life..

About 5 years ago, I was tlaking to a mate one night on MSN chat, he mentioned the fact of it would be kinky and experimental to try some stuff with a guy. About a month after this convo we were both on webcam having a wank to each other, needless to say the next day at school was weird! A month or so after that and after a few more times on webcam we were both at a birthday party, we had no alcohol however that did not matter... Most of us at the party were sleeping on multiple matresses joined together in a line, the friend was next to me, after everyone was asleep i feel a tug on my dooner, i return the favour ad yank it back, this goes back and forth and suddenly i feel a hand go over my groin grab my dick give it a tug (it was already semi hard) and let go, i grab the dooner and give it a tug as in to say "Cmon, do it again, your welcome..." he gets the hint and goes in, rubs my abs and moveshis hand down slowly he gets to my now rock hard dick and starts to play with it, up and down, up and down, i turn to face hime (now we are facing eachother) my hand goes straight and and starts playing with his, through his shorts my other hand feels his legs and it runs up and into he underwear, i unzip his fly and start jacking him.. at this stage im close, trying to be quiet as to not wake the other i mention about getting something to cover it so a mess isnt made, by now its too late and my hot steamy cum has just shot all over me and his hand, he moves in closer puts our two dicks together and i finish jacking him in this manner......... We both get up and head to the bathroom for a cleanup....

the next day, we did not get one awkward look, so i believe that no one knew what happened! Success, my first time jacking another guy... if you want to hear more let me know...

Anyhow, I have a few questions.
1)Ive doe stuff with guys before but never had them shot into my mouth, what is it like? what does it taste like? any harm in it? any harm in swollowing?
2)I just got the courage and admitted to my flatmate (straight that i know, yet had a few circle jerks) that I was Bi. he was extremly cool with it and very open minded... I kinda wanna see if he wants to experiment, should i ask?
3) Anal, how do i go about it? dangers? positions?
4) should i tell other people im Bi? The guilt got to me and i just had to let him know....

Cheerio, sorry for the long winded, bad grammer post but time is of the essence!

Oct 4, 2012, 12:45 AM
Congrats, and welcome to being Bi, and welcome to finding You. :}

Oct 5, 2012, 12:39 AM
What's a "dooner?"

Oct 5, 2012, 9:49 AM
What's a "dooner?"
yeah, what the heck is a dooner? and congrats, that story sounded super hot too. It kinda turned me on.

1. cumming in another guys mouth can be extremely hot for the one doing it, but it depends on what foods the person eats as to the taste. you get used to it too pretty quickly. Swallowing cum will not hurt you but can be a major turn on for the one cumming. Plus I've heard if you cum in a guys mouth and then make out with him with some of the cum still in his mouth it can be really hot.

2. It's good that he's open minded, but if you want to ask him I might say, "Hey, just making sure but you're straight right? you wouldn't ever want to try anything like that?" and if he says he's straight and that he wouldn't want to try then he won't do anything. The way you word the questions you want to make it the least creepy to the other as possible. you don't want to just be like: "Wanna fuck a dude?" because that might freak him out and damage your friendship.

3. It can be dangerous and also very gross or damaging to the anus. I don't have much experience in that but you need to atleast research this a tn. you can't just decide to do anal whenever, and I would suggest using an anal dildo to loosen you up and get you ready for an actual dick. Plus remember to go to the bathroom before hand at the least, and water based lube would also help.

4.There is nothing to be guilty about that you are Bi. I would suggest only telling when you have to, and maybe wearing one of those bi-pride wrist bands and say it's a remembrence of a lost relative if someone makes fun of you for it. The only aspect you have to think of when telling others is that this might hurt you socially and might distance our friends away from you.

Oct 7, 2012, 3:28 AM
yeah, what the heck is a dooner? and congrats, that story sounded super hot too. It kinda turned me on.

1. cumming in another guys mouth can be extremely hot for the one doing it, but it depends on what foods the person eats as to the taste. you get used to it too pretty quickly. Swallowing cum will not hurt you but can be a major turn on for the one cumming. Plus I've heard if you cum in a guys mouth and then make out with him with some of the cum still in his mouth it can be really hot.

2. It's good that he's open minded, but if you want to ask him I might say, "Hey, just making sure but you're straight right? you wouldn't ever want to try anything like that?" and if he says he's straight and that he wouldn't want to try then he won't do anything. The way you word the questions you want to make it the least creepy to the other as possible. you don't want to just be like: "Wanna fuck a dude?" because that might freak him out and damage your friendship.

3. It can be dangerous and also very gross or damaging to the anus. I don't have much experience in that but you need to atleast research this a tn. you can't just decide to do anal whenever, and I would suggest using an anal dildo to loosen you up and get you ready for an actual dick. Plus remember to go to the bathroom before hand at the least, and water based lube would also help.

4.There is nothing to be guilty about that you are Bi. I would suggest only telling when you have to, and maybe wearing one of those bi-pride wrist bands and say it's a remembrence of a lost relative if someone makes fun of you for it. The only aspect you have to think of when telling others is that this might hurt you socially and might distance our friends away from you.

Great post, thanks for the help :)

Oh and a dooner is a blanket that keeps you warm when you sleep..? http://www.google.com.au/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://imgc.classistatic.com/cps/blnc/120910/437r1/97709mj_20.jpeg&sa=X&ei=IC9xUKicHaqLmwX2qYDABw&ved=0CAkQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNFjg-yV81DBJLy47O8aSjpv46brOw (http://www.google.com.au/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&rlz=1C1DVCJ_enAU480AU480&biw=1092&bih=514&tbm=isch&tbnid=W5RmdkjxRxszCM:&imgrefurl=http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/caboolture-south/bedroom/double-dooner-pillow-covers/1006681092&docid=-YGUhUNRekJVFM&imgurl=http://imgc.classistatic.com/cps/blnc/120910/437r1/97709mj_20.jpeg&w=800&h=600&ei=_C5xUKy-BJCfiQfz54CIBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=547&vpy=163&dur=375&hovh=145&hovw=208&tx=61&ty=97&sig=106946641779834275229&page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=208&start=0&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:77)


Oct 7, 2012, 7:52 PM
1) I sucked my first in 2010 at age 45. Lapped-up cum shot on my face. Made a man cum in my mouth. Making a man cum is what I like about sucking cock. It tastes yummy.
2) No. Get a free pass to play with others there. If you try to seduce him, you will have to move soon.
3) Condom, lube and relax. I love being a bottom. Done it three times so far. Doggie or laying on my stomach on the bed works for me.
4) I've told some gay friends, but not my straight ones.

Apr 15, 2014, 6:13 AM
Well a few years on...

I got with the flatmate (Now EX- flatmate but still really good friends...and no ones knows hehe :) )

And ive got a partner... Hes awesome 8)

Ohhh, and ive now admitted to all, that im gay! :)

Apr 15, 2014, 6:38 AM
I've been penetrating my ass since age 16, and can take quite large dildos and cocks :) However, anal wall tearing can still happen when not enough lube is used. Sounds bad, and I guess it can be, but it's been superficial and healed fast for me. A first time with a real cock in your ass though, can hurt, even if your toys you're used to taking are much larger than the cock! With experience you can take a bunch of cocks, and it always feels good! I love being a bottom!

Oct 24, 2017, 7:59 AM
So a few years on, I've had multiple threesomes, had sex with the flatmate/friend multiple times and have had 2 partners! Shows what time does!

Oct 25, 2017, 11:16 PM
Well hey there, spermalot. I was about to follow up my initial conversational greeting with a sincere yet typical, "How ya doing? How are things?" or something of the like. However, it seems to me that, from the sound of your recent posts that both you and 'things' are quite well, and I get the impression that a number of your past thoughts, concerns, fears, and/or desires have come to fruition. Well, to you, friend, there is very little to say, but fortunately it doesn't take a whole lot to say, "Congratulations, buddy!" So,...heh, I suppose what I'm ultimately getting at in a rather fancifully worded way is: congratulations, I'm very glad to hear that not only have some relationships been had, but your tone seems to be that of excitement, elation, and just a general sense of happiness with yourself. That, really,...is the best outcome one could aim for. It is good to know that you've (seemingly) got over your guilt and have found pleasure and thrill from acting on your bisexuality. As I'm sure we here are all quite aware, there are (...and have been...) occurrences of people realizing and accepting their 'bi side', make the decision to seek out other bisexuals, attempt to find and make relationships, only to find themselves meeting an undesired and sadly, sometimes truly tragic outcome. I guess I'll end this with, "Good to hear things are working out for you. It gives me a happy feeling inside to hear that you've found pleasure and happiness from actively exploring yourself and your feelings. Keep at it, be safe always, and just stay happy. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I hope to hear more from you in the near future.

Oct 26, 2017, 12:59 AM
yeah i wanna say congratulations too!!! looks like u have had quite a journey. but looks like ur having fun! i guess it would be awkward if i ever did anything at all with 1 of my male friends tbh i wouldn't want anything to do with them sexually at all. it would be awkward enough with any female friends i have! but it worked for u & it looks like it worked real good :) glad u got to explore this & now u do something u know u like. keep on exploring but remember be safe ok :)