View Full Version : bi??

Sep 25, 2012, 2:28 AM
so about 2 weeks ago i went to this performance for a friend's band and i noticed some guy who decides to stand right next to me at the bar. At one point i realize his hand is really close to mine. I found that odd in a way but didn't really make much of it. Then when we finally were able to order our drinks, he turns his head and looks at me since i was there first but I notice how he would look straight into my eyes and wouldn't break the stare! I was the one who would eventually break the stare and just act casual u know. i thought he was cute but again, i didn't make much of it then. then as i'm watching the band perform he literally stands next to me and i could feel his arm grace against mine and the place wasn't crowded so he could've stand anywhere u know. i was like "he's gonna talk to me." and he did. i couldn't hear a thing he was saying because the music was loud but i was cool with him. later when the performance was over, i was hanging around waiting for my friend to come off stage so i can congratulate him on his performance. I noticed the same guy walked past and i looked right at him and he looked back and froze and smiled. I look at the floor for a second and then i look up again and see him about to walk away but then he sees that I'm looking at him again and stops in his tracks and smiles and this is when i called him over and spoke to him some more. We formally introduced ourselves by names and spoke a bit. he asked me where i was from and told me some stuff about him like what he does for a living and such. Everything seemed to go well until he pulls the GF card on me. I acted cool but I was left a bit confused since he was the one really approaching me that night. Pretty much the conversation torpedoed at that point and he said he had to go home and say good night to some people at the place. I was looking at him from the corner of my eye and realized he actually did that.

The next day i decided to look him up on our mutual friend's list on a social media network and decided after hesitating for some hours to send him a friend's request and a casual message letting him know how i found him and that it was cool meeting him the night before. he accepted my friend's request within 3 mins but didn't answer my private message until 3-4 days later with a one line response pretty much saying it was cool meeting me too. then a week later i decide to send him another message just to chat him up a bit more like asking how he's been and such. in 2 days it'll be a week that he hasn't responded to that message. I wonder if i am mistaken and perhaps he is straight and just is friendly?? I just don't think a straight guy would approach another guy like the way he did you know with all that body language. I've asked some of my straight gay friendly friends and they've all pretty much told me what he did to me they would do to a girl they first met to let he know they're interested.
Also on his social media network profile i noticed there are no signs of a GF either in pics or in posts. One would think if you were involved with someone there would be at least one evidence of that in your personal profile no?

Funny thing is he's not really the type of guy i'd go for. I don't really get why i'm so hooked on him. Normally i'm not like this. Sometimes i feel like asking our mutual friend but i don't want to make it known that i'm intrigued by him.

So, have i read all this wrong? I don't think I have. Could he be bi and in the closet? that's the most reasonable theory that I'm coming up with.

Any replies would be much appreciated. :)

Sep 25, 2012, 7:11 AM
Your as nuts as me!lol I get intrigued like that too. Just want to understand WHY damn it! WHY?:tongue:
Most probable reason for his behaviour (IMO) is his mood at any given time. He was horny and attracted to you in your company, wanted JUST sex, left when you were too long getting round to it. Your not having the same effect on him over Facebook, so he won't make an effort with you.
If you want another chance, stalk (I mean 'observe':rolleyes:) him on FB and see what other events he'll be at.
He might be a closet bi or gay.
BUT what you know you should do, is just put it down to a strange experience and go find somebody easier to understand.;)

Sep 25, 2012, 9:34 AM
Agree with GB. Sounds like he was in the mood at the time but you hesitated and lost the moment. Once he left the event he went back into hetero mode and it may take a while for him to get back to feeling homo. It is curious that he'd mention a GF if he was in homo mode, though.

Sep 27, 2012, 2:54 PM
It could also be because he had been drinking that he was a little more relaxed or had liquid courage in him. I met a guy from an ad that said he was married but wanted to walk on the other side and experience another male both giving and receiving. He was pretty much let's go go go, and then the day we were set to meet, he canceled and said we would have to do it some other day. Then he texts me and wants to get together right away the next day for coffee so we can meet then maybe more, but he canceled that day as well. So I don't think he is ready to really do the do. Your guy could be the same to. Or, I had a friend in high school who made a pass at me and I was so scared that I told him I wasn't like that, and he stopped hanging around with me after. I guess it took a lot of guts for him to make the move only to be rejected by me, then he was probably worried I would tell our friends, which I never did. And to this day, I am the one who regrets that I didn't relax and let him do what he wanted. Live and learn. Maybe invite this guy out to the bar and see what happens when the two of you are together.

Sep 29, 2012, 1:00 AM
So take a chance and ask him if he'd like to go to lunch, or out for a drink. If he says no, then go from there. There could be a million reasons and variables in this. But take it from experiance: Dont hedge. Dont let the opportunity got by without at least Trying. Give it a shot, if he says "Sorry Dude, not my style, then accept it and move on gracefully.
Good luck either way you go, Hon. :}