View Full Version : Is Bi-Sex Straight?

Jun 21, 2006, 3:54 PM
I'm curious to know what everyone here thinks. While bisexual people vary from either end of the spectrum, and quite a few see themselves as more "gay" than "straight", I'd like to know if the stereotype is true that same-sex attraction in bisexuals is, well, rather straight. Women seem to go for other femme women, men are looking for "average Joes" like themselves, fairly masculine, etc. Or is your attraction all over the board (i.e. do butch women turn the gals on, and are men attracted to more feminine men)?

Just thought I'd spark the discussion . . .

Jun 21, 2006, 4:14 PM
All over the board here. Butch women are just adorable. But so are femms... and feminine guys... and masculine guys... and I just go crazy over androgyny... *sigh* Dangit, where did my Rabbit go?

Jun 21, 2006, 4:16 PM
I'm curious to know what everyone here thinks. While bisexual people vary from either end of the spectrum, and quite a few see themselves as more "gay" than "straight", I'd like to know if the stereotype is true that same-sex attraction in bisexuals is, well, rather straight. Women seem to go for other femme women, men are looking for "average Joes" like themselves, fairly masculine, etc. Or is your attraction all over the board (i.e. do butch women turn the gals on, and are men attracted to more feminine men)?

Just thought I'd spark the discussion . . .

Great coversation here :compuser:

I tend to go for the smooth, more feminine guys. However, sometimes the masculine guys are a turn on too!

I guess it just depends on the day and the mood.

Confusing, yes... But the truth.

Lance :-)

Driver 8
Jun 21, 2006, 4:21 PM
Funny you should mention ... In Robyn Ochs's new book, Getting Bi, she says she used to generalize that bisexuals are more attracted to androgynous people, but then other bisexuals started gently pointing out that that wasn't always true.

I'm with Rhuth - there are appealing butches and femmes, and macho and non-macho men. I don't really have a type in that regard.

Jun 21, 2006, 4:21 PM
All over the board here. Butch women are just adorable. But so are femms... and feminine guys... and masculine guys... and I just go crazy over androgyny... *sigh* Dangit, where did my Rabbit go?

I agree with Rhuth, I am male and I am all over the place both with women and men. Really doesn't matter to me.

Jun 21, 2006, 4:50 PM
I find that I am more attracted to men who are less stereotypically masculine and women who are less stereotypically feminine. I like strong women--they can present themselves as butch or femme, just as long as they are strong.

Jun 21, 2006, 4:59 PM
All over the board here. Butch women are just adorable. But so are femms... and feminine guys... and masculine guys... and I just go crazy over androgyny... *sigh* Dangit, where did my Rabbit go?
I enjoy girly girls the most - Speaking of rabbits - I think I found it - My favorite Mr. Jack as I fondly call it.

Jun 21, 2006, 5:49 PM
My profile/"personal ad" describes the type of men and women I'm into.

I'm really into archetypical masculine men that have facial hair, a fair ammount of body hair (no shaving/waxing!), and dress (sometimes unknowingly/knowingly) in butch drag.

I'm into archetypical feminine women, thin, and little/no makeup.

I do find myself attracted to alot of masculine lesbians. The really cute ones that look like hot boys. <g>

I'm not into femme men (nothing against anyone that is femme but but I am into butch men) into androgynous men and women, FtM, genderqueer women, and sometimes MtF.

Jun 21, 2006, 6:21 PM

i really am so not drawn to typically 'straight' or feminine women ...butch and androgenous women push my buttons big time though...:bigrin:

With men, 'straight' and 'macho' freaks me out and is a huge turn off!... ewww all football, action movies and questionable personal hygene habits :eek: .. whereas sensitive, creative types who accept the fluidity of sexuality, no matter how ambiguous or confused they may feel about their own orientation...can often move me to tears and deep tenderness... especially if they wear glasses as well :cool:

Thanks for posting this Cand...made me think ;)

Julie :female:

Jun 21, 2006, 6:27 PM
well i personallly like the fem type of guys. . i dont know they just turn me the F&^% ON!!!!! and the personallty :eek: GREAT!!!

Jun 21, 2006, 7:14 PM
Hmmmm I wonder if I could flex an arm for Chaia while twirling a strand of hair for Lindabi without looking like an idiot. Driver_8 seems easier to please, but she is intimidatingly intelligent, what with being personal friends with Thoreau and all. DiamondDog likes an archetype, but I don't know where to find the standard archetype model to compare myself to. *whimper* I need a hug!

*gasp* You found the Mr. Jack Rabbit bunny stickit! :smilies15

Jun 21, 2006, 8:28 PM
Well, I guess I'll be the odd ball.... :bigrin:

I am drawn to "normal" males. I don't like twink guys or overtly masculine guys either. Just not for me. I want the regular Joe Blow. The guy no one looks at. You can look at my hubby on my profile and see that. It's not that I'm attracted to unattractive men. Just men that don't look oustandingly different.

As for women, same way. I like a normal girl. One who can sit around in jeans and a t-shirt all day with her hair in a ponytail. But then when night comes around she jumps in the shower, takes 20 minutes and she looks gorgeous and ready to go out. I'm not interested in a femme that takes 2 hours to get ready or a butch that doesn't ever get dressed up.

Anyone else like me, who just likes normal girls and guys? :rolleyes:

Jun 21, 2006, 8:37 PM
Well, I guess I'll be the odd ball.... :bigrin:

I am drawn to "normal" males. I don't like twink guys or overtly masculine guys either. Just not for me. I want the regular Joe Blow. The guy no one looks at. You can look at my hubby on my profile and see that. It's not that I'm attracted to unattractive men. Just men that don't look oustandingly different.

As for women, same way. I like a normal girl. One who can sit around in jeans and a t-shirt all day with her hair in a ponytail. But then when night comes around she jumps in the shower, takes 20 minutes and she looks gorgeous and ready to go out. I'm not interested in a femme that takes 2 hours to get ready or a butch that doesn't ever get dressed up.

Anyone else like me, who just likes normal girls and guys? :rolleyes:

I am with you wild! I prefer meat and potatoes men, as opposed to feminine ones. I am more attracted to a "bear" type, hairy or not, but, prefer he is groomed down below.

I also prefer the women like you do. I am not into the "Barbie" type of woman, the woman has to have some meat to her. or, as Chrissy describes herself: "Short and sweet with extra meat!" That is the kind of woman that turns me on. Get both the man and the woman like I describe, and they are both bisexual, BONUS! :bibounce:


Jun 21, 2006, 8:38 PM
I like manly men and feminine women, but when it comes down to it, it's the personality of the person that is most attractive. Without a good one the person can become ugly to me.

Jun 21, 2006, 8:47 PM
I like manly men and feminine women, but when it comes down to it, it's the personality of the person that is most attractive. Without a good one the person can become ugly to me.

THUMBS UP, ARANA!!! :bigrin:

Jun 21, 2006, 9:05 PM
I like manly men and feminine women, but when it comes down to it, it's the personality of the person that is most attractive. Without a good one the person can become ugly to me.
very true.
I have seen *HOT* people turn ugly really fast.

Jun 21, 2006, 11:07 PM
Hi newbie here, just thought I would give my :2cents:. I agree with Arana about personalities. However, I am attracted to both feminine and masculine guys. I am attracted to feminine women alot more often then masculine women. Of course there are exceptions to every rule. I mean the nextdoor or "average" type can be a huge turn on too. I think it really depends on the individual, personality and looks wise.

Jun 21, 2006, 11:28 PM
Hmmm my girlfriend is much more femme than me, however I have a lesbian friend who is a full butch dyke whom I also find incredibly attractive. Go figure LOL

Men, I prefer bears, masculine and on the large side. In either case, it has to be the personality FIRST, regardless of their femme or masculine persona.

Jun 21, 2006, 11:37 PM
I'm more drawn to men who are androgynous and women who lean towards the femme side but not ultra femme. When it comes down to it I just like someone I can be intimate with; someone who is personal, open, receptive, understanding, empathetic and lighthearted.
Manly men and butch women just don't do it for me. :2cents:

Jun 21, 2006, 11:43 PM
I agree, personality is where it's all at, and I have found myself attracted to many people who were 'not my type' at first.

Having said that, I prefer strong women (mentally and emotionally, not necessarily physically). I have yet to meet a really femme girl who's turned my head, so I guess I go for average women (like myself) more than anything else.

I tend to like masculine men, but not macho ones. And chest hair, omg I love running my fingers through a hairy chest. On men, that is.

Jun 22, 2006, 12:06 AM
I tend to like masculine men, but not macho ones. And chest hair, omg I love running my fingers through a hairy chest. On men, that is.

Hey Anne - Glad that You clarified that :bigrin: As for men, the only thing that I don't like are the body builder types. Also, an overly macho personality.

With women, really about the same thing. No body builders, and not overly butch. One thing that is a big plus for anyone, man or woman, if they are a big sports fan. - Dave

Jun 22, 2006, 2:26 AM
I agree with wildangel, arana, and Anne.

Jun 23, 2006, 6:00 AM
I haven't found a physical/behaviour 'type' trend from my past.

It's the woman, the soul, the attitude to life.
A strong personality, comfortable with themselves, giving.

It's how I feel when I'm near them.
It's how I feel when apart from them too..... :love1:

Jun 23, 2006, 9:10 AM
No sex or relationship is gay, bi or straight.

Jun 23, 2006, 4:30 PM
I like to think I am pretty open to all, but I tend not to favor the biker type when it comes to guys. I don't think I would have a problem having sex with them, but when it comes to holding, kissing, etc. I like all types EXCEPT the "rough" male. I suppose this is because I am more on the dominant side(?) and don't really get turned on by the thought of getting lovey dovey with another dominant guy. Other than that, I like all types!

Jun 23, 2006, 5:06 PM
Personally, I love femm. The beauty of a woman should be unique from a man. A beautiful woman would turn me on a lot faster than a butch one. Not that Butch women aren't beautiful,don't get me wrong. And on the subject of men I am atracted to many diferent "styles" of men.

Jun 23, 2006, 6:40 PM
I love girl-next-door girls! That's my girlfriend, and yet she got offended when i told her that! More feminine than butch. I like the 'metro-sexual' type of man that is extra well groomed, but not feminine. Think middle-america business man with more hair gel and a tasteful piercing or tattoo. Delicious on the eyes...super model style girls intimidate me...maybe it's just my insecurity showing thru. The best is a girl who can show up in a skirt with her hair and make up done and quickly pin it up and push up her sleeves to change a flat or fix a garage door. All without sqeeling if something splashes on her or her nails get a little grubby. YUM!

Jun 23, 2006, 7:24 PM
I love girl-next-door girls! That's my girlfriend, and yet she got offended when i told her that! More feminine than butch.

T: take her word for it! Girl-next-doors are gorgeous and so are you! (Not that I'm trying to steal her away, I promise!)

The best is a girl who can show up in a skirt with her hair and make up done and quickly pin it up and push up her sleeves to change a flat or fix a garage door. All without sqeeling if something splashes on her or her nails get a little grubby. YUM!

This is my type of girl. Nothing's sexier to me than a cute girl in a skirt and an up-do with grease on her face.

Jun 23, 2006, 8:05 PM
This is my type of girl. Nothing's sexier to me than a cute girl in a skirt and an up-do with grease on her face.
What about antifreeze? I was under Tiff's hood the other day when her radiator was cracked and we were trying to find the leak-dressed like I was going to the club! lol

Jun 23, 2006, 9:27 PM
im all over the board. their :eek: :three: :three: :flag3: :tong:

Jun 23, 2006, 9:58 PM
What about antifreeze? I was under Tiff's hood the other day when her radiator was cracked and we were trying to find the leak-dressed like I was going to the club! lol

Yes, I believe that would fall into the same catergory as grease and it smells so much sweeter... ;) Although I wouldn't suggest licking it off just then. I hear it can be toxic. lol

Jun 23, 2006, 10:01 PM
Also, I thought I should tell you I laughed about the "under Tiff's hood" comments.

Jun 24, 2006, 3:07 AM
For women and men I like down to earth types. I'm not into flamboyant types. I don't like women (or men) with make-up. I have a terrible reaction to make-up. It really screws up my breathing. A lady in blue jeans and a flannel shirt does it for me! My first attraction to both sexes is their smile. A friendly, cute smile will get my attention. But looks are only the first impression. Personality is by far the most important thing for my attraction. As I told someone the other night, it doesn't matter how good looking someone is to me, they can ruin it in two seconds by opening their mouth and speaking.

Mike W

Jun 24, 2006, 5:32 AM
For women and men I like down to earth types. I'm not into flamboyant types. I don't like women (or men) with make-up. I have a terrible reaction to make-up. It really screws up my breathing. A lady in blue jeans and a flannel shirt does it for me! My first attraction to both sexes is their smile. A friendly, cute smile will get my attention. But looks are only the first impression. Personality is by far the most important thing for my attraction. As I told someone the other night, it doesn't matter how good looking someone is to me, they can ruin it in two seconds by opening their mouth and speaking.

Mike W

Agreed being a twat is a big turn-off.

Jun 24, 2006, 10:33 AM
Hey Anne - Glad that You clarified that :bigrin:

Hey, ya never know. I coulda had a fetish for hairy chested women. ;)

Jun 24, 2006, 1:39 PM
i think the likings here really differ a lot . . i personally would say i got no real type . not when it comes to women and even less when it comes to guys .
but if i would have to say smth . . . i would go with that i like feminine women , who have no girlie girl attitude though . . and feminine guys , slender , sexy , strong minded . . that would be dreamlike . at the moment there seems to be no girl of my type in town here though . .ill keep lookin arround with hungry eyes :tong: :bibounce:

Jun 24, 2006, 3:06 PM
I had to jump in on this topic too.

I'm somewhat all over the board but, I do have a preference for feminine women. I love nice nails - hands and especially toes - and perfume. Not that all women can't have painted toes and smell good though.

As for guys, I tend to be much more attracted to guys who know their fem side too. And as has been mentioned, androgyny is a B-I-G turnon.

Jun 24, 2006, 11:32 PM
most people underestimate toes even :) i love them too . . i want that on my "what i like about women"-list too . . :tong:

Jun 26, 2006, 9:37 AM
and don't really get turned on by the thought of getting lovey dovey with another dominant guy. Other than that, I like all types!

... Could this be some sort of Dominant 'phobia' ? Phobias aren't just extreme fear; they are irrational fear. You may be able to ski the world's tallest mountains with ease but panic going above the 10th floor of an office building. Adults with phobias realize their fears are irrational, but often facing, or even thinking about facing, the feared object or situation brings on a panic attack or severe anxiety...

little clown
Jun 26, 2006, 5:53 PM
I'm curious to know what everyone here thinks. While bisexual people vary from either end of the spectrum, and quite a few see themselves as more "gay" than "straight", I'd like to know if the stereotype is true that same-sex attraction in bisexuals is, well, rather straight. Women seem to go for other femme women, men are looking for "average Joes" like themselves, fairly masculine, etc. Or is your attraction all over the board (i.e. do butch women turn the gals on, and are men attracted to more feminine men)?

Just thought I'd spark the discussion . . .


Okay here goes....

Physical attraction:

guys - smooth looking ones with non-square faces.
(I can't help it, I really dislike beards and mustaches)

galls - curvacous bodies.
I don't care about her clothes or whether she uses make-up or not.
(I never use any make-up myself and I wouldn't want to be caught death in a dress. Although, I doubt very much that anyone would ever call me femme, I don't think of myself as butch.)

But that's on a purely physical level. Looks become irrelevant once I get to know a person.
Character is most definitely the determining factor in who I want to spend my time with. I don't like it when people act tough or superior. I could never fall for a narrow-minded person. I like open-minded people with whom I can discuss controversial stuff.

Take care,

Jun 26, 2006, 6:22 PM
You asked-

Is Bi sex straight?

I say-

Yep! Straight up my alley!! :tong:

lol - I couldn't resist

Jun 26, 2006, 11:45 PM
Looks become irrelevant once I get to know a person.
Character is most definitely the determining factor in who I want to spend my time with. I don't like it when people act tough or superior. I could never fall for a narrow-minded person. I like open-minded people with whom I can discuss controversial stuff.

most people keep saying that and its crap , not true , a lie we are maybe not even aware of . we like to believe we are very good and judge people only by character and we do not like bad people who look absolutely stunning .

its an illusion . i made the experience in life that i fell for the worst people just because their physical appearance was breathtaking and i couldnt stop wanting them . . had nothing to do with their character really . .

and hej , i mean why do we get close to people even in the first place ? you cant see a good character by lookin at a person for a sec..you start flirting cause of ones appearance . . no doubt about that . .

little clown
Jun 27, 2006, 6:31 AM
Originally Posted by little clown
Looks become irrelevant once I get to know a person.
Character is most definitely the determining factor in who I want to spend my time with. I don't like it when people act tough or superior. I could never fall for a narrow-minded person. I like open-minded people with whom I can discuss controversial stuff.

Originally Posted by Haemoglobin
most people keep saying that and its crap , not true , a lie we are maybe not even aware of . we like to believe we are very good and judge people only by character and we do not like bad people who look absolutely stunning .

its an illusion . i made the experience in life that i fell for the worst people just because their physical appearance was breathtaking and i couldnt stop wanting them . . had nothing to do with their character really . .

and hej , i mean why do we get close to people even in the first place ? you cant see a good character by lookin at a person for a sec..you start flirting cause of ones appearance . . no doubt about that . .

Hi Haemoglobin,

No, I don't believe that it makes me a good person!
But whether you believe it or not, it is the truth.
I've never actually been in love with anyone. Yet, I cared a great deal about most of my lovers and the majority of them most definitely weren't breathtakingly beautiful. But they did treat me right and that's why I wanted to be with them.

There are others who feel the same way. I know this from experience.
I've had scar tissue on my face that's quite, quite visible since I was twelve (due to a car accident.)
I used to be very self-conscious about it and during my teenage years I most definitely believed that no one could ever want me, because I was just too ugly to be desired.
You can't begin to know how surprised I was the first time someone tried to seduce me. I thought it was some kind of sick joke. It turned out it wasn't. He told me he liked me so much, because I'm enthusiastic, lively and that he likes the way I think.
I continue to be surprised every time someone wants me. But it has taught me that the idea that people only care about looks is flawed. Some do, others don't. Simple as that.

Take care,

Jun 27, 2006, 6:56 AM
Hi Haemoglobin,

No, I don't believe that it makes me a good person!
But whether you believe it or not, it is the truth.
I've never actually been in love with anyone. Yet, I cared a great deal about most of my lovers and the majority of them most definitely weren't breathtakingly beautiful. But they did treat me right and that's why I wanted to be with them.

There are others who feel the same way. I know this from experience.
I've had scar tissue on my face that's quite, quite visible since I was twelve (due to a car accident.)
I used to be very self-conscious about it and during my teenage years I most definitely believed that no one could ever want me, because I was just too ugly to be desired.
You can't begin to know how surprised I was the first time someone tried to seduce me. I thought it was some kind of sick joke. It turned out it wasn't. He told me he liked me so much, because I'm enthusiastic, lively and that he likes the way I think.
I continue to be surprised every time someone wants me. But it has taught me that the idea that people only care about looks is flawed. Some do, others don't. Simple as that.

Take care,

For me it's not just about looks, but I have to be physically attracted to someone aswell.

little clown
Jun 27, 2006, 7:25 AM
Hi Avocado,

Originally Posted by Avocado
For me it's not just about looks, but I have to be physically attracted to someone aswell.

You're forgiven.. ;)

Take care,

Jun 27, 2006, 8:02 AM
You asked-

Is Bi sex straight?

I say-

Yep! Straight up my alley!! :tong:

lol - I couldn't resist

Ditto here and the more the merrier :grouphug: :devil:

And as it's been said before - personality matters a whole lot more to me than what someone looks like. The best looking people in the world can be real arses when they start talking.
I prefer down to earth people that are open and honest and aren't afraid to get a little dirty (in or out of the bedroom), and who don't try to drown me in their aura of perfume or cologne (allergic and like to breathe) :eek: :cutelaugh
We aren't Barbie or Ken and don't care a lot what others look like either as long as they are clean, like to have a great time and even better if they share some of our out-of-the-bedroom interests such as fishing, camping, hunting etc.
Anyway, my :2cents: worth - tho looks like more of a $$$ or so. :bigrin:

Gemm :bipride:

Jun 27, 2006, 10:21 AM
Just_Gem more or less said how I feel about this (being my wife she/I feel the same). But I can't stand a male that is putting on a femme act that is more femme than any woman I ever known. You know the type, the ones that really put on a show. I'm not knocking gays but most of the really too femme guys are gay. To me they are a real turn off.

I usually go after the over weight couples that aren't Barbie & Ken, Hell I'm over weight. I know what it's like. Funny thing is us over weight people sometimes get more bi expirences than the "Normal" people, because we aren't so picky.

My :2cents: worth
Rob :flag4:

Jun 27, 2006, 11:10 PM
Well for me its a bit more of the personality/appearance. I look for sweet,innocent girls that dont have a naughty bone in their body but when they get turned on the surprise the hell out of you!

Jun 28, 2006, 5:13 AM
hmmm (ooh first post!) I like all types of girls, my girlfriend at the moment is a beautiful femme (i guess...i never really thought about labelling her like that) but then Shane (yunno, from the l word) is sooo hot...oooh and kim from americas next top model (the lesbian *drool*) omg and angelina jolie...and rachel weiz...ok i could go on forever...I just like girls...
I think a really butch as woman wouldn't be a turn on for me though - if shes go short hair and a cute punky/androdgynous edge to her style of dress then im all over her....but the whole belching/scratching thing isn't as great...

Men on the other hand...They're best served personality first...
Generally i like unique people - personality first and foremost - but the creative, sensitive type definately appeals....not too sooky tho...just understanding and open and sexily mysterious....mmmm
I once saw this guy standing at the lights as i drove past him....he had dreadlocks was wearing a white linen top and mustardy yellow yoga pants and i swear he's the most beautiful man i've ever seen lol...

Ok so not providing much in the way of a definitive answers, i think fo th emost part im all over the board :bigrin:

Jun 28, 2006, 6:23 AM
gah , what was quoted and said about my last post somehow is annoying . i mean how can you say im wrong ? just because smth good also happened to you , you think there are sooo many people who dont care about looks ?

Ok , in the first place - what makes you look after someone ?
what makes you walk up to a person and by her or him a drink ?
what sneaky compliment do you make to tell youre attracted about the person ? mustnt there be some beauty or anything . . thats stupid to think .

Im saying its possible for anyone to get a partner , beautiful or not , but as not beautiful it is a bit harder . . and that I know from experience as well .

but hej , no offense please . .

@black champayne . . i guess i wanna know your girlfriend :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

Jun 28, 2006, 6:28 AM
gah , what was quoted and said about my last post somehow is annoying . i mean how can you say im wrong ? just because smth good also happened to you , you think there are sooo many people who dont care about looks ?

Ok , in the first place - what makes you look after someone ?
what makes you walk up to a person and by her or him a drink ?
what sneaky compliment do you make to tell youre attracted about the person ? mustnt there be some beauty or anything . . thats stupid to think .

Im saying its possible for anyone to get a partner , beautiful or not , but as not beautiful it is a bit harder . . and that I know from experience as well .

but hej , no offense please . .

@black champayne . . i guess i wanna know your girlfriend :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

Sorry for sounding thick but who's gah?

little clown
Jun 28, 2006, 7:39 AM
Originally posted by Haemoglobin
most people keep saying that and its crap , not true , a lie we are maybe not even aware of . we like to believe we are very good and judge people only by character and we do not like bad people who look absolutely stunning .

its an illusion . i made the experience in life that i fell for the worst people just because their physical appearance was breathtaking and i couldnt stop wanting them . . had nothing to do with their character really . .

and hej , i mean why do we get close to people even in the first place ? you cant see a good character by lookin at a person for a sec..you start flirting cause of ones appearance . . no doubt about that . .

Originally posted by Haemoglobin
gah , what was quoted and said about my last post somehow is annoying . i mean how can you say im wrong ? just because smth good also happened to you , you think there are sooo many people who dont care about looks ?

Ok , in the first place - what makes you look after someone ?
what makes you walk up to a person and by her or him a drink ?
what sneaky compliment do you make to tell youre attracted about the person ? mustnt there be some beauty or anything . . thats stupid to think .

Im saying its possible for anyone to get a partner , beautiful or not , but as not beautiful it is a bit harder . . and that I know from experience as well .

but hej , no offense please . .

Hi Haemoglobin,

Why be annoyed by opinions that are different from your own?
There are about 6 billion people alive today. You're bound to encounter a lot of folks who feel different than you do on a wide variety of subjects.
Just because an opinion differs from your own, it doesn't mean it's stupid.

I didn't say there are a lot of people who don't care about looks, I wrote:

But it has taught me that the idea that people only care about looks is flawed. Some do, others don't. Simple as that.

You stated you didn't believe what I (and some others) had written.
All I did was elaborate on my first post, to help you understand why I feel the way I do.
If it makes you happy, I'll elaborate on it some more.
Remember, I can only explain my own behavior and the underlying motivations. I don't claim to represent other people.

Whenever I see a person that I find attractive. I'll acknowledge my physical attraction, but I don't approach this person.
For example, when I see a woman in the supermarket who I think is pretty, I'll think about it for while, but I'll continue to push my cart through the supermarket aisles and within a minute I'm likely to have stopped thinking about her and I'll be wondering where they've put the cocoa instead.

I buy people drinks, but I don't walk up to strangers to buy them drinks.
All the people that I've ever been involved with were people who introduced themselves to me or people that were introduced to my by others.
(With the exception of one person that I met on a blind date.)
I got to know them better as we talked and based on what they said and how they treated me (and the other people present) I started to like them or dislike them. Some turned out to be so nice that I fell for them. Like I wrote in my last post, Ive never been in love. But since I did feel more than just lust, I'll call it fell for them. (For lack of a better term)

Most people can tell you like them or want them. Especially if you like and/or want them a lot . Occasionally, I'll let people know how much I appreciate their company. If I like their views, I might let them know about this.
But are these compliments sneaky? Not in my book.

Take care,

Aug 23, 2006, 2:50 AM
I have always been attracted to masculine guys. Femmy guys make my stomache turn. Hell, I wouldnt even feel like I had anything in common with them. They are like a whole other species to me. Women need to be feminine butch no way.

I got my own situation in the works. The problem I'm having is that this person made the first move and kind of left me hanging. I even had to ask him his name and thats mainly cus it feels weird to me where someone walks by says hey and doesnt really properly introduce themselves. This guy is a bartender at a club i go to. And naah im not a big tipper lol. Anyway he gives me a vip card to get in the place free and charges me less for drinks. The other day he passes by me and flashes me a smile and touches my arm so I decided I would see what its about. This is a straight club and i see girls around him all the time so i aint looking to out the guy in public.

Aug 23, 2006, 12:13 PM
When it comes to women--I cannot explain why, but my definite preference has always tended to be for darker skinned slightly built brunettes---I have dated a number of latinas and fairer skin black ladies and even the caucasians I have dated tended to be darker brunettes even though I have been with blondes and some red heads--

The thing that really does attract me more than anything truth be told is not the exterior package---it is from what comes from underneath--I have seen my share of both really great looking men and women who are perfect human specimins--but what is down inside makes them uglier than the deepest, darkest, dankest pit---they are simply too nasty or whatever to be around

By the same token--some of the nicest, warm and loving people I have know and had initmate relationships would never win any kind of beauty contest based on the standards of our looks oriented culture---but they were gorgeous because of what's inside

As far as men are concerned--I don't really have a physical preference---it goes back to what I said above---what are they like as a person?--

The thing that makes a guy attractive to me at this point--is he interested in doing something with another guy and his he a decent enough fellow? Of course--there is the concern about STD's so I don't want someone who is laying any and everyone he can--woman or man---

I am not going to find a fantastic looking guy attractive if he gives no sense he is interested in being with another guy--but he can be attractive to me even though he may not be in the best of shape or whatever--- if he is interested in "playing" then he is attractive to me-- :)

the sacred night
Aug 23, 2006, 12:58 PM
I guess I am the only person who fits the stereotype here. I am into androgyny. I like feminine men and masculine women... so I often joke that I like to look at a person and have no idea which gender they are. Actually it would be kind of hot to meet someone and not know, and not ask or be told and be kept guessing until all was revealed. I also like a person who can be both, who is feminine at times and masculine at times. I also think it would be pretty cool to be with a transgendered person who is on the hormones and has had the surgery, but didn't actually get their genitals altered, so they have some feminine and some masculine traits, like a MtF who has boobs because of the hormones but still has a penis, or a FtM who to all appearances looks male until the pants come off and you see a vagina... I actually saw someone like that once and it was a big turn on for me.

Of course personality matters, and looks matter too, and they affect each other. I had a huge, very long lasting crush on a boy I went to school with for many years in elementary, middle, and high school, and by pure coincidence we ended up at the same college. Although I find him to be really hot, I know of no other girls who feel this way and I think it has always been more about the fact that he is really, really smart and intelligence is possibly the BIGGEST turn on for me. Probably if he wasn't so smart I wouldn't have looked twice, but because I am turned on by his intelligence, he started to seem good looking as well. By the same token, if someone is really good looking they might seem better in other ways. Either way, both personality and looks play a part, but to different degrees for different people. Sexuality is so unique, you really can't make any statement about it that will apply to everyone.

Aug 23, 2006, 1:18 PM
I'm wondering how many of us here are "drop-bi-sexual", meaning just plain kinky........ :)

What do you think?

love yoyo