View Full Version : Take the Quiz -- Are YOU an uptight asshole?

Jun 21, 2006, 3:03 PM
This piece went around some academic listservs, and gave me a few laughs. I scored a 13 on the asshole test, so I guess I'm not doing so badly.

Even though some of the items on the Tight Ass Early Detection Test are geared especially toward people who work in education, I think a lot of the same ideas hold true for lots of other fields too....

So take the test, and find out if YOU are an uptight asshole.


Tight Ass Early Detection (TAED) Test

Find out if you are an uptight asshole so you can begin early treatment. For each of the 30 statements below, decide if it is extremely accurate, very accurate, fairly accurate, a little accurate, or not accurate at all, about you.

For each extremely accurate statement, please give yourself a 4
For each very accurate statement, please give yourself a 3
For each fairly accurate statement, please give yourself a 2
For each slightly accurate statement, give yourself a 1
For each inaccurate statement give yourself a zero.

Then tally all your points and read your diagnosis on the bottom of the page.

1. You roll your eyes when people say things you disagree with.
2. You approach most debates with the beginning assumption that the one proved wrong should go and impale himself on a samurai sword.
3. You gloat under the guise of giving people unsolicited advice.
4. You call everybody smarter than you pretentious.
5. You call everybody less intelligent than you ignorant.
6. When someone says something and you’re jealous that you didn’t have the chance to say it first, you nitpick about some insignificant detail, or say, “well, it’s much more complicated than that.”
7. You harshly evaluate people who report to you and claim that you’re “preserving the standards of the profession.”
8. Every time you notice an error or weak point in a posting on a listserv, you flame the sender publicly.
9. You often allude to inside jokes between you and cool people, in front of people you consider less cool, just to make sure folks know you’re part of the in crowd.
10. When confronted by the fact that almost nobody likes you, you say you’re selective about who you associate with.
11. You promote yourself as a feminist and then undermine, badmouth, and sabotage women whenever you get a chance.
12. You condemn racists and then make every African American presenter at conferences, interviews, or workshops look stupid, “to make sure they don’t think they’re gonna get a free ride.”
13. You say that homophobia is an irrational prejudice, and then when someone confesses a homosexual experience to you, you make them feel like a perverted freak.
14. You proudly have “very few but very close friends,” with whom you mock all the people who try to get close to you.
15. You often say things like, “you don’t really know me,” or “I don’t really know you” to people, just when someone is starting to feel comfortable around you.
16. You bitch about Starbucks Coffee for its corporate monopoly and feel great about buying shag sweaters sewn by starving children in Ireland, Peru, or Indonesia.
17. You say that people who go to Hooters are pathetic trolls, then you masturbate to porn in the privacy of your own home.
18. You can’t express a thought without quoting an expert or someone famous.
19. You hate most people you meet and justify it by talking about what a horrible society you live in.
20. You see people wave or say hello and ignore them.
21. You act as though you’re selflessly helping humanity from bad ideas when you rip apart things that other people say or write.
22. You never give money to homeless people, and you rationalize your miserly attitude by quoting Thoreau, Nietzsche, or Emerson.
23. When you see someone with a youthful enthusiasm and creative approaches to their work, your first instinct is to crush their naivete and cut them down to size.
24. The thought of having an extended conversation (60+ minutes) with an auto mechanic, waitress, beautician, or garbage collector, makes you nervous.
25. When people refuse to bow to your self-appointed authority over all matters affecting the universe, you call them anti-intellectual and say they are the reason for the decline of Western civilization.
26. You condemn the fanaticism of religion and then treat your favorite expert like a messiah, upholding his or her latest book like it’s scripture.
27. You mock people for arriving at their beliefs by reflecting on personal experience (calling them “navel-gazers”) while you fail to mention that you’re really just bitter because you don’t have interesting experiences on which to base any beliefs.
28. You claim that your elitism and cantankerousness is the result of having high standards, and you dismiss being nice as a lack of rigor.
29. You like learning about the horrors committed against people in other parts of the world, and then when individuals tell you their problems, you admonish them for getting too personal.
30. You see yourself as an upstanding citizen, and yet you have a million reasons for why, when someone asks you for help, you can’t just stop, listen, and help them out.
31. BONUS: You have an unlisted phone number because the only people who would want to look you up are disgruntled enemies planning to prank call you.


To diagnose yourself, please add up all the points you received on the questionnaire.

45+ points: You’re not just an uptight asshole, you’re a twenty-megaton asshole. If you’re not already switching to a liquid diet, you should think about doing so soon. Only about one or two people in the world probably like you at this point, including members of your immediate family. With good reason, too. You are a shithead and a poser. Even I, the guy typing this up, don’t like you. Luckily I am a word processing specialist, so if you’re this much of a nitpicking, quibbling, high-strung piranha, you wouldn’t give me the time of day. The good news is you’re probably posed for a high-power career. The bad news is that the next time you have gas, you’re going to be in extreme pain because compound air molecules would have difficulty passing through that pinhole of a rectum you’ve got.

30-44: If you try to be a little nicer, you may be able to save yourself from the most deadly stages of uptightness, although your prospects are bleak. Stay at your current level of snobbery and self-righteousness and you may be able to enjoy yogurt, tomato soup and angel hair pasta fro the rest of your life. Bread products and large legumes will pose a problem. Go on a vacation somewhere, alone. Ask yourself: wouldn’t you hate traveling with an extra replica of yourself? That’s how the world feels when you’re around. This may help you lighten up and stop acting like a snide little snotrag.

16-29: There is still hope! Spend some time with your mother. Take a few days to read trashy books, the kind of stuff you’d find on sale at a highway rest stop. You’re getting a little uppity but if you can hire a leather dominatrix to loosen you up with a large, lubricated dildo, you may be able to relax and treat life with a sense of humor. If that fails, call 911 and ask the Fire Department to administer an emergency, high-power enema. Act now before you find yourself unable to look at a juicy beef sandwich without cringing.

Less than 15: Okay, you’re fairly nice. But don’t start thinking you’re perfect, you goody two-shoes. Somewhere you’re hiding a nasty viper’s heart. If you start thinking you’re oh-so-sweet, you’ll become full of shit when you least expect it. You may just be a backbiting, passive-aggressive punk, who would be an asshole with an ounce more confidence.

Zero: Everything they say about you is true. You are a gullible twit who knows nothing about the world. From now on, change your name to Doormat.

This diagnostic exam was developed by the United Nations Center for Lessening Educational Narcissism, Callousness, and Hubris, or UNCLENCH.

Driver 8
Jun 21, 2006, 3:36 PM
So take the test, and find out if YOU are an uptight asshole.
I'm offended by what you're implying by posting this! You're suggesting that some people here are uptight assholes! My good friend Thoreau and I were just talking about this the other day.

Jun 21, 2006, 4:00 PM

I was really worried I was going to have to ask Drew to change my name to Doormat until I got to #16. I'm safe now.

*guillible gawk at Driver 8* You know Thoreau?!? *hangs on your every word*

Driver 8
Jun 21, 2006, 4:18 PM
"Thoreau" can be our in-joke so we can mock those who aren't in like us.

Jun 21, 2006, 4:55 PM
Mock as you will but Henry David is a man amoung men. I on the other hand seem to be a pretty nice person, I still don't know why. Guess the blonde in me shows.


Jun 21, 2006, 10:18 PM
This is a peice of theoretic elitist bullshit. I am incenst that I not only can't spell any of the big words I want to use but can't because my incenstuous Appalachian mountain parents didn't have the intellegence to get out of hillbilly world and give me the ejecashun I deserved. And I'm really pissed that I only got an 18. Well at least I'm not in bad company, Thoreau contacted me via my buddy John what's his name--you know--the ghosty spiritty thingy guy ALL the cool people go to to talk with dead friends and relatives, and told me HE got an 18, too.

Jun 21, 2006, 11:17 PM
i took one glance down the list, knew immeadiatly that i would score zero as nobody but the biggest twit could have written such drivel and i am far above all that ignorant twaddle; and ghandi agrees with me! :rotate:

meteast chick
Jun 21, 2006, 11:57 PM
oh dang it all to h-e-double hockey sticks! LOL!

No, really, I only got 8! Should I be worried?
I mean, my high school graduating class only had 31!!!

AHHHH! I'm not good, I only look that way...um, what can I say to make up for this horrifyingly sin-like questionairre response?

Oh I know, I'll go hang out with Driver and Thoreau and see if I can redeem myself!

luv and kisses,

Jun 22, 2006, 12:25 AM
oh dang it all to h-e-double hockey sticks! LOL!

No, really, I only got 8! Should I be worried?
I mean, my high school graduating class only had 31!!!

AHHHH! I'm not good, I only look that way...um, what can I say to make up for this horrifyingly sin-like questionairre response?

Oh I know, I'll go hang out with Driver and Thoreau and see if I can redeem myself!

luv and kisses,

I only got an 8 too, canI go with You to visit Driver and Thoreau?

Lisa (va)
Jun 22, 2006, 12:41 AM
What a quiz !


hugs n kisses

Jun 22, 2006, 1:07 AM
Lining myself up next to Lisa......*sigh*

What pattern did you pick out for YOUR Doormat sign?

Jun 22, 2006, 1:46 AM
Thoreau is a bit too often wrongheaded for me to choose him as a frequent companion. After looking around for a bit, I found that the best companion was God. Not the god that the Jews and the Christians created or any of those invented by the Hindus or the Greeks, but the really good guy that I created. Ok, he is a pretend friend, but at least he can hold up his side of the conversation, if I think hard enough for him.

Despite keeping such company, I actually would seem to have a pretty low score. Unless, of course, you propose using force to take one of my many freedoms away from me. Then I might roll my eyes, but I probably would not propose locking you away and confiscating your property. This seems to me to come close to making me a doormat.

I have had some pretty interesting and long conversations with late night cleaning crew people. You just need to find out what they know about and enjoy learning from them. When I was a graduate student, I discovered that our 60 year old cleaning woman was one of the wisest people I ever met on the general subject of life. She was more interesting than most of the professors or most of the other graduate students. Later I met a guy on a cleaning crew who was quite a talented artist and again an interesting conversationalist. Then there was the sign painter who was one of the best read people I have ever met. Can't say that I have ever had a conversation with a beautician, however.

Jun 22, 2006, 2:06 AM
Well I'm glad I'll at least see some friendly faces at the doormat shop.

Jun 22, 2006, 1:26 PM
Arana, Country Lover, CityGuy, and Lisa (Va),

I would meet you at the doormat store, but Driver, Itsjustme, Ruth, Thoreau, and I are busy flaming people who say things we don't like on other listservs.... Um, I'd tell you what those listservs are, but really, they're not designed for doormats like you. Only cool people are allowed to join. But I think I'll send you an email with lots of unsolicited advice, so I can show off how great I am. Then I'll blame you for ruining society when you get annoyed. Driver and Ruth have bought a lifetime supply of angel hair pasta, and while I was having dinner with Angelina Jolie the other day, we came up with all these great ways to talk about Friedrich Nietzsche, just not in front of a beautician, unless she's homeless and asking us for change.


Driver 8
Jun 22, 2006, 2:46 PM
I'm so reminded of a "friend" who sent my first girlfriend a letter that read:

"Where I'm living now is the perfect place for highly evolved people, and I'm sure that where you are is the perfect place for you." Oh, how we laughed.

Jun 22, 2006, 2:59 PM
hmmmm....I got a 3...but i am not niave or easy (except to get in bed) but then again I have always said certian types (and you can usually tell them by their swagger) need to relax their asshole some.

Jun 22, 2006, 4:09 PM
Arana, Country Lover, CityGuy, and Lisa (Va),

I would meet you at the doormat store, but Driver, Itsjustme, Ruth, Thoreau, and I are busy flaming people who say things we don't like on other listservs.... Um, I'd tell you what those listservs are, but really, they're not designed for doormats like you. Only cool people are allowed to join. But I think I'll send you an email with lots of unsolicited advice, so I can show off how great I am. Then I'll blame you for ruining society when you get annoyed. Driver and Ruth have bought a lifetime supply of angel hair pasta, and while I was having dinner with Angelina Jolie the other day, we came up with all these great ways to talk about Friedrich Nietzsche, just not in front of a beautician, unless she's homeless and asking us for change.

You know you all are just jealous of our doormat status. We know all those people but we don't like to flaunt. So there! :tong:

Oooops! Did I just take myself out of doormat status saying that?

Jun 22, 2006, 5:23 PM
OK so I read this and immediately thought of my friends husband. He is such an asshole. So I emailed this to her....she laughed so hard and forwarded it on to him....he scored a 35 when he took it himself. He sent the answers back to her and his comments...she added her comments to it and what she thought he score should have been and got a 52! Thats more like it....and when he replied, he actually agreed. Thanks for giving us such a laugh.


Jun 23, 2006, 12:31 AM
I'm so reminded of a "friend" who sent my first girlfriend a letter that read:

"Where I'm living now is the perfect place for highly evolved people, and I'm sure that where you are is the perfect place for you." Oh, how we laughed.

Driver!!! Stop telling people about that letter I wrote!


Jun 23, 2006, 12:33 AM
You know you all are just jealous of our doormat status. We know all those people but we don't like to flaunt. So there! :tong:

Oooops! Did I just take myself out of doormat status saying that?

You DID lose your doormat status with that flame! Which means now you're in the "pretty nice" range along with Onewhocares, Meteast Chick, Deltatwo, and NightHawk who hangs out with God. Now I'm REALLY jealous! You guys have the ultimate clique.


Jun 23, 2006, 12:35 AM
OK so I read this and immediately thought of my friends husband. He is such an asshole. So I emailed this to her....she laughed so hard and forwarded it on to him....he scored a 35 when he took it himself. He sent the answers back to her and his comments...she added her comments to it and what she thought he score should have been and got a 52! Thats more like it....and when he replied, he actually agreed. Thanks for giving us such a laugh.



A 52! Wow that's an accomplishment. But I should tell you, since I work in university education, I know, personally, more than a few people who scored even higher than that. Think of all the endowed chairs, associate deans, and grant administrators! I know two people who scored 79 and 85, respectively, and the record was set by a high-up administrator at a flagship state college (who shall remain nameless). She received a 102.


PS. What's YOUR score? The rest of us exposed our assholery.

Jun 23, 2006, 2:52 AM
Johnny V,

Well thanks for putting me in the pretty nice crowd. That group looks like good company. I was kind of figuring that I certainly was not in the cool crowd and wasn't in the doormat group, but what with only rating my own imaginary god, that might well have left me in left field. This was compounded by not having known any beauticians, which may have prompted a part of your cool group comment a bit ago about homeless beauticians. Having some penchant for offering unwanted advice online, though not in person, and being a bit of a pedant if only because I am constantly teaching people in my work, you had lots of latitude with an assignment. Purgatory is where some would put me!

Angelina and I usually talk about Ayn Rand. Friedrich Nietzsche is making a comeback in academic circles, but he is not rational enough to provide the framework of a philosophy for living life. Sure, he made some interesting observations, but he was also sometimes off the wall. So, we mostly talk about Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism. If you want to check up on me on this, ask God. You can also check out The New Individualist of January and February at The Objectivist Center or The Atlas Society.

Well, back to teaching young scientists how to think. Nobody knows anything when they come out of college. Thank God they learn on the job both from mentors who long have lived in the real world and on their own once they are faced by the real world.

Driver 8
Jun 23, 2006, 8:30 AM
JohnnyV! You're back! I thought you were taking a break from the site to party, I mean, concentrate on your paradigm-busting academic writing.

Jun 23, 2006, 9:09 AM
I got a 12.

Jun 23, 2006, 10:07 AM
I may not be an uptight asshole, but I am anal-retentive. In fact, I am so anal-retentive that I can assure you it is indeed hyphenated.

Thoreau, Nietzsche, Emerson? HA! Why they never knew the meaning of being superior.

Oops, I think my Freudian slip is showing :)

Fun quiz!

Jun 23, 2006, 1:29 PM
You DID lose your doormat status with that flame! Which means now you're in the "pretty nice" range along with Onewhocares, Meteast Chick, Deltatwo, and NightHawk who hangs out with God. Now I'm REALLY jealous! You guys have the ultimate clique.

Dammit!!! I just had my doormat monogrammed.

Jun 23, 2006, 2:29 PM
Dammit!!! I just had my doormat monogrammed.

[ducking for cover/] This time, did you remember to write Aradia, not Arana? [ducking for cover].

Jun 23, 2006, 3:02 PM
[ducking for cover/] This time, did you remember to write Aradia, not Arana? [ducking for cover].
[Gives JohnnyV stare so intense he turns to swiss cheese/]No, I am arana now. Geez! [Gives JohnnyV stare so intense he turns to swiss cheese] :tong:

meteast chick
Jun 23, 2006, 3:16 PM
Can't we all just get along guys???

I love you all, u know that, I must say I might have shown a bit of my religion on chat the other night. You know: The Ascendancy of the Ass Holy? I must say, only because some of my beloved friends on this site were being bullied and name called and I wouldn't stand for it. I guess I do care, because no one, NO ONE can burn one of my friends and think they can get away with it! I'm not talking about Arana and Johnny, don't worry, but ask LadyD if your confused.

Oh yeah, and twodelta...COME ON DOWN!!!

luv and kisses,

Jun 23, 2006, 3:33 PM
Can't we all just get along guys???

I love you all, u know that, I must say I might have shown a bit of my religion on chat the other night. You know: The Ascendancy of the Ass Holy? I must say, only because some of my beloved friends on this site were being bullied and name called and I wouldn't stand for it. I guess I do care, because no one, NO ONE can burn one of my friends and think they can get away with it! I'm not talking about Arana and Johnny, don't worry, but ask LadyD if your confused.

Oh yeah, and twodelta...COME ON DOWN!!!

luv and kisses,

YGG -- as in, You Go Girl!

I have no idea what the details are, but if there was some Uptight Asshole-ness involved, I say -- you have no reason to be a doormat! (Apologies to the people who scored zero on the asshole test and are, by definition, doormats.)



little clown
Jun 23, 2006, 7:57 PM

I've got a website with bi pride stuff on it.
It seems like I'll have to put up a Doormat Pride site instead.

Does anybody think it's possible for us doormats to get our own pride parades?

BTW: Living in the Netherlands, I would seriously doubt the sanity
of a Dutch person who'd hop on to a plane to the US just to go to Hooters.
Does that make me any less of a doormat?

Take care,
Doormat Dani.
(That alliterates nicely though, doesn't it?)


Jun 23, 2006, 8:28 PM
The first time I looked at this and saw the very first question and realized I maxed that one, I didn't look any further. Thank Myself (LOL) for finally taking it and realizing I only scored a 15. That first 4 scared me!

Jun 23, 2006, 8:45 PM
Does anybody think it's possible for us doormats to get our own pride parades?

BTW: Living in the Netherlands, I would seriously doubt the sanity
of a Dutch person who'd hop on to a plane to the US just to go to Hooters.
Does that make me any less of a doormat?

If I remember correctly, they tried to organize a Doormat parade last year, but the Asshole Pride Parade was scheduled to last four months, and the assholes didn't want to give the doormats that one day. So the doormats politely agreed not to have anything. I think the Doormat slogan was:

"I'm here, I'm queer, is that okay with you?"

lol.... Yes, I think you get at least 1 or 2 points for disapproving of a Dutch person flying 8 hours to eat bad hamburgers and flirt with American bimboes in tight polyester. As the starter of this thread, I hereby revoke your Doormat status....

You are now one of the "fairly nice" group along with NightHawk, Ayn Rand, and the imaginary God.


Jun 23, 2006, 8:46 PM
The first time I looked at this and saw the very first question and realized I maxed that one, I didn't look any further. Thank Myself (LOL) for finally taking it and realizing I only scored a 15. That first 4 scared me!

lol! Isn't it such a letdown to know that you're really a nice guy underneath all your attempts to be an asshole? Awwww. You get to hang with Driver 8 and Thoreau. And with 15, now you have an excuse to call 911 and get that enema you've always wanted.


Jun 23, 2006, 9:01 PM

A 52! Wow that's an accomplishment. But I should tell you, since I work in university education, I know, personally, more than a few people who scored even higher than that. Think of all the endowed chairs, associate deans, and grant administrators! I know two people who scored 79 and 85, respectively, and the record was set by a high-up administrator at a flagship state college (who shall remain nameless). She received a 102.


PS. What's YOUR score? The rest of us exposed our assholery.

Well Johnny, I scored a 15...so what does that make me? An Asshole 25% of the time?

Jun 23, 2006, 9:14 PM
Well Johnny, I scored a 15...so what does that make me? An Asshole 25% of the time?

Well, it makes you exactly on the border between "pretty nice" and "an asshole, but there's hope." You could go either way, which means.... I guess... that you're confused.

This may last a long time, possibly your whole life, making you....

Confused for life?

I'm sorry, a silly joke. Shoot me for the bad pun; I'm running on 3 hours of sleep and a gallon of coffee!


Jun 23, 2006, 10:07 PM
I used to be in the pretty nice group with some pretty nice people like OneWhoCares. Is the fairly nice group of NightHawk, Ayn Rand, and the imaginary God less nice than the pretty nice group? Or is it just recognition that NightHawk is not so good looking as OneWhoCares and the rest of the pretty nice group?

Oh come on, what do you care. After all, you have a personal God, a good conversational friend! Besides, Angelina wants to play Dagny and we have always been close. The memory of carrying her down the mountain after her plane crash is still fresh as yesterday.

Jun 23, 2006, 10:56 PM
I used to be in the pretty nice group with some pretty nice people like OneWhoCares. Is the fairly nice group of NightHawk, Ayn Rand, and the imaginary God less nice than the pretty nice group? Or is it just recognition that NightHawk is not so good looking as OneWhoCares and the rest of the pretty nice group?

Oh come on, what do you care. After all, you have a personal God, a good conversational friend! Besides, Angelina wants to play Dagny and we have always been close. The memory of carrying her down the mountain after her plane crash is still fresh as yesterday.


I guess the whole difference hinges on whether "pretty" or "fairly" is a better adverb to describe a group that includes Ayn Rand. Attached is her photo. Judging from the way she looks, I think "fair" is a better term than "pretty."

But don't trust me on such matters, I scored a 13 on the asshole test and I'm almost in the range requiring the giant enema.



Jun 24, 2006, 3:09 PM
It is about her ideas, not her appearance! Besides, she only wanted to be dominated by a man, while I prefer more variety and certainly more gentle loving. She also had a few prejudices, such as thinking only heterosexuality was moral, that bearded men were hiding their faces and their bad character, and that only tall men were her type. Seems that even many good ideas may come with some bad ones. The individual still needs to think for himself and separate the good from the bad. Some of her ideas were not consistent with the greater part of her generally rational philosophy. But, rest assured that God and I are working to straighten her out.

Jun 24, 2006, 3:12 PM
Johnny V,

In the context of our times, a 13 is pretty good. Take it easy. No one is having any trouble getting along with you. Heck, you even tolerate me! You must be pretty easy going.

Jun 24, 2006, 6:23 PM


Jun 24, 2006, 7:05 PM
I scored a 21. So I'm pretentious. So I like nice things. I carry leather handbags and occasionally giggle at the poor women carrying the crap from WalMart or the "designer inspired" bags.

So I'm pretentious. So I think that my oppinion is something of value in the context of my field.

Uhm...what's the number of that Dominatrix with the dildo? Maybe I need to loosen up a bit.

Jun 24, 2006, 7:39 PM
oh dang it all to h-e-double hockey sticks! LOL!

No, really, I only got 8! Should I be worried?
I mean, my high school graduating class only had 31!!!

AHHHH! I'm not good, I only look that way...um, what can I say to make up for this horrifyingly sin-like questionairre response?

Oh I know, I'll go hang out with Driver and Thoreau and see if I can redeem myself!

luv and kisses,

I got a 7... I guess I should worry too. My graduating class had 36. We are in the same boat ....

Then again "I took the road less traveled"


Jun 25, 2006, 12:19 AM


Yes, very interesting. Hope you like yogurt.



Jun 25, 2006, 12:21 AM
I scored a 21. So I'm pretentious. So I like nice things. I carry leather handbags and occasionally giggle at the poor women carrying the crap from WalMart or the "designer inspired" bags.

So I'm pretentious. So I think that my oppinion is something of value in the context of my field.

Uhm...what's the number of that Dominatrix with the dildo? Maybe I need to loosen up a bit.

Her name is Elvira and she works wonders. My next appointment is next week, so I'll drop your name. That'll also give me a chance to mention someone cool, which I like (since I scored a 13 and really want to move up into the serious asshole categories.) Do you have an inside joke we could share?


PS. If people call you pretentious, remember, they're assholes who aren't as smart as you.


Jun 25, 2006, 12:23 AM
I got a 7... I guess I should worry too. My graduating class had 36. We are in the same boat ....

Then again "I took the road less traveled"


At least if you're on the road, even one less traveled, you don't need a doormat around.