View Full Version : public promise

Warrior Poet 69
Aug 30, 2012, 2:31 AM
I chose my name because it quite aptly describes me. I am a former MMA fighter and I am also a published poet. I tell you this because the first part means that I love to fight and the second means not always physically. I am quite capable of holding my own in a verbal sparring match. When this is done in an intelligent and thought provoking way I really write enjoy it! Ok, so maybe I didn't mean to use fighting when talking about doing it verbally. Let's say debate instead. Now to the point. Having been hanging out and seeing all the crap that has been going on here as of late, meaning all the hate and putting down of others in respect to opinions on trolls and sock puppets, and knowing myself as well as I do I would like to make a public promise to you all that I will try to make sure that I never cross that line from debate to actual fighting. I think there is entirely too much of that here already and I want in no way, shape or form to add to the insanity. If any of you should see me crossing that line at any time I respectfully ask for a metaphorical smack up side my head and a reminder of this promise. There should be no reason we can't have rational intelligent conversation or even debate over different opinions. I further challenge any and all to make the same promise and abide by it!

Warrior Poet 69
Aug 30, 2012, 2:33 AM
Damn I hate typos....quite enjoy, not write enjoy

Aug 30, 2012, 3:36 AM
First, welcome.
Second, I think the vast majority of us try fiercly to adhere to what you suggest, but alas, we are only human.
Most try to attack ideas (debate) and not the person. Some do not do that. For those that do not, we have to defend ourselves against slander and insults. Personally, even after I am attacked personally, I try not to attack the other party that way. But when the insults are continuously vicious and personal, the gloves come off.
I love good debates and hope that you and I can sometime have an open, honest, fair debate sometime on the issues. I look forward to it.

Aug 30, 2012, 4:21 AM
Welcome Sugar. Most of us here would rather be considered "Lover's not Fighters" Healthy debate is finem, but lots of the time some people find it necessary to take it to the extreme and become a Spynchter Muscle with legs....
Many of us just prefer to kick back, relax, and enjoy the comaraderie of like-minded fun folks. No need for rowdyness or a constant fight. That gets soo old and boring after a while, and tends to turn people off. Many of us are Wounded Warriors in our own rights, and just prefer the fun life.
Hope you find most of us pretty easy going and peaceful..:} Enjoy.
Ever'body's Feline

Aug 30, 2012, 4:24 AM
*If any of you should see me crossing that line at any time I respectfully ask for a metaphorical smack up side my head and a reminder of this promise.*

PS. And please be careful telling me this. I have no prob in doing so, or chewing someones ass profusely if I feel they need it. But most of the time, I'm a sweet, purring type of Kitty. Ask anybody. Uhmm,,,well maybe not..lol

Warrior Poet 69
Aug 30, 2012, 8:26 AM
Thanks all for the welcome!

Warrior Poet 69
Aug 31, 2012, 1:25 PM
Cat...I'll never shy away from an ass chewing, or licking, or sticking for that matter! I've eaten kitty many times and had the kitty eat me and loved every second of it! Do your worst girlfriend, or better yet, your best! Ain't skeered! :tongue:

Sep 1, 2012, 4:30 PM
lol Never want you scared of me, Darlin. You asked to had a head cuffing if you needed it, I said I have no prob in doing so..:} I dont chew unless I need to, like I said, I'd rather be a Lover not a fighter. Wont start nuthin, less'n I have to, but wont back down from anything either.
Licks, Sugar
Sweet, gentle little PussyCat (Hush Rich) lol