View Full Version : Remembering the 1st person I had sex with...

Sep 19, 2012, 2:15 PM
Last week, my sister sent me a news paper clipping of a obituary section - my school janitor have pass away at age 79, he is the 1st person i had sex with and it changed my life forever. We had sex 3 times and after our 3rd time he got caught because 1 of our school girl was pregnant by him and went to jail. During the trail another girl and a boy also testified that they both had sex with him; but I kept quiet because I was too embarrass and somewhat scared, only my sister knew it and i made her promised not to tell anyone.

The last few days I have been thinking of my past and realized that I remembered him most clearly as if it had just happened yesterday. But the 3 times we had sex wasn't my best sexual experience. My best sexual experience was in Canada with my 2nd sex partner whom i had romantic feeling for (and a very satisfying cock!), but I don't remember every detail as clearly as I remembered it with my school janitor (let's call him sj).

Well, it's been 37 years and he is gone now, and I would like to share my story here before I forget it all. It is going to be a long typing and I am going to type it on elsewhere and post it up on my next posting here.

But 1st, let me introduce myself my childhood background so you know why I was a girly boy and "likes" cock.
I am the only biological son of my parents, my sister is adopted.
Ever since when i was 6 or 7, I remembered mom always dressed-up me like a cute little girly doll and hug me, because she had always wanted a baby girl; i like that a lot.
But when I was 9, that changed: they adopted my sister and I had competition for hugs and kisses! I wasn't very happy when my sister were winning. And for the next 1 year or so I didn't get along with my sister at all. I have frequent fight and made trouble for her so that mom would scold her. Then one day, she made a deal with me; she would let me use some of her clothing and make-up (commercial branded make-up was a new and big things back then), i accepted. I particularly like girl's underwear becoz it is much more comfortable than male underwear, but I don't like bra becoz it is uncomfortable and i don't have boob! Soon, my sister became my best friend, and later i was nicknamed by her as "half a sis"! So that's how i became girly boy.
Now why I like cock? Well, Whenever i was out swimming (in the stream/pond) with my neighbor kids or play in the rain with them most of us do it naked up until we were between 10-13; I didn't go naked becoz I wore girls underwear! Anyway, I was always interested in penis becoz it's all different! I don't have interest in vagina becoz it all look the same and it is just so plain! To me penis is more interesting - big/small, long/short, skin/no skin and the ball seems to move by itself; and it erect and grow longer and bigger! And this is why I "like" cock.

Next post my 1st time with sj.

Sep 19, 2012, 5:34 PM
Remember him well.. and mess he made of me legs and knicks:yikes2:.. prefer not 2 tyvm...:eek2:

Sep 20, 2012, 4:36 AM
It was late Nov 1975, and we had just finished our last day of school for that year. Most of the students went to the beach for some games and fun. I was a 15 years old then, normally i don't go to the beach bcoz I don't like hot sun, but on that day, it was cloudy overcast so I decided to go.
When I reached there, they had already began teams/players selection and when it was finished, me and few other students were left out. So I decided to complaint to the teams leader of the unfairness. But then few of the boy called me "homo" (that's what they called gay&bi back then) and 1 of them point to a group of girls and said "you play there" and another said "go home play doll homo!" and they laughed and boo at me. I was very hurt emotionally, I was not picked for many other activities in the past but that was the 1st time I was laughed and boo at and being called a "homo!", it was very humiliating. I walk off ashamed as they continued making fun of me and from that day onwards, I hated sports.
I walked until I couldn't see and hear them and came to an abundant bridge and sat underneath it on a clean sand bar and cried a little. But a few minutes later I saw sj walked toward me, I didn't want to see anyone, just wanted to be alone, so I went farther in under the bridge to hide. But he showed up anyway and sat beside me. Then he started telling me to ignore those boys and that I am a good kid bla bla bla... I wasn't in the mood for listening but he have ways to make me smile and forget my anger and made me feel wanted. Soon, I was laughing at his jokes and share my view of sexual behavior compared those boys.
Although I was only 15 but I have heard from people around me talk about sex and what "homo" is and what they does. I started masturbating when I was just 13 and played with my ass (after hearing it) when I was only 14! And i learnt it quickly about clearing my bower before sticking anything in! All this from listening to others and "self testing" without internet back then! So I don't understand why those "macho" boys & most people make fun of it when it is something so nice! Anyway back to the story.
So as we were talking away, he suggested to get into the pond to cool off. Although it was a cloudy overcast day, it was still a warm and humid tropical weather and I was sweaty. At first I hesitated bcoz I was wearing girl's underwear but again he have ways to convince me so I took off my clothe and pant, expecting him to laugh but then he didn't! Instead he asked me if I'd mixed up my laundry or not. I just felt soft that moment so told him the truth about my underwear and he supported my idea! I was very pleased. So I went in the water and we played splashing for a while, he was quite tough looking and I said I wish I had his muscle and beat up those boys. He sat up on the sand bank and asked to sit beside him and said:
"this muscle..." (pointing to his biceps) "is for doing work, those boys not worth its strength.." Then he ask me to touch and press his biceps and I did, "so you think worth wasting the strength on them?" he asked me.
I didn't answer but just smile in a shy way bcoz I was aroused by sitting close to him touching him. Then he touch my tigh gentle rubbing over it and said:
" wow... you have very nice smooth and soft skin. You feel my skin, is rough... Isn't it?" as I touch his biceps again.
"no, it's hard.." I said, giggling a little.
"you want to see something that can go from soft to hard?" he asked me.
At first I didn't get what he mean so I said "...yeah! What?"
"this!" pointing at his penis and I laugh out. But then I have a curiosity question to ask:
"does all man shoot white liquid when it is masturbated long and hard?"
"yeah ofcoz, you want to see it?" he said.
"well...I don't know..." i I laughingly said but really wanted to see it.
As he pulled down his underwear I was amazed by his size and he is already half erected. Not that he have big cock, his is only average (5" -5.5") but the fact that I had never seen another man's erect cock. The only other erect cock I have seen and masturbated is my own and mine is small in comparison.
Then he asked me to follow him and we went farther in underneath the bridge. I was very nervous and excited the same time, I instinctly knew what he want but I have no experience, only heard rumor and gossip about "homo" sex activity. I followed him in and sat beside him.
"Let's play a game... Watch and do what I do... Don't be scared, it will be very nice" he said.
Somehow I trusted him and said ok to him.
He asked me to lay back agaisnt the bridge piller and saw him slowly pull down my underwear, I was already very hard! Then he start licking and rimming my cock and i get a chilling sensation over me. After a while he began sucking my cock in and out his mouth and I got really horny. I reach down and felt his cock and it is big and warm! I felt his precum slippery like my own and I rub it around his cock. We stayed in that position for quite long until I was almost to cum then he stopped. And ask me to do that to him.
I was horny as hell, not afraid of anything, I don't even bother about the wind picking up and about to rain and tide was coming in closer. I just got up and went down on him and started sucking his cock before he even lay back. At first it tasted salty bcoz of sea water but soon his less salty precum coated my whole mouth, I really suck it hard and fast in and out my mouth, just doing what he did. I really enjoy it, I didnt even stop to spit out the sand and soon his whole cock was cover with my saliva, sand and his precum mixed!
Then I heard him moan louder and louder and all the sudden he pulled me away, grab my butt, lifted me up and sat me down right on top of his cock and I felt his slippery cock rubbing over my anus between my bum cheeks. And he moan out loud and I felt his warm slippery semen spreading around my anus and bums. I just sat still until he finished unloading. Then he laid down as I went in the pond to wash off.
That was the beginning of many changes to my life.

Next post my 2nd time and my 1st anal intercourse

Sep 20, 2012, 6:53 AM
I remember it well the first time got oral from a guy. I recorded the details on it on a site years ago that though inactive is still running and able to listen to the audio it recorded when I called in, just hit the play button, give it a sec to load and tell me what you think.


Sep 20, 2012, 7:15 AM
Remember him well.. and mess he made of me legs and knicks:yikes2:.. prefer not 2 tyvm...:eek2:

What did he do to you? Share story please... :)

Sep 20, 2012, 7:19 AM
I remember it well the first time got oral from a guy. I recorded the details on it on a site years ago that though inactive is still running and able to listen to the audio it recorded when I called in, just hit the play button, give it a sec to load and tell me what you think.


I don't know how to get this to work, does it work on iPad?

Sep 20, 2012, 8:03 AM
I'd finished school. i was over 18 and for some reason I didn't want to be a virgin at university. (Rational thinking, hey?)
Spent about 4 weeks camping with 2 girlfriends at a place called Wison's Promontory in Victoria.
Lots of so-called parties - lots of booze.
One night met a guy (surfy type) at a party. Seemed nice enough.
He "deflowered" me in my tent sometime between midnight and 2 am.
Remarkably underwhelming. Like darkeyes, my major memory is my surprise that his sperm went everywhere and that it was white (they don't actually teach that in sex-ed!!) and a hint of disappointment that a) It didn't hurt and b) I didn't bleed a little. All the books I'd read (bodice-heavers, the lot!!) suggested losing one's virginity was both painful and always left a little blood.

Did it again with him the next night - marginally better! then he went home.
After that i put sex aside for quite a while. I wasn't a virgin anymore ..... I was happy to go to Uni!!

I never saw or heard from my victim again!!

Sep 20, 2012, 9:51 PM
please finish your sexi story wannbe

Sep 23, 2012, 9:49 PM
please finish your sexi story wannbe

I did but i dropped my ipad and smashed the screen. I'm waiting for the shop to replace the screen. I tried retyping it on iphone but its too small for my poor eyesight.
I have strange feelings that sj didn't want me to tell the rest of the story... But then, I m atheist and dont belief in after-life! :p
will post it up once my ipad is repaired.


Sep 23, 2012, 9:51 PM
I'd finished school. i was over 18 and for some reason I didn't want to be a virgin at university. (Rational thinking, hey?)
Spent about 4 weeks camping with 2 girlfriends at a place called Wison's Promontory in Victoria.
Lots of so-called parties - lots of booze.
One night met a guy (surfy type) at a party. Seemed nice enough.
He "deflowered" me in my tent sometime between midnight and 2 am.
Remarkably underwhelming. Like darkeyes, my major memory is my surprise that his sperm went everywhere and that it was white (they don't actually teach that in sex-ed!!) and a hint of disappointment that a) It didn't hurt and b) I didn't bleed a little. All the books I'd read (bodice-heavers, the lot!!) suggested losing one's virginity was both painful and always left a little blood.

Did it again with him the next night - marginally better! then he went home.
After that i put sex aside for quite a while. I wasn't a virgin anymore ..... I was happy to go to Uni!!

I never saw or heard from my victim again!!
Please more more more... :)
Btw, r u the type that like a little bit of pain and the guys is a little bit rough?
i was at 1 time when i broke off with my 3rd partner (i think!?) and started to like rough sex with multiple partners, mostly 3-some but once, me and another ladyboy were engaged in 5-men group sex. I dont remember much on that event bcoz i was high on drugs and booze.

Sep 30, 2012, 9:49 AM
After careful consideration, I will not post anymore info of my past about him. Although i saw him as an opportunity to satisfy my own curiosity, he was really a pedophile and I'm just his victim. Since now he have pass-away, so will the story dies with him too. Beside, I got my iPad back and it is wipe clean and I do not want to re-type the story also. Hence, end of story and SJ - r.i.p.


R. R. Wayne
Oct 3, 2012, 8:34 PM
I was in 2nd grade and a new kid at the school. I heard some boys say the word fuck. I had never heard that before which is truly amazing since I had moved from Chicago to a suburb.

Anyway, it sounded good to me so I convinced Sandra C _ _ _ y to go out on the prairie and try it and we did. I can't remember anything about the sex excpet that my parents somehow found out and I cauhgt HELL. I also had to endure a teacher making thinly veiled comments in class about the bad boy in the room who did bad things with a girl. I wanted to drop out of sight and move away.

But I got over it.

Oct 4, 2012, 2:16 PM
I was 13 getting ready to go off to pre seminary. My best bud, BOB, was staying at my house that nite. We slept in the same bed, and I felt him squirming. Asking what was wrong, he said that we should blow each other. Embarrassed I sad no. 3 months later I came home for Christmas vacation. Bob and I worked at my dad's business the first day I got back. Afterwards we had supper, watched TV and took a shower and off to bed. In the bedroom all Bob was wearing was a towel. He let it drop to the floor and had a purple hardon. I fell to my knees an started to suck him off.

We had a lot of good times for the next 7 years. I got to suck his wonderful cock the nite before my wedding. Alas that was the last time. We never got together again. I always wanted my wife to try out his Hugh cock.

Oct 5, 2012, 10:57 PM
Not that it makes a difference, but may I ask?
First Male sex?
First Female sex?
Or just “first”?

Oct 10, 2012, 11:20 PM
It's about how well you remember the 1st person you have sex with.
For me I found that I remember that moment better than the rest. It doesn't mean that my 1st is the best - far from it, but it was very exciting, nervous and full of fantasies.... And pain in the ass too! (well, initially I mean!)
My best experience is with my roommate but I couldn't remember that as well as my 1st.

Oct 11, 2012, 9:17 AM
First Male sex?

An older neighbor, who sucked me off for my very first orgasm. It was one day after my 14th birthday.

First Female sex?

My older neighbor's 40 year old married daughter, one year later.

Neither ever knew about the other's involvement. Even then, I knew how to keep my mouth shut.

Oct 11, 2012, 12:45 PM
I have a constant reminder of my very first sexual partner....My husband!! What can I say? He was my first.....although not my only.....but definitely the best partner EVER! After over 30 years together, I have to say that our sex life just gets better and better!!! Guess I'm blessed!:bigrin:

Oct 11, 2012, 1:28 PM
I have a constant reminder of my very first sexual partner....My husband!! What can I say? He was my first.....although not my only.....but definitely the best partner EVER! After over 30 years together, I have to say that our sex life just gets better and better!!! Guess I'm blessed!:bigrin:Awwwww Mumsie.. lil tear in me eye at romance if it..am a rite soppy sow at times...

.Wos me dad who wos blessed.. well.. least 'e used 2 get 'is blessings an' not always 2 do with him an mum havin' ne slap an tickle!!! U would b surprised 2 hear that urs truly was often the cause of 'im getting his blessings??? Course u wud... *laffs*

Oct 11, 2012, 6:10 PM
I sucked my first dick when I was maybe 9 or 10, but I don't know I'd call that sex.

The first time for me would have been when I was 15ish and living in Southern CA. One night while out walking around I bumped into an acquaintance. She was 18, if memory serves me. I happened to have some drugs on me- barbiturates- and told her. She wanted some so I obliged.

We must have fooled around a bit while walking towards her house cause I got pretty horny. She was acting a bit woozy by the time we got to her house. She went inside and I was going to just leave but decided I didn't want to let that go.

Her bedroom was just above the garage. It had a small patio in front. I climbed up the wall and entered her room through the patio. She just lay there not saying anything. I lay down next to her and we started making out. I took off my clothes, she took off her pants and we did it. After we got done, we did it again. Then I got up and left. Aside from essentially breaking into her house ( she didn't mind) it was pretty neat.

I wonder to this day why I didn't try and bang her again? Maybe it was the age difference? I did take a crack at her younger sister who happened to be a friend of my sister. I was surprised she wouldn't let me get in her pants. I guess I figured slutiness ran in the family (not that there's anything wrong with that). It didn't in their case.

Oct 13, 2012, 8:22 PM
Not that it makes a difference, but may I ask?
First Male sex?
First Female sex?
Or just “first”?
First male. My first female was 5 years later.

Oct 14, 2012, 9:33 PM
Visting the Boston area were I grew up and ran into my 1st lover. I introdued him to my wife and we all talk about the good time he and I had. My wife said that she would like to watch us fuck again for old times. His cock felt as good as I remembered, even after 50 years.

May 15, 2013, 12:50 PM
Visting the Boston area were I grew up and ran into my 1st lover. I introdued him to my wife and we all talk about the good time he and I had. My wife said that she would like to watch us fuck again for old times. His cock felt as good as I remembered, even after 50 years.
I know what you mean. My 1st time anal is about 40 years ago and I can still remember every details of it. But society in general said I was trick by a pedophile and shouldn't mention it. My personal view is quite different - if I can go back in time I would still do it.

May 15, 2013, 3:12 PM
My first male lover was when I was 20 in an exchange program in Crete. Female, when I was 23, and she was my friends girlfriend.

Mr. Suck
May 15, 2013, 5:37 PM
Why does this matter? As far as I'm concerned it's a pointless question since everyone's first time experience is different.

May 15, 2013, 8:49 PM
My first time with a male was when I was 14. My best friend and I were at his house looking at porno mags then one thing led to another and next thing I know I was putting my cock in his ass. I knew almost nothing of sex and had never had an orgasm before, but as I was pumping away at him I began feeling like I had to pee. I kept going until I couldn’t stand it any longer and as I pulled out to run to the bathroom I shot cum from his ass to his shoulder blades. I didn’t know what had happened but my friend had a little more experience and explained to me what just happened. Then I reciprocated allowing him to do me, you can read the full story on my first homosexual experience thread. My first time with a woman was when I was 20. She was 20 years older than me, but very beautiful. She was dark complected, long black hair, small perky tits and an ass a 20 year old would die for. We had met at the bar a couple of times before I took her home. When I finally got her naked, I went down on her and I thought she was going to crush my head with her thighs and almost drowned me when she cummed. I remember when I finally went to enter her I was all over the place and she carefully took hold of my cock and guided it in her. When we finished I looked down and discovered that the cheap gas station vending machine condom had broke so we figured what the hell and proceeded to screw two more times that night. We were both sore the next day. My relationship with my friend continued from when I was 14 to 16 then picked back up for a year when I was 26. My time with her was an on again off again for a couple of years. I still remember both first times well and look back at them with fondness and enjoyment.

May 18, 2013, 6:11 AM
Why does this matter? As far as I'm concerned it's a pointless question since everyone's first time experience is different.

Exactly! So the point here is... Let's share the different stories if you want to. Nobody force you or anyone to share their story.

May 18, 2013, 11:34 AM
I have relayed this before---but the very first person that I ever had any sort of sexual contact with---even though both he and I were young and prepubescent---so our cocks did not yet get hard or cum---but we did try to do sexual things with one another the best we could.

We still had fun and liked to do what we could do. We "played" naked with one another as much as we could find the time and space to do it---and one night---he slept over at my house--I had this "fort" that my dad and I built in one part of our our back yard area---it was a pretty good sized yard and off in one section--had a stand of nice trees----we built the "fort" there---and it was kinda nice---it seemed big to me then----probably would not now if it could somehow be resurrected I am sure.

That night----at my buddy's suggestion---it was one of those nice, warm late summer's nights----we walked around the yard naked and then laid down in the wet grass to "play" and we wound up hugging and kissing----doing so for what seemed like hours--it was really nice. After that---it was hard for us to keep our hands off each other to make out--but we somehow only did it in private when we could do that and be naked with one another. It just felt nice to be in each others arms, naked and touching each other, kissing.

Once, on a trip with both of our families took together down to the semi-mountainous part of southern Ohio---we had gone off hiking by ourselves and we did something kind of stupid----we walked out on this rocky area that when water flowed most of the year----it was not deep, but still moist and had moss on it----we both started to slip off towards the edge of the cliff--I was able to grab one of his hands with one of mine and with the other one---grabbed rocks to pull us back to safety, so I saved us both from if not death-- at least suffering some severe injuries had we gone over the cliff edge to the rocks below.

Thinking back to those times with him----I think that not only was he the first person that I had bodily contact with----our entire bodies--not just our genitalia-----on my end----I think he was also my first love. Maybe it was a good thing that we were not yet able to have erections and cum---so we had to satisfy ourselves with what we could do which was to do things like make out, caress, rub our tiny cocks together and touch them to one another's rosebuds but could not penetrate more than the tips of our mushroom cocks.

So even though we could not actually consummate any actual sex act to completion---we still clearly enjoyed what we could do and the times we were able to sneak away to do what we could do.

By the next year--his family had moved away and I never saw him again even though I still think about him and our "time together" quite often after all these years.

I do wonder how things would have worked out had they not moved and we were able to become "functional" sexual lovers at that young an age. There is no doubt that we would have been such had things worked out to allow that because I had entered puberty and since he was the same age--he probably did as well. But of course---I will never know what could have been.

Jun 5, 2013, 9:24 AM
How long ago when that happen? Was it in internet age?

Jun 6, 2013, 10:58 AM
Someone recently asked me in an email if I'd had any contact with Jim B. The person who asked is a woman I dated when we were teenagers. Made me wonder if she suspected that Jim and I were sucking each others cocks every chance we got during those years. We were. Oh, yeah, we were! It started in 8th grade and continued through high school and college breaks. After school, we would go to each others homes depending on whose parents weren't home and share blow jobs. The last time was Christmas break 1964. After graduation he took a job in Chicago and I went to LA. I know he was still living in 2010 because he sent a message and picture to be shared at our 50th class reunion. Fit and muscular (he worked summers as a lifeguard) as a teen, he's now fat and dumpy. I would not recognize him if I met him on the street. However, I can clearly picture his very tan body with the white area left by his swim trunks accentuating his hard cut cock with the veiny shaft and plum colored mushroom head waiting for my mouth.

R. R. Wayne
Jun 7, 2013, 6:57 PM
Why does this matter? As far as I'm concerned it's a pointless question since everyone's first time experience is different.

Yikes: Mr. Suck: If everything were the same, life would be so boring. I have found these replies interesting and sexually arousing.

Jun 9, 2013, 2:05 AM
Wannabe--I guess that your post was directed to me. If so---when that happened---it was several decades before the internet even existed--we are talking the time period around 1970 or so.

Jul 24, 2020, 8:00 PM
at the age of 13 and he was 23. i think about it all the time. his big cock deep in me and sucking all the cum out of his cock.

Aug 3, 2020, 2:34 PM
My first wasnt very memorable. I had more than my fair share of liquid courage and had decided in a drunken stupor that I was going to experience being a bottom and lose my virginity. Gave it up bent over the tailgate of a truck in the middle of the night out in the desert. Just a quick wham bam thank you man.

Now the second guy... oh my.... he performed so many firsts for/on me. I remember every detail of that one and still masturbate to that

Aug 3, 2020, 8:45 PM
I think about it often. I was 7 or 8, maybe 9 and he was in his late twenties or early thirties. I had been dreaming about sucking cocks fora long time and I always jacked off everyday, thinking about the older, large cocks I saw in the showers at the public swimming pool. I knew what I wanted and he noticed I was looking at his cock. We met outside and I sucked him off. The taste of his cum was everything I had dreamed about, it tasted so good. I sucked him and his friends every chance I got. I still remeber how big their cocks were, compared to my young mouth.

Aug 3, 2020, 9:03 PM
In my case, my folks were traveling and had hired a male sitter for me when I was about 9 or 10. We were lying on my parents' bed watching their color TV in our underwear and I asked him if his dick got hard looking at girls sometimes. He pulled down his briefs to show me my first cock and asked if I'd like to touch it. I did, and it felt silky, smooth, hot and exciting. He told me to cup is balls with my hand and rub the inside of my forearm against his cock. As I did, he got harder and hotter. I kept it up until he said stop and there was a small puddle of what I now know is cum on his belly. I've loved feeling hot and smooth balls and cocks ever since!

Aug 4, 2020, 4:32 PM
Hmm... reading this again shook loose the fact that the first person I had sex with was a girl and one who, in lieu of giving me a birthday present, taught me how to fuck her... and while my party was in progress. I remember her and the thing I remember the most was how bad she felt that she couldn't even give me a homemade card, let alone a gift. She even said that she didn't have a gift... but she had something she could give me and she hoped I'd like it.

Boy... did I ever like it. I mean, who knew that when your ding-dong got hard, there was a place you could put it until it stopped being hard and painful? The "shocking" thing? I had just turned eight that day when Belinda - and i will never, ever forget her name, was the first to introduce me to sex. Clumsy, fumbling, call it what you will but she did get me inside her; she did use her hands and whispered in my ear - as we went about this in the "secret room" that was inside the hallway closet - how to move up and down and in and out. Yep... no frigging idea what I was doing... but I was taught and I did learn. No cumming but, yeah, buddy, it felt really good and I will always remember the look on her face as I finally got the movements figured out. I remember eventually getting tired and that was about the same time when I heard someone asking where I was. We left the secret room in the closet and acted like we'd been in the living room the whole time. And I so very much wanted to do this again. And Belinda was now... happy to have been able to give me a gift. I did, over the years, wondered how she knew how to have sex, though...

The first time with a male came a short time later...

Aug 4, 2020, 5:09 PM
Hmm... reading this again shook loose the fact that the first person I had sex with was a girl and one who, in lieu of giving me a birthday present, taught me how to fuck her... and while my party was in progress. I remember her and the thing I remember the most was how bad she felt that she couldn't even give me a homemade card, let alone a gift. She even said that she didn't have a gift... but she had something she could give me and she hoped I'd like it.

Boy... did I ever like it. I mean, who knew that when your ding-dong got hard, there was a place you could put it until it stopped being hard and painful? The "shocking" thing? I had just turned eight that day when Belinda - and i will never, ever forget her name, was the first to introduce me to sex. Clumsy, fumbling, call it what you will but she did get me inside her; she did use her hands and whispered in my ear - as we went about this in the "secret room" that was inside the hallway closet - how to move up and down and in and out. Yep... no frigging idea what I was doing... but I was taught and I did learn. No cumming but, yeah, buddy, it felt really good and I will always remember the look on her face as I finally got the movements figured out. I remember eventually getting tired and that was about the same time when I heard someone asking where I was. We left the secret room in the closet and acted like we'd been in the living room the whole time. And I so very much wanted to do this again. And Belinda was now... happy to have been able to give me a gift. I did, over the years, wondered how she knew how to have sex, though...

The first time with a male came a short time later...
i am curious to know how old she was and who taught her!!

Aug 5, 2020, 5:22 PM
She was 11... but who taught her? Today, I could guess at that but I never asked nor did it occur to me to ask. All I knew is that she showed me how to do "the nasty" and I was off and running after that. Then, in my 9th year, I'd learn about dicks... and that they could be combined to have more fun than a kid should be having. In my 10th year, I learned to eat pussy - and just when I thought it couldn't get any better.